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Binder jetting (BJ) sand printing is a 3D printing process in which a sand mould or sand core is produced from an STL file. A single layer of a sand matrix consisting of one or more grains in height of sand is applied to a worktable, and then a liquid resin or binder is applied to bond the grains together. This process is repeated until the final result matches the CAD model. The sand matrix is the main component of ceramic cores and moulds. The present study aims to demonstrate the influence of the matrix used on the properties of the resulting moulding sand. Three types of sand matrices were selected for the study. The first was a quartz matrix for 3D printing with binder jetting; this is characterised by a sharp geometry that allows for proper layering during printing. Ordinary quartz sand was also used for the study; this type of sand is usually used for the production of sand cores in the hotbox process, among other things. The shape of this sand is irregular. The last matrix to be tested was Cerabeads sand; this was selected because its spherical geometry clearly distinguishes it from the other two matrices. The matrices were analysed for their grain sizes. Scanning electron microscope images were also taken to compare the geometries and chemical compositions of the respective matrices. In presented research utilises a sand matrix for the production of self-curing compounds with furan resin dedicated for binder jetting 3D printing. The moulding masses were produced in a laboratory circulation mixer. The laboratory moulds were produced with wooden core boxes and pre-compacted by vibration. The samples from the matrix for the 3D printing were produced using the binder jetting method. The samples were produced to determine the flexural strength, tensile strength, gas permeability, hot distortion, and apparent density. It was not possible to carry out tests for the Cerabeads sand, as the obtained moulds were too brittle to perform adequate tests. Tests with the other matrices have shown that the shape and size of the matrix affect the apparent density and gas permeability.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D.R. Gruszka
R. Dańko
M. Dereń
A. Wodzisz

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Poland

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