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This article characterizes the etiology of temporomandibular disorder with particular emphasis on emotional factors that have a major impact on the development of these dysfunctions and the most common their symptoms. They mainly affect people in the third and fourth decade of life and women predominate among this group of patients.
The article analyzes the current literature (Pub Med Database, Scopus and EMBASE) in relation to the conditions in the work environment, which often constitute important causes of emotional tensions, constant state of mental tension and susceptibility to the effects of stressors, which have an impact on the state of functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the masticatory system.
Despite the high frequency of temporomandibular disorders, unfortunately only a few studies describe the influence of harmful factors related to the work environment, and own experience (information from the patient’s interview) and data from the literature indicate a significant share of these factors in the devel-opment of temporomandibular disorder. The relationships and anatomical connections affecting the influence of stressors on the functioning of masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints are also discussed. In conclusion, it should be stated that the work environment and the emotional tensions generated in it constitute a serious sociological problem and increase the risk of developing and intensify the symptoms of TMD.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Pihut
Magdalena Orczykowska
Andrzej Gala

  1. Prosthodontic and Orthodontic Department, Dental Institute, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a disease of multifactorial etiology and a complex of symptoms, related to disorders of the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints and the surround-ing orofacial structures. One of the main problems in the course of TMD disorders is the systematic increase in the tension of the masticatory muscles (masseter muscles, temporalis and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles), what is the cause of many damages and the development of pathological conditions in the stomatognathic system.
The article discusses the differences in the structure of the masticatory and skeletal muscles, as well as the different nature and isoforms of myosin, which determines the much faster generation of contraction in the masticatory muscles and consequently easier generation of excessive, harmful tensions in the masti-catory muscles.
The article describes the causes of increased tension in the masticatory muscles and methods of their relaxation used in the basic and supportive treatment of temporomandibular disorders. The use of occlusal splints, physiotherapeutic procedures and TMD treatment with botulinum toxin type A were character-ized. A role of psychological support and the methods used for patients with TMD were emphasized.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Pihut
Magdalena Orczykowska
Piotr Ceranowicz
Ilona Korzonek
Andrzej Gala

  1. Prosthodontic and Orthodontic Department Dental Institute, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Nutrition-Related Disease Prevention, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

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