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The article represents research into poetry written during the Revolution of Dignity (2014). Such artistic texts are analyzed as a kind of phenomenon of contemporary literature. These are the poems of famous authors or even amateurs, united by a common sacred code. They appeal to the patterns and archetypes of the collective consciousness of Ukrainians. In the poetry of Euromaidan the researcher underlines two types of sacralization, which can be conditionally called masculine and feminine (paternal and maternal). The masculine type of this process realizes a symbolic projection of the figure of Jesus Christ. This symbol emphasizes the determination of the act, active attitude, the idea of fighting for the truth, as well as the willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the common good. The feminine version of the proces of sacralization is the Virgin Mary. This image appeals not to the heroic act, but to its emotional reflection, more specifically – the suffering, pain, traumatic experience of the victim. It corresponds to the archetypal image of the Mother of God, the Suffering Mother, who sacrifices her own son to death and cries for him later. The embodiment of the Christian sacrum in the poetry of the Maidan testifies to the fidelity to both European and Ukrainian traditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In contemporary cultural discourse, Chernobyl is associated with nuclear apocalypse. The author of the article examines two authors’ visions of Chernobyl in Ukrainian literature, which represent different textual strategies of the copreciprocalization of the trauma experienced. One of them, revealed in Markiyan Kamysh’s novel Oformlandia (2015), is an attempt to reconstruct a post‐apocalyptic world. The writer’s narrator, who is the same age as the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, travels to the Zone and talks about it as an exotic space that is freed from human presence. In Teodosia Zarivna’s novel The Silence of Caesium (2022) the narrator is a peasant woman who oppositely has spent her entire life near Chernobyl, but after the accident returns and becomes the last resident in her native village. The first work presents an imaginary model of the future: Chernobyl becomes a place of exotic excursions and extreme tourists. In the second, the Zone appears as an organic factor in a picture of the past – a historical era of the twentieth century, which is fading into oblivion along with its last witnesses.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The article is research into the traumatic experience of war, based on the Volodymyr Rafieienko’s novel Petrichor – Smell of the Earth after the Rain. It’s logical to examine this text from the position of trauma studies, which have become very actual in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences. The writer represented the prospect of overcoming collective and individual trauma in a very original way. He describes in details the painful experiences caused by the forced resettlement of people, and most of all – the feeling of guilt due to the death of close ones. Rafieienko’s novel reflects the world of imagination of a person with a disturbed psyche. In such a way, he suggests a new kind of narration where imaginarium (the world of fantasy, visions and the dreams of the characters) and the pictures of an unbearable reality, which must be recalled to understand the depth of the pain in order to continue living, are crossed in a natural way. Petrichor… represents the author’s individual vision of the cultural trauma, which causes a radical change in human identity. This new identity is the creative force and at the same time, it impresses on one the state of total danger, nationwide mobilization and solidarity. The writer raises the issue of sacred sacrifice. We mean the price that must be paid for the renunciation of the difficult past. All this leads to a persistent psychological disorder within the novel’s characters. Thus, Rafieienko carries out a mental topography of trauma, indicating its important markers and motives within a specific geocultural space.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

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