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In 1999-2001 the occurrence of thrips was analysed on seven cultivars of pea. The samples of leaves, then leaves and flower buds and the flowers were collected from plots. The analyses were initiated when the earliest cultivar (Sześciotygodniowy) began flowering and were repeated every 4-7 days, until the end of flowering. The following species of th rips were found: Franklinie/la intonsa Trybom, Thrips major Uzel, Thrips fuscipennis Hal., Thrips tabaci Lind. and Kakothrips robustus Uzel. The clear differences between the number of thrips on the particular cul tivars of pea were noticed. The most attractive were late cultivars Nike and Telefon as well as middle late Delisa II. It seems that the most important factor effecting on the number of thrips on particular cultivars was rather the start and the end of flowering than the length of the flowering period. The greatest number of thrips was noticed on flowers, from 50% to 77%. The thrips initially were found on leaves and then, as the pea was growing, on the flower buds and flowers. After the emergence of thrips, the analyses should be first initiated on leaves.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Wnuk
Maria Pobożniak

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W artykule opisujemy zmiany w zakresie jakości badań jakościowych wynikające z dostosowywania praktyk badawczych do warunków pandemicznych na kolejnych etapach procesu badawczego. Analiza powstała na podstawie 32 wywiadów pogłębionych z badaczami i badaczkami społeczno-humanistycznymi. Omawiamy „drogi do jakości” i „drogi do niejakości” w badaniach jakościowych w czasie kryzysu pandemicznego. Osoby prowadzące badania cechowała ambiwalencja w ocenie wpływu warunków pandemicznych na jakość ich badań. Analiza skupień pokazała z kolei, że strategie zapewniania jakości badań jakościowych w pandemii różniły się ze względu na uważność na zmiany jakości w różnych fazach procesu badawczego. Wyróżniono strategie polegające na dążeniu do osiągania jakości głównie na etapie realizacji badań oraz strategie holistyczne, skupione na zapewnianiu jakości we wszystkich fazach badania. Uzyskane wyniki zostały zinterpretowane w odniesieniu do czterech podejść do jakości badań jakościowych wyróżnionych na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwia Męcfal
Beata Bielska
Katarzyna Kalinowska
Adrianna Surmiak

  1. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
  3. Instytut Socjologii im. E. Wnuk-Lipińskiego Collegium Civitas
  4. Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The paper presents a series of designed microstrip antennas with different gain and width radiation characteristics and intended for use in Wi-Fi systems. These antennas in a multilayer system were analyzed with the use of computer programs, and then the parameters and characteristics of these antennas were measured. At the same time, to check the correctness of work, additional measurements of the temperature of the radiators were used with a thermal imaging camera. The obtained results were compared with the results of calculations and measurements. They show high compliance with both calculations and measurements. At the same time, thermovision measurements show the weaknesses of the designed power lines.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marian Wnuk

  1. Military University of Technology, Poland
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This study addresses the issues related to the quality of the connection between cast iron liners and inserts in a pressure die-cast automotive engine block, along with the macro and micro wear of the cylinder bearing surface. it was found that the commonly used HPDC high-pressure casting technology of Al-Si alloy engine blocks with cast iron liners, in which the cylinder liner is then recreated, does not ensure their metallic connection. The micro-gap created there becomes thicker as the engine is used, which worsens the conditions for heat dissipation from the sleeve to the block. Locally, on the surface of the cylinder bearing surface, reductions in honing effects and longitudinal cracks were observed. The presented literature mechanism of micro wear of the cylinder bearing surface, dependent on the morphology of graphite segregations, was confirmed. The mechanism of creating micro-breaks in the area of phosphoric eutectic and graphite precipitation occurrence was presented, initiated by the formation of microcracks in the eutectic and delaminations at the eutectic-matrix boundary.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Orłowicz
M. Radoń
M. Lenik
G. Wnuk

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
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Biodegradable materials represent a new class of biocompatible materials with applications in many medical cases where the support must be provided only for a certain period. In this article obtaining of ZnMgY alloy is presented along with some basic characteristic investigations like chemical composition (energy dispersive spectroscopy – EDS), microstructure (optical microscopy – OM and scanning and electron microscopy – SEM), immersion behavior in 10xDPBS (Dulbecco Phosphate Buffer Saline) solution (mass loss and surface degradation), electro-corrosion behavior (potentiostat with a three electrodes cell) and micro-hardness of the experimental alloy compared to cast Zn and ZnMg materials. The results present an improvement of micro-hardness of Zn by alloying with Mg and Y and a modification of corrosion resistance.
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Authors and Affiliations

C. Panaghie
N. Cimpoesu
M. Benchea
A.-M. Roman
V. Manole
A. Alexandru
R. Cimpoesu
M.M. Cazacu
I. Wnuk
G. Zegan

  1. Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science Engineering, Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron Str., no. 41, Iași 700050, Romania
  2. Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron Str., No. 61-63, Iași 700050, Romania
  3. Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Department of Physics, Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron Str., No. 59A, Iași 700050, Romania
  4. Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
  5. Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University Str., No. 16, Iași 700115, Romania

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