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The paper presents a suggestion of modification of Otrebski' s theorem for some special structures of geodetic networks. The modification leads to forming up the conditional equation system with unknowns. A new parameter as a global criterion of evaluation of the quality of the networks characterized by an inhomogenous observation system, has been introduced as well.
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Tadeusz Gargula
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Studies on packaging made of polylactide (PLA) subjected to long-term influence of soil environment conditions have been presented in this paper. The scientific objective of this study was to determine changes in selected properties of the PLA packaging after long-term incubation in soil. These changes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and gel permeation chromatography. The structure, thermal properties, and disintegration degree of the packaging after their three-year incubation in soil have been discussed. It was found that the PLA packaging did not disintegrate significantly in the soil environment, and slight changes in their structure and lack of significant changes in thermal properties indicate that the efficiency of their degradation in soil conditions after three years is very low. This was mainly due to inadequate temperatures in the soil. It was also found (based on the results of scanning electron microscopy and gel permeation chromatography) that initiation of the biodegradation process took place and that this process is much faster than in the case of conventional non-biodegradable polymers. The results are confirmation that materials obtained of various biodegradable polymers (not only PLA) should be biodegradable only under strictly defined conditions, allocated to a specific type of polymer, i.e. those in which they are easily and quickly biodegradable
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Malinowski
Marta Musioł
Krzysztof Moraczewski
Volodymyr Krasinskyi
Lauren Szymańska
Krzysztof Bajer

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes, Toruń, Poland
  2. Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
  3. Faculty of Materials Engineering, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
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The article shows the results of research on methane concentration changes along mine galleries. The experiment was conducted in a longwall area mined using a U-type system, and the results were obtained in situ. The main goal was to measure methane concentration by function of gallery length and dividing segments of methane data into segments, which ultimately enabled separate analysis of these methane data. The analysis led to the diagnosis of methane hazard through the detection of exceedance of the assumed tolerance area.
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Piotr Ostrogórski
Przemysław Skotniczny

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 27 Reymonta Str.,30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The current trend of continuous improvement of various components constantly pushes the development of new materials forward. The basic goal of research into new and better materials is to improve their properties compared to the original material. One of the essential properties of the newly developed aluminum alloys is their resistance to the formation of tearing. Tears appear during the solidification of the casting and break the integrity due to tension arising while cooling. Several factors influence the susceptibility to tearing, but they can be minimized and reduce the chance of their occurrence. As part of the experiment, the AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy was evaluated in four material variants, without additives (in the reference state), with the addition of transition elements Zr, Ti and their combination Zr + Ti. Susceptibility to the formation of teras was assessed using a qualitative method supplemented by microscopic analysis of the tear profile and determination of the dendritic coherence temperature. The evaluation shows that the addition of Zr increased the susceptibility to tear formation. On the contrary, the addition of Ti had a positive effect and reduced the susceptibility to the formation of tears. The effect of the addition of Zr and Ti in the AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy showed a similar values as without the addition of alloys (reference condition). Microstructural analysis of the tear profile pointed to the negative influence of phases rich in Zr. The subsequent evaluation of the dendritic coherence temperature of individual AlSi5Cu2Mg alloys did not show a correlation with the results of a quantitative evaluation of susceptibility to tears.
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M. Matejka
D. Bolibruchová
E. Kantoríková

  1. University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Technological Engineering, Slovak Republic
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The research into the occurrence of herbivorous heteroptera of Orthops genus on Sosnowski’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) was carried out over 1999–2002 in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz. The analysis of the faunistic material collected of Heteroptera order showed the occurrence of 3 species where dominant heteroptera were represented by: Orthops campestris L. (48.57%) and Orthops kalmi L.(44.91%), while Orthops basalis Costa was scarce. The maximum abundance of these species coincided with full flowering and the beginning of hogweed fruit formation.

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Danuta Wrzesińska
Maria Wawrzyniak
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Principles of bioluminescence have been described as well as some examples of the biotests that utilize natural bacterial luminescence for assessment of the effects of environment contamination and remediation have been reviewed. The achievements of the last eight years and a new outlook on using rapid biotests for waters, wastewaters, sediments and soils toxicity investigations have been taken into account.
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Beata Cwalina
Anna Wiącek-Rosińska
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The results of the eddy currents losses calculations with using electrodynamics scaling were presented in this paper. Scaling rules were used for obtain the values of the eddy currents losses. For the calculations Finite Element Method was used. Numerical calculations were verified by measurements and a good agreement was obtained.

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Dariusz Koteras
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The report includes a detailed analysis of the more recent research findings on the effects of neonicotinoids and their new substitutes and tools to reduce or eliminate future use of pesticides for the control of crop pests. This analysis is a contribution to a wider debate within the Commission and European Parliament as well as Member States on the environmental risk of pesticides. The evidence of the drastic increase in toxic load and the continued insect decline including pollinators as a result of new-generation pesticides argues for a more substantial reduction in the Commission’s 2030 target to reduce pesticide use and risk. We support the Commission’s measures to encourage an agricultural system that regards integrated pest management (IPM) based on biological rather than chemical pest control as a main tool. Substantial economic and cultural barriers exist to IPM and will require coordinated action ranging from research, training, information and advice, extension services, common monitoring, and other services, to financial incentives or regulations. Current pesticide risk indicators should include a more detailed assessment of toxic load, persistence in the environment, and toxicity to non-target organisms especially pollinators and natural enemies of pests to reduce threats to the environment, health, and biodiversity.
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Jerzy Lipiec

  1. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiegow Lublinie

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