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Substancje ropopochodne należą do grupy zanieczyszczeń, które, docierając do oczyszczalni ścieków, mogą zaburzać wrażliwe procesy biochemiczne, takie jak nitryfikacja. Taka sytuacja prowadzi do problemów z oczyszczaniem ścieków, ponieważ substancje te mogą wpływać na bakterie odpowiedzialne za podstawowe procesy biochemiczne. Obserwacja zmian różnorodności bakteryjnej w osadzie czynnym za pomocą narzędzi biologii molekularnej, takich jak elektroforeza w gradiencie denaturacji (DGGE), może być pierwszym krokiem w opracowaniu metody zapobiegania zaburzeniom procesu oczyszczania. Celem tej pracy był monitoring różnorodności bakteryjnej w osadzie czynnym bioreaktora membranowego usuwającego ścieki zanieczyszczone związkami ropopochodnymi i określenie wpływu tych związków na zmienność bakteryjną badanej biocenozy. Usunięcie związków organicznych wyrażonych wskaźnikiem zanieczyszczeń ChZT zarówno w kontrolnym, jak i eksperymentalnym bioreaktorze membranowym, wynosiło powyżej 93%. Najwyższe zastosowane stężenie związku zanieczyszczającego (frakcja P-30, próżniowy destylat ropy naftowej) wynosiło 1000 μ1/1 ścieków i nie miało wpływu na efektywność oczyszczania ścieków. Analiza wzorów prążkowych DGGE wykazała, że bioróżnorodność bakteryjna w bioreaktorze kontrolnym zmieniała się nieznacznie w trakcie trwania eksperymentu, podczas gdy w bioreaktorze eksperymentalnym spadła drastycznie po dodaniu dawki zanieczyszczającej o najwyższym stężeniu. Wyniki te sugerują, że stężenia modelowych związków ropopochodnych w zakresie 50 μI/I to 500 μ1/1 stymulują wzrost bioróżnorodności, podczas gdy zastosowanie zanieczyszczenia w stężeniu I OOO μ1/1 ścieków prawdopodobnie hamuje najbardziej wrażliwe procesy oczyszczania ścieków poprzez wpływ na biocenozę bakteryjną.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Ziembińska
Sławomir Ciesielski
Jarosław Wiszniowski


The geographical location and climatic conditions of Ukraine cause the active development of land reclamation, as it enables to ensure stable and high yields. The complexity of forecasting in this area, namely the dependence of the results onthe changing weather and climate conditions, does not allow to effectively use the standard instruments for justifying the investment for agricultural and land reclamation innovation.

The necessity of improving methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of investments in projects in the field of agricultural production and land reclamation was substantiated. The proposed approaches were tested on the ad-vanced technology of water treatment in irrigation based on using a vibrating gravitation filter enabling to perform simultaneously the processes of water treatment and filter element regeneration.

The obtained results clearly show that the advancedtechnology of irrigation water treatment and the developed for this technology design of the vibrating gravity filter are cost-effective. The current payback period for irrigation projects when using the purified water under this advanced technology is 5 years. It is the same as for the irrigation projects when using clean irrigation water.

Thus, our proposed approaches to the evaluation of investments in new water treatment technologies applied in irriga-tion enable to adapt the modern methodology of analysis of economic and investment efficiency of projects to the domestic needs of agricultural production, namely to take into account the impact of changing weather and climate conditions on the resulting economic parameters.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anatoliy Rokochinskiy
Vyacheslav Bilokon
Nadia Frolenkova
Nataliіa Prykhodko
Pavlo Volk
Ruslan Tykhenko
Ivan Openko


The study investigates the effect of the organic compound representing the cellulose derivative - sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC/Na) on the structure of the main component of bentonite (B) - montmorillonite (MMT). Structural analysis revealed that the CMC/Na of different viscosity interacts with the mineral only via surface adsorption, causing at the same time partial or full delamination of its layered structure. This was confirmed by the XRD diffraction tests. Such polymer destructive influence on the structure of the modified main component of the bentonite limits the use of its composites as an independent binder in moulding sand technology, but does not exclude it from acting as an additive being a lustrous carbon carrier. According to the IR spectra of the B/CMC/Na materials, it can be stated that the interaction between the organic and inorganic parts is based on the formation of hydrogen bonds. That kind of the interpretation applies especially to the MMT modified in the bentonite with a lower viscosity polymer. The characteristics of the main IR absorption bands for composites with a higher viscosity polymer indicates the formation of less stable structures suggesting the random nature of the hydrogen bonds formation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Cukrowicz
B. Grabowska
K. Kaczmarska
A. Bobrowski
M. Sitarz
B. Tyliszczak


The aim of the study was to determine biologic variations of the main parameters in cows in early lactation and to compare intra-individual variations of parameters in cows and other species. 50 cows were included in the experiment. Blood samples were taken at the moment of calving, then on 1st, 7th, 14th and 28th day after calving. CVi had the following values: 1.9-5% for MCV, MCH, MCHC, GLU, TProt, ALB, UREA, Ca, P and Mg; 5.1-10% for RBC, Hgb, Hct, WBC, NEU, LYM, BHB, ALT, CHOL, TGC and >10% for PLT, NEFA, TBil, AST and GGT. For RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH subject-based reference values or the reference change value should be used. For all other parameters except AST, population-based reference intervals should be used with caution. For LYM, NEU, PLT, GLU, TProt, ALB, CHOL and TGC index of individuality was close to 0.6 which means that subject-based reference values can be much more adequate to use then population-based reference intervals. For AST population-based intervals should be used. There is little effect of parity (increase CVi with parity) and no effect of milk production. CVi values obtained in cows in early lactation are specific because they deviate from the CVi values of other animal species and human. Calculated RCVs varied from 5.5% for MCHC to 41% for AST. High individuality index for many metabolic parameters opens possibility for development of model for longitudinal monitoring of metabolic status of individual animals during lactation. That requires further research.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

V. Kovačević
M.R. Cincović
B. Belić
R. Đoković
I. Lakić
M. Radinović
A. Potkonjak

  1. Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Trg D.Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
  2. Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac, Ul. Cara Dušana 34, 32000 Čačak, Serbia


A hot compression test was conducted on a Gleeble-3500 thermo-simulation machine to study the critical conditions and kinetics of dynamic recrystallization in a high-carbon tool steel. The critical conditions for the initiation of dynamic recrystallization were determined using the working-hardening theory. The quantitative relationship between the critical characteristics of dynamic recrystallization and the hot deformation parameters were elucidated based on two different methods:the apparent method and physically based method. It was found that the two methods both have high applicability for the investigated steel, but the physically-based method needs less parameters and makes it possible to study the effect of different factors. A dynamic recrystallization kinetics model was used to calculate the recrystallization volume fraction under different conditions. The calculation results matched well with the data obtained from the flow curves.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yong-Ji Zhang
Guang-Liang Wu
Shang-Wen Wu


Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu wilgotności na wzrost i rozwój drożdży i pleśni w materiale filtracyjnym. Stwierdzono, że wilgotność na poziomie 53-113% sprzyjała rozwojowi grzybów, zwłaszcza pleśni. W warunkach stałej wilgotności, około 50%, liczebność grzybów w filtrach osiągnęła wartość I 04 JTK/cm2 , zaś najintensywniejszy wzrost miał miejsce w ciągu pierwszych 7 dni doświadczenia. Przy niskiej wilgotności (13% i poniżej) nie stwierdzono namnażania się grzybów w filtrach.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Sztompka
Ewa Karwowska
Ewa Miaśkiewicz-Pęska


The article is a review of the book by Krzysztof Brzechczyn, On the Multitude of the Lines of Development in the Historical Process. An Attempt at Interpretation of Evolution of Mexican Society, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2004, ss. 341.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mieszko Ciesielski


The authors of this paper examine the ancient concepts of translatio, imitatio and aemulatio. The text goes over some problems of the heritage of antiquity and its reception in European culture of the early modern period. These questions were discusssed during the international conference “Heredes et scrutatores. Attitudes towards Antiquity in the Renaissance and in the Early Modern Period”, which was held on 19–20 May 2016 at the University of Warsaw. It celebrated the 200th anniversary of classical studies at this university. The conference seeked to explore the changing attitudes towards the heritage of classical antiquity in post-classical European culture. The scholars participating in the meeting tried to (re)examine the diversity of these attitudes in the period between the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times and to reflect on a number of related problems, among which were the theoretical viewpoints that had been suggested to describe this diversity. One of them, which gave its name to this conference, distinguishes between two general approaches: that of the “users”, concentrated on adapting the classical legacy by means of procedures inherited from the ancient Romans, and that of the “researchers”, which replaced the former procedures with ones typical of scholarly cognition. The participants discussed theoretical issues and concrete cases illustrating the ways that the intellectuals of the Renaissance and Early Modern Times approached the Greek and the Roman legacy. The connections between past and present attitudes towards antiquity have also been be the subject of the debate.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Milewska-Waźbińska
Włodzimierz Olszaniec

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