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According to the social psychological literature, egoistic relative deprivation impairs well-being but has at most little impact on political protest and engagement. We considered this view incomplete and over-simplifying. It was predicted that egoistic relative deprivation itself may impair democracy by increasing support for populism, and that the postulated relationship will be mediated by dysphoric affect, political alienation, and political paranoia. The empirical basis of the article were three studies carried out on nationwide random-quota samples of adult Poles: in 2002 (N = 1500), in 2010 (N = 800), and in 2017 (N = 2000). It was found that support for populism systematically depends directly on dysphoric affect and political paranoia, which are strengthened by egoistic relative deprivation. In 2017, with populist political groupings in power in Poland, the role of political alienation turned out to be ambiguous. Political alienation slightly strengthened political paranoia but directly lowered support for populism. In conclusion it was noted that in Poland's history and in the contemporary Polish mentality there is a great potential for negative affect, pessimism and bitterness. Relative deprivation experienced today successfully maintains this potential.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Korzeniowski

  1. Polish Academy of Sciences


In many regions of the world, including Egypt, water shortages threaten food production. An irrigation deficient strategy in dry areas has been widely investigated as a valuable and sustainable approach to production. In this study, the dry matter and grain yield of wheat was decreased by reducing the amount of irrigation water as well as the volume of the root system. As a result of this, there was an increase the soil moisture stress. This negatively affected the absorption of water and nutrients in the root zone of wheat plants, which ultimately had an effect on the dry matter and grain yield of wheat. The values of dry matter and grain yield of wheat increased with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class. It is possible that this was due to the increase in the genetic characteristic of the root size with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class, as this increase led to the absorption of water and nutrients from a larger volume of root spread. Despite being able to increase the water productivity of wheat by decreasing the amount of added irrigation water, the two highest grain yield values were achieved when adding 100% and 80% of irrigation requirements ( IR) needed to irrigate the wheat and no signif-icant differences between the yield values at 100% and 80% of IR were found. Therefore, in accordance with this study, the recommended irrigation for wheat is at 80% IR which will provide 20% IR. When comparing the water productivity of two wheat varieties in study, it becomes clear that ʻSakha 94ʼ was superior to ʻSakha 93ʼ when adding the same amount of irrigation water, and this resulted in increased wheat productivity for ʻSakha 94ʼ. The SALTMED results confirmed good accuracy (R2: 0.92 to 0.98) in simulating soil moisture, roots volume, water application efficiency, dry matter, and grain yield for two varieties of wheat under deficit irrigation conditions. Whilst using sprinkler irrigation system under sandy soils in Egypt.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ramadan E. Abdelraouf
Mohamed A. El-Shawadfy
Osama M. Dewedar
Mahmoud Hozayn

  1. National Research Center, Department of Field Irrigation and Water Relations, 33 EL Bohouth St., Dokki, Giza, 12622, Egypt
  2. National Research Center, Field Crops Research Department, Giza, Egypt


A review of the available literature shows that analyses of organic Rankine cycle systems with a zeotropic mixture working medium practically concern single-circuit systems. In these works, it has been shown that the standing of zeotropic mix-tures in organic Rankine cycle systems makes it possible to achieve higher power and efficiency compared to organic Rankine cycle systems with pure fluids. In this article, the authors present an analysis of the efficiency of a two-circuit organic Rankine cycle (binary) power plant with a zeotropic mixture in the upper cycle of this power plant. The proposed binary power plant system uses a zeotropic mixture circulating medium in the upper organic Rankine cycle circuit, while the lower circuit uses a homogeneous low-boiling medium. The results of this analysis showed that with properly selected parameters of the binary power plant system, i.e. with appropriate selection of the pressure during the evaporation trans-formation in the upper and lower circuits, the power obtained in it is higher than for a single-circuit power plant in the same temperature range (for the same heat source and the same condensing temperature). The increase in the power of the binary power plant system was achieved by using the heat contained in the water stream to preheat the medium in the bottom circuit. For example, for the binary organic Rankine cycle power plant with R413A refrigerant in the upper circuit, the generated power is 17.8 kWe, which is 20% higher than for a single-circuit power plant (for the reference power plant, the power is 14.8 kWe).
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Sławomir Wiśniewski
Michał Bańkowski

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, 19 Piastów Avenue, Szczecin


Przed wejściem do Teatru Wielkiego w Poznaniu (wybudowanego w 1910 r.) znajdują się dwie grupy rzeźbiarskie: Liryka, wyobrażona jako młoda kobieta siedząca na lwie, rzeźba Constantina Starcka (1866–1939), oraz Dramat, przedstawiony jako młody mężczyzna z laurowym wieńcem kroczący z lampartem przy boku – autorstwa Georges’a Morina (1874–1950). Oba dzieła nie zostały do dziś przekonująco objaśnione. Autor identyfikuje Lirykę jako Euterpe, muzę poezji lirycznej, a Dramat jako młodego Dionizosa. Para posągów posadowiona przed wejściem teatru naśladuje podobne dzieła sztuki w innych miejscach Europy, takie jak posągi przy Teatro Massimo w Palermo oraz przy Konzerthaus w Berlinie.
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Rafał Rosół

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


This paper presents a methodology for the calculation of the flux distribution in power transformer cores considering nonlinear material, with reduced computational effort. The calculation is based on a weak coupled multi-harmonic approach. The methodology can be applied to 2D and 3D Finite Element models. The decrease of the computational effort for the proposed approach is >90% compared to a time-stepping method at comparable accuracy. Furthermore, the approach offers a possibility for parallelisation to reduce the overall simulation time. The speed up of the parallelised simulations is nearly linear. The methodology is applied to a single-phase and a three-phase power transformer. Exemplary, the flux distribution for a capacitive load case is determined and the differences in the flux distribution obtained by a 2D and 3D FE model are pointed out. Deviations are significant, due to the fact, that the 2D FE model underestimates the stray fluxes. It is shown, that a 3D FE model of the transformer is required, if the nonlinearity of the core material has to be taken into account.

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Björn Riemer
Kay Hameyer


Paper deals with examinations of properties of shape memory alloy actuators. Authors describe design of own laboratory stand for obtaining electro-thermo-mechanical characteristics of SMA wires (maximum length 900 mm). The stand allows for semi-automatic measurements of voltage and current (supplying the actuator), temperature of wire and its extension. Data acquisition and control signals are realized by PC computer. All elements of the measuring system are connected by GPIB network (IEEE 488.2 standard). Control program for static measurements was written in G language (LabVIEW environment). Temperature is measured using infrared camera Flir A325. Displacement measurement system contains optical sensor (converting piston movement into series of pulses), pulses counter, PWM signal generator (PWM signal fulfillment is proportional to number of pulses), lowpass filter and buffer conditioning external signal. For dynamic measurements data recording is performed using digital oscilloscope Tektronix MSO 2024 equipped with four separated channels and digital filter. Wide range of examinations of several SMA wires allowed for drawing its exploitative characteristic helpful for practical use. It shows length change of actuator as a function of mechanical load (Fig. 10). Finally some example static as well as dynamic characteristics are presented and short discussion is carried out.

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Grzegorz Kłapyta
Marek Kciuk


In this article the Author Irys to show in what ways popular computer games influence the historical awareness in modem culture.
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Radosław Bomba


Kościół pod wezwaniem Ducha Świętego, zbudowany we Wrocławiu w osiedlu Huby, tworzony był w okresie PRL, co znacznie utrudniało prace projektowe a następnie realizacyjne. Równocześnie był to okres schyłku reżymu komunistycznego, który już musiał się wówczas liczyć z koniecznością pewnej tolerancji religijnej, wymuszonej okolicznościami politycznymi obejmującej też wznoszenie budowli sakralnych. Autor owego kościoła i zarazem autor niniejszego artykułu – wielce aktywny opozycjonista polityczny - był więc zmuszony do jednoczesnego wysiłku i emocji związanych z projektowaniem, przy tym równocześnie był z konieczności wpleciony w zagadnienia formalne i organizacyjne, a w rzeczywistości do stawiania czoła wciąż opierającemu się architekturze sakralnej reżymowi. Autor stara się przybliżyć Czytelnikowi przeżycia związane z tworzeniem tego dzieła. Ostatecznie kościół został pomyślnie zrealizowany i stał się obiektem znanym oraz uznanym.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Zipser


The effect of hydrogen on short-term strength, low-cycle durability and planestress fracture toughness of 10Cr15Ni27 steel, 04Cr16Ni56 and 05Cr19Ni55 alloys at pressure up to 35 MPa and temperature 293. . . 773 K was investigated. The modes of hydrogen action for which the elongation δ, reduction of area ψ, low-cycle durability N and crack resistance parameters Kc of alloys are minimal were established: hydrogen pressure above 10 MPa (non-hydrogenated specimens of 04Cr16Ni56 alloy) and above 15 MPa (hydrogenated specimens of 10Cr15Ni27 steel and 05Cr19Ni55 alloy, hydrogen concentration 15 and 19 wppm, respectively).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alexander Balitskii
Ljubomyr Ivaskevich
Volodymyr Mochulskyi
Jacek Eliasz
Oleg Skolozdra


The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that was conceived in 1999. The key components of the IoT are intelligent sensors, which represent objects of interest. The adjective ‘intelligent’ is used here in the information gathering sense, not the psychological sense. Some 30 billion sensors that ‘know’ the current status of objects they represent are already connected to the Internet. Various studies indicate that the number of installed sensors will reach 212 billion by 2020. Various scenarios of IoT projects show sensors being able to exchange data with the network as well as between themselves. In this contribution, we discuss the possibility of deploying the IoT in cartography for real-time mapping. A real-time map is prepared using data harvested through querying sensors representing geographical objects, and the concept of a virtual sensor for abstract objects, such as a land parcel, is presented. A virtual sensor may exist as a data record in the cloud. Sensors are identifi ed by an Internet Protocol address (IP address), which implies that geographical objects through their sensors would also have an IP address. This contribution is an updated version of a conference paper presented by the author during the International Federation of Surveyors 2014 Congress in Kuala Lumpur. The author hopes that the use of the IoT for real-time mapping will be considered by the mapmaking community.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kazimierz Bęcek


After 1989 the cooperation between catholic theological departaments and the secular academies was standarized. The rules of cooperation between seminaries and theological departaments, existing either in ecclesiastical universities or in the state-controlled ones, were also circumscribed. The aim of this collaboration is to gain the academic degrees by the prospective priests.

The Author of an article recalls the legal rules, that regulate this cooperation and points the chances of it. Th anks to the collaboration, the seminary is raising academic qualifications of employees, and the students are being educated by the university standards.

The university gains an unique group of students, whose spiritual and moral formation, may be an example for a modern graduate in theology. Moreover, throughout affiliating seminaries to the theological departaments, the university has chance to benefit of the rich seminary archives and libraries, and to examine the great architectural, musical and painting treasures, concentrated in diocesancities.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ks. Ireneusz Mroczkowski

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