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Owing to the dramatic change in the thermal conductivity of 4He when its temperature crosses the transition of superfluid (HeI) and normalfluid (HeII), a sealed-cell with a capillary is used to realize the lambda transition temperature, Tλ. A small heat flow is controlled through the capillary of the sealed-cell so as to realize the coexistence of HeI and HeII and maintain the stay of HeI/HeII interface in the capillary. A stable and flat lambda transition temperature "plateau" is obtained. Because there is a depression effect of Tλ caused by the heat flow through the capillary, a series of heat flows and several temperature plateaus are made and an extrapolation is applied to determine Tλ with zero heat flow. A rhodium-iron resistance thermometer with series number A34 (RIRT A34) has been used in 24 Tλ -realization experiments to derive Tλ with a standard deviation of 0.022mK, which proves the stability and reproducibility of Tλ.

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L. Yin
P. Lin
J. Zhao
X. Qi
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As it contains elements of complete digital impedance meter, the AD5933 integrated circuit is an interesting solution for impedance measurements. However, its use for measurements in a wide range of impedances and frequencies requires an additional digital and analogue circuitry. This paper presents the design and performance of a simple impedance meter based on the AD5933 IC. Apart from the AD5933 IC it consists of a clock generator with a programmable prescaler, a novel DC offset canceller for the excitation signal based on peak detectors and a current to voltage converter with switchable conversion ratios. The authors proposed a simple method for choosing the measurement frequency to minimalize errors resulting from the spectral leakage and distortion caused by a lack of an anti-aliasing filter in the DDS generator. Additionally, a novel method for the AD5933 IC calibration was proposed. It consists in a mathematical compensation of the systematic error occurring in the argument of the value returned from the AD5933 IC as a result. The performance of the whole system is demonstrated in an exemplary measurement.
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Konrad Chabowski
Tomasz Piasecki
Andrzej Dzierka
Karol Nitsch
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Obituary of Eric Pratt Hamp, one of the leading Indo-Europeanist of the 20th and early 21st centuries. An etymologist, dialectologist, and researcher of lesser known languages and dialects, his work also contributed to every known branch of Indo-European, but especially Albanian, Arbëresh, Arvanitika, as well as Resian and all the Celtic languages. He also contributed signifi cantly to the study of Native American languages, especially Quileute.

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Victor A. Friedman
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The article contains a bibliometric analysis and a concise survey of Krzysztof Woźniakowski’s publications in the period 1973–2020. He is the author of 209 academic publications, including 18 monographs (as sole author or editor-in chief), 144 articles and dissertations, as well as 47 dictionary entries, reports, reviews and popular science articles.
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1. Góra B., Woźniakowski K., Bibliografia jawnych druków polskojęzycznych Generalnego Gubernatorstwa 1939–1945, Kraków 2008.
2. Kolasa W.M., Historiografia prasy polskiej (do 1918 roku): naukometryczna analiza dyscypliny 1945–2009, Kraków 2013.
3. Kolasa W.M., Woźniakowski K., Rogoż M., Prasa dla dzieci i młodzieży 1824–1918. T. 1: Dzieje wydawnicze, Kraków 2018.
4. Rogoż M., Woźniakowski K., Kwiecień S., P rasa dla dzieci i młodzieży 1824–1918. T. 2: Zawartość. Dodatki prasowe. Prasa religijna, Kraków 2018.
5. Stępień M., Polska lewica literacka, Warszawa 1985.
6. Tyszkiewicz B., Krzysztof Woźniakowski, [w:] Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku, Pracownia Dokumentacji Literatury Współczesnej Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN 2020,‑wozniakowski/ [dostęp: 6.01.2021].
7. Woźniakowski K., Marginalia i obrzeża: szkice o zapomnianych konspiracyjnych tomikach poetyckich lat 1939–1945, Opole 2013.
8. Woźniakowski K., Między ubezwłasnowolnieniem a opozycją: Związek Literatów Polskich w latach 1949–1959, Kraków 1990.
9. Woźniakowski K., Polska literatura Wileńszczyzny 1944–1984, Wrocław 1985.
10. Woźniakowski K., Polskie czasopiśmiennictwo uchodźcze na Węgrzech 1939–1945, Opole 2016.
11. Woźniakowski K., Polskojęzyczna prasa gadzinowa czasów okupacji hitlerowskiej 1939– 1945: studia i szkice zebrane, Opole 2014.
12. Woźniakowski K., Polskojęzyczna prasa gadzinowa w tzw. Starej Rzeszy (1939–1945), Kraków 2001.
13. Woźniakowski K., Prasa, kultura, wojna: studia z dziejów czasopiśmiennictwa, kultury literackiej i artystycznej lat 1939–1945, Kraków 1999.
14. Woźniakowski K., Prasa, kultura, wojna: studia z dziejów czasopiśmiennictwa, kultury literackiej i artystycznej lat 1939–1945. Ser. 2, Kraków 2005.
15. Woźniakowski K., W kręgu jawnego piśmiennictwa literackiego Generalnego Gubernatorstwa (1939–1945), Kraków 1997.
16. Woźniakowski K., W kręgu życia kulturalnego polskiego wojennego uchodźstwa na Węgrzech 1939–1945. Studia i szkice, Kraków 2018.
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Władysław Marek Kolasa

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków
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The paper is a biblical-theological study that attempts to describe social groups which can be regarded as the poor in the light of teaching of Jesus . The study is based on the following biblical texts: Mk 1:15; cf . Mt 4:17; Lu 4:43, then Lk 4:18-19, Lk 6:20 and Mt 5:3 and several others. The poor of the Gospels are the first recipients of the kingdom of God. According to the author the evangelical poor have many different faces and also poverty has many dimensions. The first of all is the material lack and need. There are many other categories of poor people, for example those excluded from their social and religious position: widows and children, the little ones, am ha’aretz. Another category of the poor are the sick and suffering, sinners and the outlawed, men with an unclean spirit. All those people were the recipients and bene-ficiaries of the kingdom of God to come.

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Ks. Stefan Szymik MSF
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In this paper we present the analysis of the gas usage for different types of buildings. First, we introduce the classical theory of building heating. This allows the establishment of theoretical relations between gas consumption time series and the outside air temperature for different types of buildings, residential and industrial. These relations imply dierent auto-correlations of gas usage time series as well as different cross-correlations between gas consumption and temperature time series for different types of buildings. Therefore, the autocorrelation and the cross-correlation were used to classify the buildings into three classes: housing, housing with high thermal capacity, and industry. The Hurst exponent was calculated using the global DFA to investigate auto-correlation, while the Kendall's τ rank coeficient was calculated to investigate cross-correlation.

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Krzysztof Domino
Przemysław Głomb
Zbigniew Łaskarzewski
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Non-invasive techniques for the assessment of respiratory disorders have gained increased importance in recent years due to the complexity of conventional methods. In the assessment of respiratory disorders, machine learning may play a very essential role. Respiratory disorders lead to variation in the production of speech as both go hand in hand. Thus, speech analysis can be a useful means for the pre-diagnosis of respiratory disorders. This article aims to develop a machine learning approach to differentiate healthy speech from speech corresponding to different respiratory disorders (affected). Thus, in the present work, a set of 15 relevant and efficient features were extracted from acquired data, and classification was done using different classifiers for healthy and affected speech. To assess the performance of different classifiers, accuracy, specificity (Sp), sensitivity (Se), and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used by applying both multi-fold cross-validation methods (5-fold and 10-fold) and the holdout method. Out of the studied classifiers, decision tree, support vector machine (SVM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) were found more appropriate in providing correct assessment clinically while considering 15 features as well as three significant features (Se > 89%, Sp > 89%, AUC> 82%, and accuracy > 99%). The conclusion was that the proposed classifiers may provide an aid in the simple assessment of respiratory disorders utilising speech parameters with high efficiency. In the future, the proposed approach can be evaluated for the detection of specific respiratory disorders such as asthma, COPD, etc.
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Poonam Shrivastava
Neeta Tripathi
Bikesh Kumar Singh
Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan

  1. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, SSTC Bhilai, India
  2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India
  3. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, OP Jindal University, Raigarh, India
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This paper presents the qualitative and quantitative results of the research into potential pathogens of genus Staphylococcus in the air in the centre and in the recreational areas of Olsztyn. The qualitative examinations were conducted for one year, from October 2002 to September 2003, with one-month intervals between measurements, which were done at testing sites with the use of sedimentation and impaction methods of sampling. When the samples were taken by the sedimentation method, the average count of this type of bacteria at various sites was higher than in those taken by the impaction method. The colonies of Staphylococcus bacteria, isolated from air samples taken four times during the test period in October 2002, January, April and July 2003, were further identified down to the species, based on biochemical tests. A wider species diversity of this type of bacteria was found in the samples taken by the sedimentation method (8 species) than by the impaction method (3 species). Among the Staphylococcus bacteria isolated from air the following species dominated: S. xylosus 61% and S. len/us 15% when the samples were taken by the sedimentation method and 31 % and 62%, respectively, with the impaction method. When the samples were taken by the sedimentation method, 8% of Staphylococcus aureus and 2% Staphylococcus epidermidis were found among all the isolated bacteria (627 cfu/m3). These species were not found in the samples taken by the impaction method.
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Izabella Zmysłowska
Barbara Jackowska
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The aims of the study was to establish whether differences exist between periphytic ciliate communities on different substrates; to determine whether colonization time would yield an abundance and taxonomic composition of ciliates; to assess the effect of physical and chemical factors on the distribution of ciliates in a shallow hypertrophic lake. Generally the species richness as well as the abundance ofpcriphytic ciliates arc determined mostly by the habitats and chemical properties of the waters (especially the content of total organic carbon and nitrate nitrogen), and, to a lesser extent, by the type of the colonized substrate. Moreover, exposition time of the substrates affected both an increase in the richness of periphytic ciliates and the changes in their trophic structure. At the beginning of the experiment the substrates were intensively colonized by typically bacterivorous species, yet prolonged exposition time resulted in an increasing proportion of omnivorous species.
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Tomasz Mieczan
Agnieszka Puk
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Since the implementation of the compulsory sorting of domestic waste policy in China, the participation rate of residents is low, which leads to the unsatisfactory result of terminal reduction of domestic waste. Therefore, the problem of domestic waste reduction still needs to rely on source reduction. Based on the panel data of 29 provincial capitals in China from 2009 to 2018, this study conducts a comprehensive threshold effect test on per capita GDP and other influencing factors of domestic waste production, conducts panel threshold regression for the factors with threshold value, and explores the nonlinear relationship between per capita GDP and domestic waste production under the influence of different threshold variables. The results show that when the urban population density is less than 272 people/km2, the increase of 1% of per capita GDP will lead to a decrease of 0.251% in the domestic waste production, otherwise, it will lead to an increase of 0.249%; when the per capita consumption expenditure is less than the threshold value of 10,260 yuan/year, the influence coefficient of per capita GDP is 0.155, which increases to 0.207 above the threshold. When the share of tertiary industry is taken as the threshold variable, the two threshold values are 61% and 71% respectively. Through the analysis of control variables, it has been found that population size and amount of courier per capita have significant positive effects on domestic waste production, while gas permeability and the number of non-governmental organizations have significant negative effects
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Authors and Affiliations

Li Yang
Hong-Yan Wang
Lan Yi
Xiang-Zhen Shi
Wei Deng

  1. International Business School, Shaanxi Normal University, China
  2. Jinhe Center for Economic Research, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
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In the last few years, cationic layered clays, including bentonites have been investigated as potential catalysts for SCR DeNOx systems. In this work, bentonite as the representative of layered clays was modified in order to obtain an alternative, low-cost NH3–SCR catalyst. Samples of raw clay were activated with HCl or HNO3, treated with C2H2O4 and subsequently pillared with alumina by the ion- exchange. Afterwards, the modified materials were impregnated with iron and copper. The obtained catalysts were characterized by XRD and FT-IR. SCR catalytic tests carried out over analyzed samples indicated the conversion of NO of approximately 90% for the most active sample. The type of acid used for modification and the type of active phase strongly influenced the catalytic properties of the analyzed materials.

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Agmieszka Szymaszek
Maciej Kubeł
Bogdan Samojeden
Monika Motak
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Clarifying the genetic background of the drought-tolerance trait is a crucial task that may help to improve plant performance under stress by a genetic engineering approach. Dehydration-responsive element-binding protein (DREB) is a transcription factor family which modulates many stress-responsive genes. In this study, we isolated a DREB homolog gene named ZmDREBtv from Zea mays var. Tevang-1. Using bioinformatic tools, a number of InDels and SNPs in ZmDREBtv sequence different from the reference accession were identified. In addition, based on deduced protein sequence similarity, ZmDREBtv was assigned to transcription factor DREB2 class as featured by a conserved DNA binding domain - AP2. The ZmDREBtv construct under thecontrol of the rd29A promoter was transformed into a drought-sensitive maize plant, K7 line. The transgenic plants were assessed with reference to molecular and phenotypic characteristics related to the drought-tolenrance trait. The results proved that the maize plants carrying ZmDREBtv gene showed enhanced tolerance and better performance to the water-deficit environment at different stages, compared to the wild-type plants.

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Thi Thu Hue Huynh
Thuy Linh Nguyen
Han Ly Luu
Hai Ha Nguyen
Hong Diep Le
Manh Minh Bui
Thi Hang Pham
Thi Bich Thao Doan
Thi Thu Hien Le
Hong Hanh Ha
Van Hai Nong
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Background: Problem-based learning is a method of acquiring knowledge and competences on the basis of work on the problem. Medical universities use the PBL method more widely in the course of teaching future physicians, in the CMUJ classes using the PBL method were introduced in the third year of studies, as a part of the Introduction to Clinical Sciences.

Methods: At the end of course, the students voluntarily filled in a questionnaire (17 questions con-cerning various aspects of the course). A total of 105 questionnaires were analyzed. Statistica 12.0 program was used for this analysis.

Results: 95.5% of respondents positively perceived the way of conducting classes in the form of PBL and considered them to be in line with their expectations (81%). 80% of respondents confirmed the usefulness of classes in acquiring knowledge and integrity with pre-clinical subjects. Divided opinions were expressed by the respondents as to the benefits and satisfaction from independent presentation and teaching of other students, 34.3% rather emphasized the benefits, while 28.6% expressed a negative opinion.

Conclusions: The study confirmed usefulness of classes conducted using the PBL method, both in terms of deepening the knowledge and repetition of already gained knowledge, as well as beneficial reception of classes by students. The course may be modified in the future by increasing the number of cases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Dębicka-Dąbrowska
Agnieszka Skrzypek
Marta Szeliga
Grzegorz Cebula

  1. Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College Kraków, Poland
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The paper presents in form of a case study the results of 10-year long hydro-chemical studies on the Korzeń stream on which the “Skrzyszów” small storage reservoir was built. Studies aimed at evaluating the impact of the reservoir on the surface water quality in a Flysch stream. The basis for the analysis was results of 21 hydro-chemical water quality parameters, from the following groups of indicators: physical and acidity, oxygen and organic pollution, biogenic, salinity, metals. Indicators were determined in one-month intervals in two periods: 2005–2009 (before the reservoir was built) and 2015–2019 (after the reservoir was built). Obtained results were subjected to a statistical analysis. The trend analysis of changes was performed using the Mann–Kendall test or the seasonal Kendall test; significance of differences between indicator values from two periods was evaluated using the nonparametric Mann– Whitney U test. Results of analysis showed significant change trends of water quality parameters, in case of total iron concentration the trend was downward in both periods. Statistically significant differences between the values of definite majority of indicators were found in two analysed periods, indicating both favourable and unfavourable impact of the reservoir on water quality in the stream. Construction of the storage reservoir resulted in a significant change of physical and chemical indicators of water flowing in the stream. Random variation dynamics as well as tendencies and trends of changes over time have changed. In addition to modifying the stream hydro-chemical regime, the reservoir also affected the social and natural conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Fudała
Andrzej Bogdał
Tomasz Kowalik

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, Department of Land Reclamation and Environmental Development, Al. Mickiewicza 24, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The paper considers the production scheduling problem in a hybrid flow shop environment with sequence-dependent setup times and the objectives of minimizing both the makespan and the total tardiness. The multi-objective genetic algorithm is applied to solve this problem, which belongs to the non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP)-hard class. In the structure of the proposed algorithm, the initial population, neighborhood search structures and dispatching rules are studied to achieve more efficient solutions. The performance of the proposed algorithm compared to the efficient algorithm available in literature (known as NSGA-II) is expressed in terms of the data envelopment analysis method. The computational results confirm that the set of efficient solutions of the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the other algorithm.
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Authors and Affiliations

Seyyed Mostafa Mousavi
Parisa Shahnazari-Shahrezaei

  1. Department of Technical and Engineering, Nowshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran, Iran
  2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

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