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This work describes a new study to achieve a combination of modified function projective synchronization between three different chaotic systems through adaptive control. Using the Lyapunov function theory, the asymptotic stability of the error dynamics is obtained and discussed. Further, we set some appropriate initial conditions for the state variables and assigning specific values to the parameters and obtain the graphical results, which shows the efficiencies of the new method. Finally, we summarized our work with conclusion and references.

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N.A. Almohammadi
E.O. Alzahrani
M.M. El-Dessoky
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Schistidium urnulaceum (C. Muell.) B. G. Bell, a species hitherto known from the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, is reported for the first time from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, in the Antarctic botanical zone. A description of the species together with illustrations, notes on habitat and a distribution map are provided. Taxonomic notes to assist in the identification of S. urnulaceum are also given.

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Ryszard Ochyra
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The paper presents an attempt to assess how random errors and systematic errors in gravity data affect the quality of the geoid model when it is computed using the FFf technique. Three groups of numerical tests were conducted with the use of gravity anomalies for Poland on 2' x 2' and 5' x 5' grid and with simulating random and systematic errors. In the first test, the effect of random errors on calculated geoid undulations was investigated, in the second one - the effect of systematic errors, and in the last one - the combined effect of both random and systematic errors. The effect of density of data set on the propagated error in geoid height was also examined. The results of numerical tests made possible to evaluate the effect of random errors as well as systematic errors on the accuracy of computed geoid undulation. They were also useful in evaluating the quality of the gravimetric quasigeoid model for Poland.
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Robert Duchnowski
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W artykule przedstawione zostały nowoczesne metody naprawy i wzmocnienia obudowy szybów górniczych. Naprawy obudowy szybów górniczych niejednokrotnie wiążą się z koniecznością dokonania dodatkowego wzmocnienia ich obudowy w miejscach występujących uszkodzeń. Zaprezentowane technologie oparte są na technikach kotwienia, iniekcji, torkretowania oraz wzmacniania obudowy szybów górniczych z wykorzystaniem np. pierścieni oporowych (krążyn). Artykuł obok prezentacji poszczególnych technologii, zawiera wiele aspektów praktycznych, dotyczących doboru optymalnych urządzeń, np. pomp do zatłaczania spoiwa, instalowania kotwi iniekcyjnych, torkretu oraz materiałów niezbędnych do wykonania zaproponowanych robót, np. kotwi, spoiw, klejów, które w sposób decydujący wpływają na skuteczność i efektywność wykonywanych robót naprawczych i wzmacniających oraz obniżają koszty ich wykonania. Dla uproszenia, a tym samym obniżenia kosztów zaproponowanych wzmocnień i konsolidacji górotworu, w artykule zaproponowano technologię łączącą jednocześnie realizowane techniki iniekcji i kotwienia górotworu z użyciem tych samych spoiw mineralno-cementowych oraz tych samych urządzeń do ich zatłaczania. Autorzy przedstawili również zalety stosowania spoiw mineralno-cementowych, kotwi iniekcyjnych oraz przedstawili technologię iniekcji wzmacniająco-uszczelniającej górotworu w otoczeniu zniszczonego odcinka szybu.

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Jerzy Stasica
Zbigniew Rak
Zbigniew Burtan
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The extraction of mineral deposits is usually charged with additional taxes or royalty fees that go beyond the general income tax. As a rule, countries prefer stable sources of fiscal revenues based on the volume of raw material extraction, and investors prefer models based on profit tax, i.e. taking operating costs and risks lower than the expected profitability of the project into account. As a rule, too high a burden for the mining sector affects investors’ decisions regarding the introduction of new investments. There are a number of examples where excessive fiscal burdens force investors to move to countries with more favorable tax systems. An analysis of various forms of taxation of mining enterprises around the world has been presented and compared with the system implemented in Poland. Usually, the countries that apply the royalty fee in the mining sector at the same time introduce a number of adaptation mechanisms. This is crucial for new investments due to the fact that they may to some extent compensate for the high costs of transition from the investment to the operational phase. In most cases, several incentive mechanisms are used at the same time, e.g. the accelerated settlement of investment expenditures and the unlimited settlement of losses. The copper and silver mining tax introduced in Poland increased the discounted effective tax rate (ETR) from 38.5% to 89% for the entire investment period, which resulted in a 11-year return on investment, as well as a drop in the internal rate of return (IRR).There are currently no mechanisms in Poland which would balance the burden of this tax for a new investor. In order to balance the extraction tax for certain minerals in terms of the IRR and ETR key indicators, the introduction of several adaptation mechanisms has been proposed. For new investments the most essential mechanism is the preferential settlement of capital expenditures incurred in the pre-production phase of an investment. The others include accelerated amortization, the ability to deduct certain expenses for the exploration phase from the tax base, along with an extended tax loss settlement period, or a mechanism for deducting a certain percentage of investment expenses directly from the tax.

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Stanisław Speczik
Kinga Capik
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This article contains an analysis of the issues of cultural transfer during the First World War in the areas occupied by the Central Powers and the territories affected by the war. The German propaganda institutions that emerged after August 1914 functioned, somewhat contrary to initial intentions, as a network for transnational exchanges and were used by publishers, translators, writers, and other actors in the cultural sphere of the time. On the basis of archival research, the author advances several ideas on, respectively, culturalmobility in the years 1914–1918, cultural propaganda in the period of the First World War as the prehistory (and not the antithesis) of later cultural policy, and the role of cultural propaganda/cultural policy in research into literary transfers.

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Paweł Zajas
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This article discusses two very controversial issues in shipping practices, namely, demurrage and detention. The author analyzes the question of whether the regulations in the maritime law regarding demurrage and detention can be applied to containers, which are neither vessels nor even integral parts of them. It is impossible to accept that the fee collected by maritime shippers for the detention of containers by the recipients for a period exceeding that which is the reasonable time of landing could be of a lease fee character. On the contrary, the name, the character of the service, the aim in which the shippers reserve their right to it, as well as the means of its calculation and collection indicate that, in generał, it is compensation or a mutually agreed penalty.
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Krzysztof Kochanowski
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A total of 15 isolates of B. tulipae collected from home grown tulips without chemical protection and two commercial tulip plantations were examined by RAPD fingerprint analysis. The first tulip plantation was protected by bulb treatment and foliage spraying with fungicides in the growing period and the second plantation – only by the application of fungicides in the growing period. In the previous study, a set of isolates obtained from a plantation with an extensive use of fungicides demonstrated a higher pathogenicity level measured by the inhibition of plant growth, the percentage of bulb and root necrosis in flower pot tests on forced tulips, and by the necrosis size in tests on leaf disks. The relationships between the groups and among isolates were determined by cluster analysis of mean character differences using UPGMA and NJ methods. Similarity index values ranged from 0.872 to 1; on average, the index value was 0.933. A mean similarity of genotypes indicated the highest genotype uniformity of isolates obtained from a plantation with the extensive use of fungicides. 3 groups of clusters, could be observed in the obtained dendrograms. The first cluster contains exclusively genotypes of isolates obtained from a plantation with an extensive use of fungicides, the second one only genotypes of isolates obtained from a plantation protected only by the application of fungicides in the growing period and the third – one genotype of previous group of isolates and four genotypes of isolates obtained from home grown tulips without chemical protection. The most distinct differentiation between the groups of isolates was observed by the amplification using primers G4, H20 and J13. The results of this study revealed genetic similarity between isolates which were obtained from chemically protected plantations and demonstrated a higher degree of pathogenicity in comparison to the isolates which were obtained from unprotected plants and showed a lower degree of pathogenicity.

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Agnieszka Piwoni

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