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The paper presents the possibilities of neural network application in recognition of rotor blade faults. Computer calculated data of rotor response due to faults were used for neural network training. The rotor was modeled by elastic axes with distribution of Jumped masses. The rotor defects were simulated by changing aerodynamic, inertial or stiffness properties of one of the blades. Time results were subjected to spectral analysis for the purpose of neural networks training.
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Jarosław Stanisławski
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This article explores the dynamics of personal relationships within a geographically mobile, large peer group (PG) over time. Based on a case-study of a PG examined within the broader Qualitative Longitudinal Study (QLS) on ‘Peer Groups & Migration’ in Poland, the analysis focuses on the transformations of friendships from early adolescence to adulthood. The paper sheds light on friendship relationships and gauges strength of bonds over fifteen years from a spatial perspective. By specifically examining three critical moments of the PG formation (ca. age 15), leaving home (ca. 18–19), and the current transition to mid-adulthood (ca. 27–29), a retrospective and temporally dynamic portrait of friendships continuously affected by mobility is proposed. We demonstrate the entanglement of youth friendships in space (mobility) and time, arguing that a rise of transnationalism did not alleviate the preference for having one’s friends in close spatial proximity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Buler
Paula Pustułka

  1. SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
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This paper aims to investigate, on the one hand, how the concept of 19th‑century Siberia was constructed by three Polish political prisoners in their private documents. On the other hand, the significance of the “Siberian triangle” (consisting of essential ideas of “Polishness”, “Russian-ness”, and “Easternness”), in the construction of Polish exiles' identity.
Siberia never existed, or did it? Apart from the vast territories named Siberia, there was also the abstract category of Siberia, consisting of parameters and charts, plans and maps, sustaining the development projects, and images, stories, and texts, in which usually imagined Siberia went beyond the geographical Siberia. Taking this into account, in this paper, I would like to look at the three‑dimensional construction of Siberia. Namely: an imperial attitude, defending its poli-tical and economic prerogatives; the interests of the indigenous peoples who gradually had been losing their rights to the pastures and whose voice was the least heard among others; as well as the view of Polish exiles, sent to the eastern territories of the Russian Empire against their will. To paraphrase Edward Said, we can state that the strategies of the conquest of Siberia directly impacted its perceptions, narrative constructions, and later reconstructions of the 19th‑century Siberian realities. Three case studies will serve me as illustrative material: Adolf Januszkiewicz, Bronisław Zaleski, and Seweryn Gross.
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Karina Gaibulina

  1. University of St. Gallen, Szwajcaria
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The article raises the issue of zoning of the central area of Zamosc based on downtown unrealized projects. It also explains the genesis of the formation of its range and the spatial layout, which affected the functioning of nineteenth-century fortress. As early as 1804. Entailer Stanisław Kostka Zamoyski planned to demolish the decaying fortifications and sell strip of land fortress for development. Change the situation on the political arena of Europe made Zamosc under Tsarist Russia became a fortress – a closed town, where civilian activity have been pushed to the back burner and separated from the historical center of strategic cordoned off the circuit. It was not until 24 years after the dissolution of the fortress, in 1880. returned to the development concept of post-fortress area in connection with the planned development of the city, but this met with opposition the military commission – the owner of the land. After regaining independence, the magistrate put forward ambitious building projects realization in the esplanade of the formerly fortress, which this time met with the resistance of the military commissions. As a result of the conversion of disputed land in the late 30’s the post-fortress area was possible to invest. An example was enacted in 1939, pioneering in many respects, zoning plan Zamosc by Władyslaw Wieczorkiewicza and Jan Zachwatowicz in which the authors called for implementation of the downtown on the basis of a linear array of bifocal between the old town (Stare Miasto) and the Nowa Osada suburb.

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Jakub Żygawski
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The possibility of distinguishing and assessing the influences of defects in particular pump elements by registering vibration signals at characteristic points of the pump body would be a valuable way for obtaining diagnostic information. An effective tool facilitating this task could be a well designed and identified dynamic model of the pump. When applied for a specific type of the pump, such model could additionally help to improve its construction. This paper presents model of axial piston positive displacement pump worked out by the authors. After taking the simplifying assumptions and dividing the pump into three sets of elements, it was possible to build a discrete dynamic model with 13 degrees of freedom. According to the authors' intention, the developed dynamic model of the multi-piston pump should be used for damage simulation in its individual elements. By gradual change in values of selected construction parameters of the object (for example: stiffness coefficients, damping coefficients), it is possible to perform simulation of wear in the pump. Initial verification of performance of the created model was done to examine the effect of abrasive wear on the swash plate surface. The phase trajectory runs estimated at characteristics points of the pump body were used as a useful tool to determine wear of pump elements.

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Waldemar Łatas
Jerzy Stojek

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