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This article aims at presenting research on the sorption of carbon dioxide on shales, which will allow to estimate the possibility of CO2 injection into gas shales. It has been established that the adsorption of carbon dioxide for a given sample of sorbent is always greater than that of methane. Moreover, carbon dioxide is the preferred gas if adsorption takes place in the presence of both gases. In this study CO2 sorption experiments were performed on high pressure setup and experimental data were fitted into the Ambrose four components models in order to calculate the total gas capacity of shales as potential CO2 reservoirs. Other data necessary for the calculation have been identified: total organic content, porosity, temperature and moisture content. It was noticed that clay minerals also have an impact on the sorption capacity as the sample with lowest TOC has the highest total clay mineral content and its sorption capacity slightly exceeds the one with higher TOC and lower clay content. There is a positive relationship between the total content of organic matter and the stored volume, and the porosity of the material and the stored volume.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Waszczuk-Zellner
Marcin Lutyński
Aleksandra Koteras

  1. LNPC Patrycja Waszczuk, Pszczyna, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, 2A Akademicka Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  3. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
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The paper concerns the analysis of the kinematics of the dislocation process that affects surface points within the area of underground exploitation. The problem discussed in the paper is the estimation of the changes concerning spatial configuration of a body, forced by underground influence, Observations of the real process show that the trajectories indicating the dislocations of the medium points are irregular. The deterministic description of the examined process, as a rule, generates smooth trajectories of point dislocation. Therefore, as is natural, the analytical representation of the process cannot be approximated to measurement results with arbitrary accuracy. The entropy has been assumed as the measure of the randomness of a given process. It has been shown then that the entropy is not constant. Hence the description of the post-mining dislocation process has been presented as a stochastic model. The quantitative results of the description have been put to a statistical estimation.
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Wiesław Piwowarski
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Urban social movements present themselves as an answer to de3 ciencies of local politics. In this way, they situate themselves in agreement with popular diagnoses of crisis of democracy, and propose their own model of involvement in politics. However, is this model a chance for renewal of democracy, or is it just another version of politics understood as an enlightened management? Does it have the potential for broadening the political, or does it stop halfway? Presented article is an attempt in rethinking those questions. First part compares different political languages, in which critiques of contemporary democracy are formulated. Subsequently, Jacques Rancière’s conception is presented, as emphasising egalitarian and emancipatory dimensions of democracy. Examples of rhetorics and actions of urban social movements are considered in this double context of different political languages and radical character of democracy. The problem of ‘deficient political articulation’, which makes urban social movements unable to fully keep the promises they make, is stressed.

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Krzysztof Świrek
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This article has been inspired by the work of Andrzej Walicki. The author of The Slavophile controversy: History of a conservative utopia in the nineteenth‑century Russian thought (1975) explored several worldviews and pointed to various similarities among several thinkers. The article discusses and compares the views of Russian neo‑Slavophiles and Western traditionalists (J. Evola, R. Guénon, P. Sorokin). The author of the article brings to light the main assumptions of the conservative and traditionalist utopias: a struggle against rationalism, individualism, liberalism and capitalism.
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Marek Jedliński

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filozoficzny, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c, 60‑568 Poznań
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The article presents the significant role of director Marian Pelczar in the post-war rescuing of the collections of the Municipal Library in Gdansk (currently Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences). The actions related to the protection of book and manuscript collections after the Second World War were of key importance for the reconstruction of the Polish libraries and library science. Of particular importance was the period from 1945 until 1946, when the fate of the physical survival of many library materials hung in the air. Dr Marian Pelczar lavished tender care on the most precious collections of the Municipal Library and managed to extend them to include fragments of historical books and manuscripts from the region of Pomerelia. Acting during the exceptionally difficult post-war times, he contributed to the preservation of the precious heritage of regional, domestic, and European written culture of various provenance.
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Ryszard Nowicki

  1. Instytutu Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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Ewa Borzęcka's film Arizona presents contemporary life in a post-collectivised village. This film is an excuse for the author to wander into world of audio-visual historical narrative and the ethic implications of it.
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Piotr Witek

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