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Froin January 2006 on, a continuous experiment consisting in determinations of granulometrie composition of the airborne dust has been performed in the Institute of Environmental Engineering of PAS, Zabrze. The investigations include measurements of concentrations of PM1 - the suspended in ambient air particles of the aerodynamic diameter not grater than I μm - by using the PM10 Dekali impactor. The results of twelve month measurements (January - December 2006) arc presented in the paper: the granulometrie composition of total suspended dust (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) in winter and summer at an urban background site in the Silcsian Agglomeration. Monthly and seasonal average concentrations of PM I O, PM2.5 and PM1 were computed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Klejnowski
Andrzej Krasa
Wioletta Rogula


Strefa brzegowa południowego Bałtyku to miejsce gdzie zazębia się oddziaływanie z jednej strony wód morskich a z drugiej wód lądowych. Oddziaływanie to szczególnie dobrze widoczne jest w jeziorach przybrzeżnych. Na warunki makroskalowe nakładają się lokalne warunki hydrologiczne oraz dla poszczególnych jezior specyficzne cechy morfometryczne ich niecek i hydrologiczne zlewni, co powoduje zmianę stosunków wodnych poszczególnych obiektów hydrograficznych. Na te wszystkie warunki naturalne nakłada się od ponad ośmiu wieków działalność człowieka. W efekcie mamy do czynienia z licznymi zagrożeniami naturalnymi i antropogenicznymi wpływającymi już nie tylko na pojawiające się zmiany w strukturze jeziora, lecz wręcz zagrażające jego istnieniu.
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In this paper I will present an analysis of semantic-syntactic interdependence of resultative verbs with an adjective as a resultative complement in Modem Chinese. Within a wide range of semantic-syntactic correlation of resultative complement compounds there is one category worth analysing closely, since it possesses distinctive semantic features typical of an attributional group. This category is that of stative verbs. These resultatives carry both attributive and manner information, conditioned by their interrelation with the nominals or the verb in the sentence. In the traditional approach to such a compound verb, which is formally composed of a verb in combination with a postverb, the V, implies an action or a process and, broadly spoken, the V2 extends the action/process of the verb V, towards some kind of resulting state. There are verb-result forms where the second element possesses neither an action nor a process information and thus has nothing to do with activity or inducement. Commonly known as a stative verb, it expresses a state or a manner. Although both a verb and a stative verb act in Modem Chinese as a predicate, the distinctive behaviour of adjectives, in fact acting as intransitive verbs complementing transitive/ intransitive verbs, is to be analysed with respect to the relation to the nominals.
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Ewa Zajdler


Introduction: Graves’ Disease (GD) is an autoimmune hyperthyroidism occurring mostly in young women. The main pathogenic role of the disease is attributed to TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb), which stimulate the thyroid gland to increase production of the most active thyroid hormone- triiodothyronine (T3). High level of TRAb and a large goiter size are commonly known as poor prognostic factors for the disease and are used to predict relapse.

The aim: The purpose of our study was to check the correlation between fT3:fT4 ratio with TRAb concentration, total volume of thyroid and age of GD onset.

Materials and Methods: 114 patients with onset or relapse of GD were analyzed. Those after thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy were not taken into analysis. The data was retrospectively retrieved from the hospital’s records consisting of patients’ sex, age, level of TRAb, fT3, fT4 and thyroid volume on ultrasonography. The association between fT3:fT4 and TRAb concentration, thyroid volume and age was evaluated using Pearson correlation coefficient.

Results: The group was predominated by women (19.3% men, 80.7% women). The average age was 47.0. The analysis revealed positive correlation between: 1) fT3:fT4 ratio and total volume of thyroid (correla-tion ratio: 0.37; p <0.05) 2) fT3:fT4 ratio and level of TRAb (correlation ratio: 0.26; p <0.05) 3) negative correlation between fT3:fT4 ratio and patient’s age (correlation ratio: –0.14; p = 0.144.

Conclusions: Positive correlations between fT3:fT4 ratio and TRAb level and total volume of thyroid (poor predictors of GD) may confirm that high level of fT3 can also be a prognostic factor for GD severity.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mari Minasyan
Aleksandra Dulęba
Anna Smalarz
Maria Stręk
Paweł Bryniarski
Elwira Przybylik-Mazurek
Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk
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The reflection proposed in this article starts from the realities of the border and the sea, and from the problematic meaning they assumed in the frame of the city of Fiume (Rijeka) in the early twentieth century. The main goal is to explore how in the work of Enrico Morovich, an Italian writer coming from Fiume who had to personally and tragically experience war and exile, the border and the sea act as devices of literary creation, providing models of humorous reversal (the border) and symmetrical thinking (the sea). The analysis will focus in particular on the following works by Morovich: Cronache vicine e lontane (1981), La nostalgia del mare (1981), Un italiano di Fiume (1994).
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1. BACHTIN, M. M. (1979): “Autor i geroj v èstetičeskoj dejatel’nosti”, in ID.: Èstetika slovesnogo tvončestva, pod redaktsiyey S. G. Bočarov/S. S. Averincev, Iskusstvo, Moskva, 9–192.
2. ID. (1988): “L’autore e l’eroe nell’attività estetica”, in: ID.: L’autore e l’eroe. Teoria letteraria e scienze umane, a cura e trad. it. di C. STRADA JANOVIČ, Einaudi, Torino, 5–187.
3. BELLABARBA, M. (2014a): L’impero asburgico, Il Mulino, Bologna.
4. ID. (2014b): “Un impero multinazionale nella guerra delle nazioni. Lo strano caso dell’impero asburgico”, Studium, 110/6, 830–840.
5. BORONI, C. (2015): “Prefazione” a: MOROVICH, E.: I racconti per il “Giornale di Brescia”, a cura di C. BORONI, La Compagnia della Stampa Massetti Rodella Editori, Brescia, 13–57.
6. CIMADOR, G. (2018): “Bruno Maier: forme, categorie, aspetti del comico”, Archeografo Triestino, Serie IV, vol. LXXVIII (CXXVI della Raccolta), Trieste, 179–253.
7. D’ALESSANDRO, L. (2014): Mediterraneo crocevia di storia e culture: un caleidoscopio di immagini, Harmattan Italia, Torino.
8. MATTE BLANCO, I. (1975): The unconscious as infinite sets. An essay in bi‑logic, Duckworth, London.
9. MATVEJEVIĆ, P. (2006): Breviario del Mediterraneo, trad. it. di S. Ferrari, Garzanti, Milano.
10. MOROVICH, E. (1981a): Cronache vicine e lontane, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova.
11. ID. (1981b): La nostalgia del mare, Unimedia, Genova.
12. ID. (1985): Racconti di Fiume e altre cose, Compagnia dei Librai, Genova.
13. ID. (1988): Miracoli quotidiani, Sellerio, Palermo.
14. ID. (1994): Un italiano di Fiume, Rusconi, Milano.
15. ID. (2014): “Per una storia di Fiume”, Fiume. Rivista di studi adriatici, 29, 3–30.
16. MOROVICH, E./ VERDINO, S. (1990): Intervista a Enrico Morovich. Realizzata dal professor Stefano Verdino 21 novembre 1990, a cura della Provincia di Genova, Fondazione Mario Novaro, s.n., Genova, I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUQxNu7v2L8&t=290s; II: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=4Rc1PI7L2_A; III: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkWN9- sYE7rk; IV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebQybG9MjcA&t=9s.
17. ROMBI, B. (1997): Morovich oltre i confini, Editrice Liguria, Savona.
18. STELLI, G. (a cura di) (2006): Fiume, crocevia di popoli e culture, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 27 ottobre 2005, Società di studi fiumani, Roma.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Novella Di Nunzio

  1. Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius


A low-dimensional physical model of small-amplitude oscillations of the vocal folds is proposed here. The model is a simplified version of the body-cover one in which mucosal surface wave propagation has been approximated by the seesaw-like oscillation of the vocal fold about its fulcrum point whose position is adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This approach works for 180 degree phase difference between the glottal entry and exit displacements. The fulcrum point position has a significant role in determining the shape of the glottal flow. The vertical position of the fulcrum point determines the amplitude of the glottal exit displacement, while its horizontal position governs the shape and amplitude of the glottal flow. An increment in its horizontal position leads to an increase in the amplitude of the glottal flow and the time period of the opening and closing phases, as well as a decrease in the time period of the closed phase. The proposed model is validated by comparing its results with the low-dimensional mucosal surface wave propagation model.

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Tahir Quresh
Khalid Syed


The enzymatic synthesis of a highly hydrophobic product (dipeptide precursor) in which the reaction is accompanied by the mass transfer of the reaction product to the organic phase and the substrates to the water phase is considered. Equations describing both continuous and batch processes are formulated. The range of variability in the operating parameters of such a bioreactor is specified, and the correlations reported in the literature to describe mass transfer in the membrane contactor are validated. The proposed process was verified experimentally, and good agreement between the determined and calculated concentrations was obtained in both phases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Noworyta
Anna Trusek-Holownia


Micro-channel heat sinks are used in a wide variety of applications, including microelectronic devices, computers and high-energy-laser mirrors. Due to the high power density that is encountered in these devices (the density of delivered electrical power up to a few kW/cm2) they require efficient cooling as their temperatures must generally not exceed 100 ◦C. In the paper a new design for micro-channel heat sink (MCHS) to be used for cooling laser diode arrays (LDA) is considered. It is made from copper and consisting of 37 micro-channels with length of 9.78 mm, width of 190 μm and depth of 180 μm with the deionized water as a cooling medium. Mathematical and numerical models of the proposed design of the heat sink were developed. A series of thermofluid numerical simulations were performed for various volumetric flow rates of the cooling medium, its inlet temperature and different thermal power released in the laser diode. The results show that the LDA temperature could be decreased from 14 to 17% in comparison with earlier proposed design of the heat sink with the further drop in temperature obtained by applying indium instead of gallium arsenide as the soldering material between the LDA and MCHS interface. Moreover, it was found that the maximum temperature, and therefore the thermal resistance of the considered heat sink, could be decreased by increasing the coolant flow rate.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Furmański
Kadhim Thualfaqir
Piotr Łapka


In these considerations, I undertake a polemic with thinking based on the assumption that the value of scientific achievements can be measured with almost mathematical accuracy and give fully reliable point indicators for them. It is not only part of those who introduce the current reform of higher education and science in Poland, but also experts who support them, as well as some representatives of science and natural sciences. This thinking was called point syndrome and expert syndrome. Although it was diagnosed as a manifestation of academic disease a few years ago, it still not only finds its supporters, but also translates into activities, which in some scholars cause astonishment, in others indignation, and still strong opposition in others.

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz

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