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Electromobility and electric cars are the words that began to gain significance in the social discourse in Poland especially intensively since 2017. Then, along with the announcement of the „Plan for the Development of the Electromobility Market in Poland”, government declarations appeared regarding one million electric cars that are to be used on Polish roads by 2025. It is already known today that such a result in Poland is impossible to achieve in the assumed time. According to the report of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association-PSPA (Polish EV Outlook 2020), in the event of introducing subsidies for the purchase of cars or subsidies, such as the possibility of 100% VAT deduction by buyers of such vehicles, the number of electric cars in Poland in 2025 could be over 280 thousand pcs. Without such government support, the Polish electric car park will be twice smaller. High prices of electric cars are one of the key barriers limiting Poles in making decisions related to the purchase of a vehicle. The aim of this article is to analyse the current state of the social environment in relation to the topic of ecological, electric cars. To what extent is it beneficial for the potential car owner to change from a traditional (petrol or diesel) car to an electric car due to purely financial benefits and other aspects? The article consists of an overview – presenting aspects related to the socio-economic benefits of buying an electric car. It also contains specific calculations regarding the profitability of using such a car in Polish conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krystian Majchrzak
Piotr Olczak
Dominika Matuszewska
Magdalena Wdowin

  1. Foundation Instaway Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland


The development of air transport affects elements of the aviation fuel market. In recent years an increase in both the number of passengers and the number of passenger operations has been observed. This phenomenon also concerns passengers and the number of operations served by Polish airports which translates into more and more fuel consumption in Poland. The authors of the study tried to approximate the characteristics of aviation fuels used in various types of aircrafts. The most important of them, from the perspective of the Polish aviation sector, include Jet. This type of fuel plays a key role in civil aviation. In the article, the enterprises operating in the analyzed sector were also reviewed. The empirical part of the article is devoted, in turn, to the analysis of changes in air passenger transport in Poland and changes in Jet fuel prices on the Polish fuel markets. The conducted research shows that the dynamics of changes in the number of passengers, as well as the number of passenger operations at Polish airports were characterized by an upward trend, and the increase in the number of passengers was driven not only by a larger number of available flights, but also by such factors as: increasing the capacity of aircraft and increasing the fill rate for seats. The authors have also attempted to examine the strength of dependence between the number of passengers deciding to use Polish airports and Jet fuel prices, which in recent years have undergone significant fluctuations. For this purpose, the value of Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient was used and the analyzed period covered the years 2011–2017. The data on passenger traffic used in the study came mainly from periodic reports prepared by the Civil Aviation Office (ULC).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Justyna Muweis
Bartosz Łamasz
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The introduction of energy conservation and resource conservation measures has a positive impact on the environment and is one of the components of sustainable development at the macro level. In turn, at the micro level, such measures lead to a systematic decrease in the production costs of companies and thereby expand their economic and financial security. This article is devoted to the development of methodological tools for modeling the environmental and economic effect of added value created in the energy service market. For this, the peculiarities and components of the energy service contract have been identified. It has been established that one of the indicators of the conclusion of such a contract is the indicator of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of measures in the structure of the added value of an energy service company. An analysis of existing models of added value created in the energy service market is carried out. A model of economic value added is taken as the basis for modeling the ecological and economic effect of added value created in the energy service market. The rationale is that such value-added is a modification of the economic profit indicator, which measures the financial result of a company, considering not only accounting costs but also the opportunity costs of invested capital for energy efficiency and environmental measures.
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Bertoldi et al. 2019 – Bertoldi, P., Boza-Kiss, B. and Toleikyte, A. 2019. Energy Service Market in the EU. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
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Borysova et al. 2021 – Borysova, T., Monastyrskyi, G., Borysiak, O. and Protsyshyn, Y. 2021. Priorities of Marketing, Competitiveness, and Innovative Development of Transport Service Providers under Sustainable Urban Development. Marketing and Management of Innovations 3, pp. 78–89, DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2021.3-07.
Boza-Kiss et al. 2019 – Boza-Kiss, B., Toleikyté, A. and Bertoldi, P. 2019. Energy Service Market in the EU – Status review and recommendations. Scientific and Technical Report. European ESCO Market Reports series. European Commission, Luxembourg.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi
Vasyl Brych
Olena Borysiak
Mykhailo Fedirko
Nataliya Dziubanovska
Nataliya Halysh

  1. West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  2. West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine


Building a Strategic Battery Value Chain in Europe COM/2019/176 is a priority for EU policy. Europe’s current share of global cell production is only 3%, while Asia has already reached 85%. To ensure a competitive position and independence in the battery market, Europe must act quickly and comprehensively in the field of innovation, research and construction of the infrastructure needed for large-scale battery production. The recycling of used batteries can have a significant role in ensuring EU access to raw materials. In the coming years, a very rapid development of the battery and rechargable battery market is forecast throughout the EU. In the above context, the recycling of used batteries plays an important role not only because of their harmful content and environmental impact, or adverse impact on human health and life, but also the ability to recover many valuable secondary raw materials and combine them in the battery life cycle (Horizon 2010 Work Programme 2018–2020 (European Commission Decision C(2019) 4575 of 2 July 2019)). In Poland, more than 80% of used batteries are disposable batteries, which, together with municipal waste, end up in a landfill and pose a significant threat to the environment. This paper examines scenarios and directions for development of the battery recycling market in Poland based on the analysis of sources of financing, innovations as well as economic and legal changes across the EU and Poland concerning recycling of different types of batteries and rechargable batteries.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Nowaczek
Joanna Kulczycka


In the event of occupational accidents in mining, investors can calculate approximately how much loss will be incurred at the time of the accident. However, in halting mining as a result of occupational accidents or legislation, investors, will perhaps not care about how much of a loss to profits will arise due to the resulting downtime of mining operations. The reason for this is that there is no such halting in mining operation as yet and mining activity is continued. Avoiding halting mines due to occupational accidents and legislation would enable the prevention of unexpected costs resulting from these time losses. The aim of this study was to find out how much the loss of profits resulting from the downtime of mining enterprises due to the aforementioned reasons are in total, and how much the ratio of loss of profits to annual operating costs is on average on an annual basis. To determine the loss of profits and to minimize the accidents in enterprises, permanent supervisors, who are assigned in the enterprises where they are working, were given a survey through the SurveyMonkey program. Of the 235 permanent supervisors who filled out the survey on behalf of the mining enterprises, 58 answered all of the multiple-choice questions examined in the study. These questions were analyzed together according to different mineral groups and differences in mining operation methods. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the annual loss of profits of mining enterprises resulting from the aforementioned periods of downtime, and the ratio of these values to the annual operating costs constitute a rather significant share. The aim of the article was to raise awareness to have mining companies appropriate more funds for occupational health and safety.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Taşkın Deniz Yıldız

  1. Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science And Technology University, Department of Mining Engineering, Turkey


This article presents the results of studies into the phase and chemical composition of blast furnace slag in the context of its reuse. In practice, blast furnace slags are widely used in the construction industry and road building as a basis for the production of, for example, cements, road binders and slag bricks. T hey are also used in the production of concrete floors, mortars, and plasters. Blast furnace slag is mainly used as a valuable material in the production of hydraulic binders, especially cement that improves the mechanical properties of concretes.
The favorable physical and mechanical properties of slags, apart from economic aspects, are undoubtedly an asset when deciding to use them instead of natural raw materials. In addition to the above, there is also the ecological aspect, since by using waste materials, the environmental interference that occurs during the opencast mining of natural aggregates is reduced. S pecifically, this means waste utilization through secondary management.
However, it should be kept in mind that it is a material which quite easily and quickly responds to environmental changes triggered by external factors; therefore, along with the determination of its physical and mechanical properties, its phase and chemical composition must be also checked.
The studies showed that the predominant component of the blast furnace slag is glass which can amount up to 80%. In its vicinity, metallic precipitate as well as crystallites of periclase, dicalcium silicates and quartz can be found. With regard to the chemical composition of the slag, it was concluded that it meets the environmental and technical requirements regarding unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. In case of the latter, in terms of its chemical composition, the slag meets the hydraulic activity category CA3. It also meets the chemical requirements for using it as a valuable addition to mortars and concretes, and it is useful in the production of CEM II Portland-composite cement, CEM III blast-furnace cement and CEM V composite cements. The blast furnace slag is a valuable raw material for cement production. Cement CEM III/C contains 81–95% of blast furnace slag in accordance with E N 197-1:2012. In 2019, the Polish cement industry used 1,939,387.7 tons of slag.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Jonczy
Bartłomiej Grzesik
Andrzej Norbert Wieczorek
Anna Gerle
Paweł Nuckowski
Marcin Staszuk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gliwice, Poland
  3. Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Refractory Materials Division in Gliwice, Poland
  4. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gliwice, Poland
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Objective: The current study aims to investigate, which of the factors are directly and indirectly associated with disordered eating in a non-clinical population of university students in Slovakia. Methods: 302 university students (52.3% female, M age=21) filled in a questionnaire assessing the perceived pressure to be thin, the internalization of appearance ideals, disordered eating, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and the regulation of exercise. The hypothesized model was tested with a parallel multiple mediation analysis using PROCESS macro.
Results: The pressure to be thin from partner, the internalization of appearance ideals and the controlled regulation of exercise were directly associated with disordered eating. The pressure to be thin from media was indirectly associated with disordered eating through the internalization of appearance ideals. The pressure to be thin from partner and from family as well as satisfaction of the need for competence were indirectly associated with disordered eating through the controlled regulation of exercise.
Conclusions: The results of the current study support the focus of the existing eating disorder interventions at decreasing the internalization of sociocultural appearance ideals. The results suggest the usefulness of incorporating the promotion of autonomous regulation of behaviour, especially with regard to exercising, within the prevention and intervention field.
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Eva Paulisova
Olga Orosova
Lucia Barbierik

  1. Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Kosice
  2. Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Arts, Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health, Kosice


In model predictive control (MPC), methods of linear offset free MPC are well established such as the disturbance model, the observer method and the state disturbance observer method. However, the observer gain in those methods is difficult to define. Based on the drawbacks observed in those methods, a novel algorithm is proposed to guarantee offset-free MPC under model-plant mismatches and disturbances by combining the two proposed methods which are the proposed Recursive Kalman estimated state method and the proposed Disturbance-Kalman state method. A comparison is made from existing methods to assess the ability of providing offset-free MPC onWood-Berry distillation column. Results shows that the proposed offset free MPC algorithm has better disturbance rejection performance than the existing algorithms.
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Truong Thanh Tuan
Haslinda Zabiri
Mohammad Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib
Dai-Viet N. No

  1. Petrovietnam University, 762 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Long Toan Ward, Ba Ria City 78109, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province, Vietnam
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 32610 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia
  3. Center of Excellence for Green Energy and Environmental Nanomaterials (CE@GrEEN), Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 300A Nguyen Tat Thanh, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City755414, Viet Nam


English in India evokes connotations of worldliness, education, class, and power. Although many less socially fortunate groups lack in the English language competence, its presence in the Indian street is increasing, and not only in the context of tourism and marketing. The investigation of the linguistic landscapes of a number of localities in northern India will focus on public service advertisements written in English which convey guidelines for the creation of a healthier Indian society. The study, informed by the rhetoric of social intervention approach, investigates the choice and the frequency of the persuasive rhetorical devices used in the texts. It also discusses which of the three modes of persuasion typically underlie the analysed advertisements, thereby highlighting the preferred approach to tackling local issues and, indirectly, contributing to strengthening the role of English through the positive perception of the messages conveyed.
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Marta Dąbrowska

  1. Jagiellonian University


Cognitive Linguistics provides theoretical and methodological framework for a description of conceptual structure of signed languages. Articulation parameters of individual signs, such as hand-shape, location, motion, and orientation, all contribute to the creation of complex non-literal meanings. Being based on metaphors, metonymies, or metonymies-in-metaphor, the signs reflect various degrees of visual motivation or iconicity. American Sign Language (henceforth ASL) and British Sign Language (henceforth BSL), two unrelated languages, employ diverse strategies of conceptualisation to express the same concepts. These strategies range from identical, e.g. metaphor vs. metaphor, to different, e.g. metaphor vs. metonymy, with many intermediate configurations possible. The paper compares selected ASL and BSL signs related to various areas of experience. Some of the signs are also contrasted with their counterparts in other signed languages.

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Krzysztof Kosecki


False or “mad” jealousy is the central theme in William Shakespeare’s Othello and The Winter’s Tale. Both Othello and Leontes, the protagonists of the plays, seem to have great diffi culties distinguishing between the surface of things (or what they see) and the truth. Both can be classifi ed as tragic fi gures as they both commit an error of judgment – due to a fl aw in their nature (be it self-love or suspiciousness) they misjudge a key situation and are easily led astray. In fact, dramatic irony, which is evidently present in the plays, can be exemplified by a pragmatic analysis of these two texts. It is interesting to observe that both characters are focused on saving face in front of others, not only to avoid criticism by the society (Leontes) but also to be each able to cope with their wife’s supposed betrayal (Othello). Pragmatics helps establish the causes of the characters’ tragedy: Othello’s false jealousy is conceived by Iago’s infelicitous speech acts and develops only because Othello is unable to grasp Iago’s real intention in communication. On the other hand, Leontes in his obsession is looking for hidden meanings in things just to prove that he is right; his verbal behaviour abounds in examples of self-deceit. The aim of this article is to defi ne jealousy in pragmatic terms, using the speech act theory, felicity conditions, conceptual metaphor, and face.

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Urszula Kizelbach


This paper thoroughly examines the gender patterns of religious activity within the Vietnamese – the largest non-European migrant community in Poland. Basing on the result from anthropological field-work which I conducted in two pagodas currently operating in the suburbs of Warsaw I analyse this issue in the light of traditional gender patterns of religious life in Vietnam, as well as in the context of the politicisation of spiritual life under communist rule. The results of my research prove that whether a religious institution will become a ‘women’s sphere’ or will remain under the influence of male actors depends to a great extent on its political emplacement and relations with formal institutions of the Viet-namese state.

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Grażyna Szymańska-Matusiewicz


This article deals with the issue of home-country receptivity towards social remittances from the pro-fessional diaspora. Social remittances from the highly skilled depend on a favourable context for knowledge and skills transfer in their home countries, a context that could be summarised by the term ‘country receptivity’. This article is based on the case of Lithuania. The data comes from a series of semi-structured interviews with members of the skilled diaspora and representatives of institutions that are involved in programmes targeted at the diaspora. The analysis reveals several groups of obstacles to successful knowledge and skills transfer that may be understood as issues of country receptivity: mistrust of government by diaspora members, expressed as a belief that it is not interested in results and thus involvement of the diaspora, but rather in pursuing particular political objectives; lack of openness towards other experiences (unwillingness of institutions at different levels and in various fields to open up to new opinions, approaches and experiences brought by Lithuanians from abroad); bureaucratic and institutional impediments (inability of institutions to adapt their procedures in the interests of co-operation; slowness and ineffectiveness when dealing with requests or reacting to initiatives from the diaspora); and a perceived negative opinion (unwelcoming attitude) in society towards Lithuanians from abroad. The interviews also provide some tentative evidence of a ‘feedback loop’, through which the involvement of the diaspora causes changes in the home-country institutions. In the discussion part of the article, possible causes and implications of these obstacles are considered.

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Laima Nevinskaitė


Large venues and auditoriums are commonly associated with their astounding architecture. Their acoustic quality is an essential factor in its qualification as a great and functional, or a badly designed place. However, acoustics is often overlooked during the design stage of a building due to the complexity and high cost of the measurements involved. For this reason, it is important to explore more accessible ways to implement acoustics evaluations. The aim of this work is to compare typical experimental measuring methods and the use of mobile devices to assess the acoustic quality of a room. These measurements are contrasted with the software simulation of the same acoustical space. The results show that the mobile system can be used for professional measurements with low restrictions in the frequency range of interest of this study (90 Hz to 4000 Hz).

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David Ibarra-Zarate
Ana Laura Padilla-Ortiz


It has been shown in the present paper that exploitation of the experimental potential of a photoacoustic technique can provide information on a type of intermolecular interactions in aqueous mixtures containing organic liquids, when the basic parameters of these mixtures, such as density, ρ, specific heat, cp, or thermal conductivity, λ, are unknown. Earlier investigations of concentration dependence of effusivity in different aqueous solutions of organic liquids demonstrated that the photoacoustics method is a sensitive tool to identify hydrophobic properties of such liquids. In our experiment this suggestion was exploited for a solution of methanol which is known to display much weaker hydrophobicity than other alcohols.

It was confirmed that the location of extreme deviations from linearity for the thermal effusivity, Δe, agrees well with that of characteristic points for the isentropic compressibility coefficient, κS, and the excess molar volume, V_m^E, as a function of the concentration.

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Nikodem Ponikwicki
Łukasz Szczepanik
Joanna Gondek
Bogumił B.J. Linde
Ewa Barbara Skrodzka
Vladimir Molchanov
Konstantin B. Yushkov
Rostislav Grechishkin


This study explains water quality in terms of seven heavy metals in the Upstream Citarum River and analyses human health risk (non-carcinogenic risk) for adults and children. Water samples were collected from five sampling locations along the Upstream Citarum River, i.e. from Majalaya Sub-District to Dayeuhkolot Sub-District. The contents of heavy metals were analysed by the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) variant 240 FS. The results of the analysis showed that the pollution index value, which was categorised as slightly polluted from the highest to the lowest value, was as follows: location 4 (4.220) > location 1 (3.764) > location 2 (3.219) > location 5 (2.967) > location 3 (2.800). Values of the hazard index ( HI) for adults and children were as follows: Pb > Cr > Cd > Zn > Ni > Co > Cu. Pb and Cr have HI values greater than 1. This indicates that these metals can have a negative impact on public health. The HI in the ingestion pathway was greater than that of the dermal pathway, and the HI value for children was greater than that for adults. Further research is needed regarding the health risks from groundwater around the area which is used directly by the community because river water and groundwater systems are interconnected through streambeds.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nurul Fahimah
Indah R.S. Salami
Katharina Oginawati
Septian H. Susetyo
Agam Tambun
Asep N. Ardiwinata
Sukarjo Sukarjo

  1. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management Technology Research Group, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia
  2. Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, Indonesia


Along the paper the new method called Invertebrate Bankfull Assessment method (IBA method) of determination of bankfull discharge is presented. The investigation of bankfull discharge using IBA were performed within one Polish Carpathian stream in the mountain region: the Ochotnica Stream. As an index of bankfull the existence of certain species of invertebrates was used which are present and resistant to specific water discharge conditions. The borders within a cross section of the mountain stream with a gravel bed were defined where characteristic invertebrates are present which are recognized as bankfull borders. Finally three invertebrates benches (IB-ms) were recognized which are characterized by very specific invertebrate species. Bankfull discharge was calculated up to this IB-ms and corelated using Canonical Correspondence Analysis with other values of bankfull calculated for a cross section using different bankfull.

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Artur Radecki-Pawlik
Tomasz Skalski


This work aims to evaluate the treated wastewater from the activated sludge treatment plant in the City of Sidi Bel Ab-bes (North-Western Algeria) which is required for reuse in irrigation. The control of irrigated areas downstream is done based on a pedological study. Physico-chemical analysis such as (pH, BOD5, COD and SS) indicate results in Algerian and international standards required by the WHO. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio and Electrical Conductivity values of the treated wastewater belong to the C3-S1 class. The treated wastewater has a fairly good microbiological quality that meets Algerian standards. The helminth eggs are practically absent. The concentrations of heavy metals are much lower than the limits prescribed in the Algerian decrees. Therefore, the overall processing plant efficiency is satisfactory and has the char-acteristics of a good treated water quality for reuse in the field of irrigation while protecting the environment. The pedolo-gical study of the soil samples shows that the most dominant fraction is undeveloped calcimagnetic. The planned irrigation plain covers an area of about two thousand hectares. Depending on the crops to irrigate; the development and nature of the necessary or recommended improvements, the proposed irrigation perimeter could be classified into five categories in which only three categories are irrigable. Water projects have been proposed to ensure the irrigation of three subdivided sectors.

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Zakari Mahfoud


The paper concentrates on seasonal and spatial variations of sub-daily water temperature dynamics in lowland agricultural streams. Temperature monitoring was carried out in 24 sampling sites distributed along the tributaries of the Wkra River during the hydrological year 2021. Statistical analysis of the obtained data documented the highest water temperature dynamics in the morning, from 5:00 to 9:00 CEST, while the lowest – from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST. Seasonally, greater water dynamics were noted in the winter, expressed by a coefficient of variation reaching up to 100%. Spatially, the highest dynamics occurred in sites with the lowest proportion of riparian vegetation, while the lowest dynamics was related to higher catchment area. In the winter, the minimum daily values were recorded most frequently in the morning hours, while maximum values in the afternoon. A similar pattern was observed in the summer, but with much lower dispersion of the relative frequencies. It was found that in the winter, the dominant influence on temperature dynamics was exerted in the upstream catchment area, while in the summer, a negative relationship with riparian shade was marked. The findings suggest that the presence of riparian vegetation reduces diurnal dynamics of water temperature and is simultaneously extremely important in prolonging the duration of optimum fluctuation, responsible for the proper development of poikilothermic organisms.
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Weronika Skorupa
Maksym Łaszewski

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Krakowskie Przedmieście St, 30, 00–927 Warsaw, Poland


Global warming and climate change are some of the most widely discussed topics in today's society, and they are of considerable importance to agriculture globally. Climate change directly affects agricultural production. On the other hand, the agricultural sector is inherently sensitive to climate conditions, and this has made the agricultural sector one of the most vulnerable sectors to the effects of global climate change. Rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, increased temperature, and altering precipitation patterns all substantially influence agricultural insect pests and agricultural productivity. Climate change has a number of implications for insect pests. They can lead to a decreased biological control effectiveness, particularly natural enemies, increased incidence of insect-transmitted plant diseases, increased risk of migratory pest invasion, altered interspecific interaction, altered synchrony between plants and pests, increase in the number of generations, increased overwintering survival, and increase in geographic distribution. As a consequence, agricultural economic losses are a real possibility, as is a threat to human food and nutrition security. Global warming will necessitate sustainable management techniques to cope with the altering state of pests, as it is a primary driver of pest population dynamics. Future studies on the impacts of climate change on agricultural insect pests might be prioritized in several ways. Enhanced integrated pest control strategies, the use of modelling prediction tools, and climate and pest population monitoring are only a few examples.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alim Al Ayub Ahmed
Marziah Zahar
Vera Gribkova
Natalia Nikolaeva
Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Wanich Suksatan
Karrar Kamil Atiyah
Abduladheem Turki Jalil
Surendar Aravindhan

  1. Jiujiang University, School of Accounting, 551 Qianjin Donglu, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China
  2. Universiti Utara Malaysia, School of Business Management, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  3. Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (The First Cossack University), Department of Biology, Moscow, Russia
  4. Udayana University, Faculty of Engineering, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  5. HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy, Faculty of Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand
  6. Al-Ayen University, Faculty of Health, Dhi-Qar, Iraq
  7. Al-Mustaqbal University College, Medical Laboratories Techniques Department, Babylon, Hilla, Iraq
  8. Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Department of Pharmacology, Chennai, India


The cellular users, on high speed railways and highways, travel at a very high speed and follow a nearly straight path, in general. Thus, they typically undergo a maximum frequency of handovers in the cellular environment. This requires a very fast triggering of the handover. In the existing method of handover in 5G cellular communication, for high speed users, neither the decision-making of handover nor the triggering of handover is sufficiently fast. This can lead to poor signal quality and packet losses and in the worst case, radio link failure (RLF) during a handover. This paper proposes a forward handover based method, combined with PN sequence detections, to facilitate a quicker handover for high speed users on railways and highways. The proposed method adds some complexity but can offer a significant improvement in the overall handover delay. A simplistic simulation is used to demonstrate the improvement of the proposed method.
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Mohammad T. Kawser
Kazi Md. Abir Hassan
Md. Atiqul Haque
Sakif Ahmed
Mohammad Rubbyat Akram

  1. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
  2. Robi Axiata Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh


The aim of the present study was to investigate inline lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) dynamic changes based on different cow factors – different number and stages of lactation, milk yield, and the status of reproduction in clinically healthy dairy cows.

In the Herd Navigator system, LDH activity levels (μmol/min per litre) were measured using dry-stick technology. A total of 378 cows were selected. According to their reproductive status, the cows were classified as belonging to the following groups: Fresh (1 – 44 days after calving); Open (45 – 65 days after calving); Inseminated (1 – 35 days after insemination); Pregnant (35 – 60 days after insemination and pregnant). According to their productivity, the cows were classified into the following groups: <15 kg/day, 15 – 25 kg/day, 25 – 35 kg/day and >35 kg/day. The cows were milked with a DeLaval milking robot (DeLaval Inc. Tumba Sweden) in combination with a Herd Navigator analyser (Lattec I/S. Hillerød Denmark).

In conclusion inline dynamic changes in the milk LDH concentration may increase together with the rise in the lactation period frequency. The highest LDH level determinated in the group of the fresh cows ranged from 5 to 10 DIM, while the highest LDH concentration level was found in the fresh cow milk. Thus, there was a positive relationship between the milk concentration of LDH and the milk yield.

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R. Antanaitis
D. Malašauskienė
M. Televičius
V. Juozaitienė
A. Rutkauskas
G. Palubinskas


Nowadays, there is a trend to employ adaptive solutions in mobile communication. The adaptive transmission systems seem to answer the need for highly reliable communication that serves high data rates. For efficient adaptive transmission, the future Channel State Information (CSI) has to be known. The various prediction methods can be applied to estimate the future CSI. However, each method has its bottlenecks. The task is even more challenging while considering the future 5G/6G communication where the employment of sub-6 GHz and millimetre waves (mmWaves) in narrow-band, wide-band and ultra-wide-band transmission is considered. Thus, author describes the differences between sub-6 GHz/mmWave and narrow-band/wide-band/ultrawide- band channel prediction, provide a comprehensive overview of available prediction methods, discuss its performance and analyse the opportunity to use them in sub-6 GHz and mmWave systems. We select Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as the most promising technique for future CSI prediction and propose optimising two of its parameters - the number of input features, which was not yet considered as an opportunity to improve the performance of CSI prediction, and the number of hidden layers.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Soszka

  1. Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

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