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A new version of J2TADD - a translator from Java to automatons- is described, which adds support for a translation of Markov processes with non-dcterministic players, that can form coalitions, which in turn strive for different aims. In order to ease the definition of a probabilistic game using a plain Java application, several new constructs, and also a special library, are supported within the input language.

Ranges on variables or on expressions can be defined, what helps in checking the self-consistency of a model, and can also make the solving of the model faster.

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Artur Rataj
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The article discusses the point of interconnection between historical policy and international human rights law standards on the example of a so-called decommunisation Act enacted in Poland in 2016 that reduces retirement pensions and other benefits to individuals who were employed or in service in selected state formations and institutions in 1944-1990, amending the Act adopted in 2009. The Act of 16 December 2016 is analyzed in the light of the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), including relevant standards on coming to terms with the past as an element of transitional justice. The examination concludes that there is a discrepancy between the rationale for adopting this legislation in Poland, namely to reckon with the communist past and as such increase social trust in state institutions, and the legal solutions contained in the 2016 Act.

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Anna Wójcik
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The growing interest in green energy observed in recent years has become the basis for pilot studies on its electricity production role in Poland. The diagnostic survey method allowed us to learn about young people’s opinions on renewable energy sources in the context of four identified research areas (the need for RES, planning its installation, costs, environmental impact). The authors proposed a method based on fuzzy logic (fuzzy relations and optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms) to develop and interpret the survey results to understand the selected community’s knowledge about the importance of RES (or not) in the national energy system. The survey shows that although there is no significant difference between respondents in all research areas, rural women are more interested in using green technologies. They have a high self-awareness of their beneficial effects on the environment. Rural respondents, compared to those from the cities, are willing (despite the high cost of equipment) to invest their capital to purchase green energy carriers, which is dictated by their lower knowledge about the forms of external support. Depending on the residence place, respondents selected various government aid programs for renewable energy. People from the city decided mainly on those that would improve the air’s comfort and quality in their place of residence. On the other hand, the rural areas’ inhabitants focused their attention on the aid possibilities, which would reduce the energy costs of the farms they run in the future. All the respondents agree that investments in clean energy (coming from natural sources) will translate into broadly understood environmental protection, bringing mutual benefits for everyone.
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Jolanta Barbara Cichowska
Aleksandra Mreła
Oleksandr Sokolov

  1. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Institute of Informatics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  3. Department of Informatics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
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This theoretical work studies a dynamic general equilibrium model with the financial sector in which aggregate activity depends on the conditions of intermediaries' balance sheets. This environment is used to demonstrate the business cycle consequences of changes in competition in the financial industry. On the one hand, a more competitive banking sector is associated with a higher average level of aggregate output. On the other hand, however, a less competitive financial industry increases financial and macroeconomic stability. This trade-off is present both in the short run and in the long run.
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Paweł Kopiec

  1. SGH Warsaw School of Economics
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Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is a well-known method for control of systems performing repetitive jobs with high precision. This paper presents Constrained Output ILC (COILC) for non-linear state space constrained systems. In the existing literature there is no general solution for applying ILC to such systems. This novel method is based on the Bounded Error Algorithm (BEA) and resolves the transient growth error problem, which is a major obstacle in applying ILC to non-linear systems. Another advantage of COILC is that this method can be applied to constrained output systems. Unlike other ILC methods the COILC method employs an algorithm that stops the iteration before the occurrence of a violation in any of the state space constraints. This way COILC resolves both the hard constraints in the non-linear state space and the transient growth problem. The convergence of the proposed numerical procedure is proved in this paper. The performance of the method is evaluated through a computer simulation and the obtained results are compared to the BEA method for controlling non-linear systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate that COILC is more computationally effective and provides better overall performance. The robustness and convergence of the method make it suitable for solving constrained state space problems of non-linear systems in robotics.

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Kaloyan Yovchev
Kamen Delchev
Evgeniy Krastev
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This article aims at presenting research on the sorption of carbon dioxide on shales, which will allow to estimate the possibility of CO2 injection into gas shales. It has been established that the adsorption of carbon dioxide for a given sample of sorbent is always greater than that of methane. Moreover, carbon dioxide is the preferred gas if adsorption takes place in the presence of both gases. In this study CO2 sorption experiments were performed on high pressure setup and experimental data were fitted into the Ambrose four components models in order to calculate the total gas capacity of shales as potential CO2 reservoirs. Other data necessary for the calculation have been identified: total organic content, porosity, temperature and moisture content. It was noticed that clay minerals also have an impact on the sorption capacity as the sample with lowest TOC has the highest total clay mineral content and its sorption capacity slightly exceeds the one with higher TOC and lower clay content. There is a positive relationship between the total content of organic matter and the stored volume, and the porosity of the material and the stored volume.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Waszczuk-Zellner
Marcin Lutyński
Aleksandra Koteras

  1. LNPC Patrycja Waszczuk, Pszczyna, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, 2A Akademicka Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  3. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
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Among methods of solving decision matters the technique of decision charts has been presented in this paper and the idea of their cartographic development has been proposed. The problem has been described on the base of real application that concern of choosing a place on water intake for new arisen housing estate. The technique of colour scale for visualization of choice criteria and logical operations on colour images has been proposed in order to find the place which meet earlier formulated conditions in the best way. The results has been colected in modified decision chart. Next possibilities of development of the method have been indicated
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Ireneusz Wyczałek
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The article presents a family of modified the so called general polynomial transition curves, determined with the purpose of being applied at the design of the grade line of roads. The designing conditions of those curves have been provided alongside detailed information on determination of particular designing parameters. The application methods of those curves in the process of the grade line designing, based upon economically justified minimization of earth works, have been presented as well.
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Andrzej Kobryń
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The paper concerns the analysis of the kinematics of the dislocation process that affects surface points within the area of underground exploitation. The problem discussed in the paper is the estimation of the changes concerning spatial configuration of a body, forced by underground influence, Observations of the real process show that the trajectories indicating the dislocations of the medium points are irregular. The deterministic description of the examined process, as a rule, generates smooth trajectories of point dislocation. Therefore, as is natural, the analytical representation of the process cannot be approximated to measurement results with arbitrary accuracy. The entropy has been assumed as the measure of the randomness of a given process. It has been shown then that the entropy is not constant. Hence the description of the post-mining dislocation process has been presented as a stochastic model. The quantitative results of the description have been put to a statistical estimation.
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Wiesław Piwowarski
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The present study aimed to test how common workaholism is and which groups are most targeted in the workplace among Jordanian employees. Additionally, the roles of positive and negative perfectionism in workaholism were investigated. The sample consisted of 686 employees. All of them completed the study instruments. The results showed that the mean of workaholism was around the mean of the cut -off. Additionally, multivariate tests showed that the results of post hoc differences for positive perfectionism were in favor of males, subordinates, those with a bachelor’s degree, those with less than 5 years of experience, and those aged less than 30 years. Furthermore, the differences for negative perfectionism were in favor of those with a bachelor’s degree and subordinates. For workaholism, the differences were in favor of subordinates, public sector employees, married persons, and those with a diploma degree. Finally, the results of hierarchical regression analysis found that positive and negative perfectionism and some demographic variables predicted 12.9% of the variability in workaholism, and the typical hierarchical regression model included positive and negative perfectionism without other demographic variables.

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Basim Aldahadha
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This paper analyses the use of Polish achievements with durative expressions of godzinę (in an hour) and przez godzinę (for an hour) – types, their use in the progressive and finally a possible relationship between this use and the terminative recategorisation of imperfective achievements. In the analysis we have accounted for a number of linguistic and contextual factors that influence the possibility of the progressive use of achievements. This has allowed us to propose several subclasses of achievements that may undergo recategorisation under specific conditions set in the concluding section.

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Jadwiga Stawnicka
Andrzej Łyda
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According to the Bible, a disrespectful use of God’s name may be perceived as blasphemous or at least profane. In order to avoid the risk of violating that religious and linguistic taboo, sensitive language users representing the Judeo-Christian world have developed various euphemistic ways of referring to God. On the other hand, however, jokes that include God’s name and laugh at him are not uncommon in Western culture. Assuming a linguistic-semantic perspective, the present paper examines a group of “God jokes”, which are jokes that contain God’s name and were tagged with the word god in the collection entitled “The best god jokes”, published on the website The aim of the study is to identify the place and role of God’s name in the semantic script of “God jokes”, or in other words, to check “how much” God there really is in the text of jokes that are supposed to laugh at God, potentially violating the religious taboo. Following the General Theory of Verbal Humor (Raskin and Attardo 1991; Attardo 2001), the use of God’s name is analyzed in the knowledge resources of the semantic script of a joke: the target, the script opposition, the situation, the narration, and the language.
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Marcin Kuczok

  1. University of Silesia
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The present paper focuses on the changing interpretations of the English gerund. Since no method can accurately and uniformly account for the meanings of all instances of existing -ing forms, previous studies have offered approximate characterizations based on small samples. This study looks at the numbers of -ing derivations denoting institutionalized activities, on the assumption that these represent non-eventive readings. The derivations in question are arranged chronologically in terms of their time of coinage to compare changing productivity levels of this process relative to -ry derivations. This count shows that -ing suffi xations outnumber other nominalization processes and this trend has increased in the last two centuries.

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Aleksandra Ptok
Konrad Szcześniak
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Reverberation time (RT) is an important indicator of room acoustics, however, most studies focus on the mid-high frequency RT, and less on the low-frequency RT. In this paper, a hybrid approach based on geometric and wave methods was proposed to build a more accurate and wide frequency-band room acoustic impulse response. This hybrid method utilized the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method modeling at low frequencies and the Odeon simulation at mid-high frequencies, which was investigated in a university classroom. The influence of the low-frequency RT on speech intelligibility was explored. For the low-frequency part, different impedance boundary conditions were employed and the effectiveness of the hybrid method has also been verified. From the results of objective acoustical parameters and subjective listening experiments, the smaller the low-frequency RT was, the higher the Chinese speech intelligibility score was. The syllables, consonants, vowels, and the syllable order also had significant effects on the intelligibility score.
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Wuqiong Huang
1 2
Jianxin Peng
Tinghui Xie

  1. School of Physics and Optoelectronics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
  3. School of Architecture and Art, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, China
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This paper presents new directions in the modeling of electric arc furnaces. This work is devoted to an overview of new approaches based on random differential equations, artificial neural networks, chaos theory, and fractional calculus. The foundation of proposed solutions consists of an instantaneous power balance equation related to the electric arc phenomenon. The emphasis is mostly placed on the conclusions that come from a novel interpretation of the equation coefficients.
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Dariusz Grabowski
Maciej Klimas

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 10 str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The use of lithium-ion battery energy storage (BES) has grown rapidly during the past year for both mobile and stationary applications. For mobile applications, BES units are used in the range of 10–120 kWh. Power grid applications of BES are characterized by much higher capacities (range of MWh) and this area particularly has great potential regarding the expected energy system transition in the next years. The optimal operation of BES by an energy storage management system is usually predictive and based strongly on the knowledge about the state of charge (SOC) of the battery. The SOC depends on many factors (e.g. material, electrical and thermal state of the battery), so that an accurate assessment of the battery SOC is complex. The SOC intermediate prediction methods are based on the battery models. The modeling of BES is divided into three types: fundamental (based on material issues), electrical equivalent circuit (based on electrical modeling) and balancing (based on a reservoir model). Each of these models requires parameterization based on measurements of input/output parameters. These models are used for SOC modelbased calculation and in battery system simulation for optimal battery sizing and planning. Empirical SOC assessment methods currently remain the most popular because they allow practical application, but the accuracy of the assessment, which is the key factor for optimal operation, must also be strongly considered. This scientific contribution is divided into two papers. Paper part I will present a holistic overview of the main methods of SOC assessment. Physical measurement methods, battery modeling and the methodology of using the model as a digital twin of a battery are addressed and discussed. Furthermore, adaptive methods and methods of artificial intelligence, which are important for the SOC calculation, are presented. In paper part II, examples of the application areas are presented and their accuracy is discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcel Hallmann
Christoph Wenge
Przemyslaw Komarnicki
Stephan Balischewski

  1. Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  2. Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg, Germany
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In order to meet the application requirements of high-power mobile inductively-coupled power transfer (ICPT) equipment, the structure of the dual transmitter and pickup can be used to improve the transmission power of the ICPT system. However, this structure cannot easily describe the change of the mutual inductance parameter in the moving state, making the mathematical model difficult to establish. The change of load parameters during the movement will affect the current and voltage at the transmitter and pickup coils. Aiming at these problems, this paper proposes a dual transmitter and pickup ICPT system based on inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) compensation network, and analyzes its power trans- mission efficiency. By setting the shape and size of the coil, the influence of the change of the mutual inductance parameters on the system efficiency during the movement is reduced. The changes of the mutual inductance parameters of the ICPT system under the moving state are simulated by changing the coupling coefficient in the PSpice software. The results show that the structure of the ICPT system used in this paper can improve the output power and reduce the influence of the system when the load changes.

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Xin Gao
Xin Li
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The historic municipal park located in Zduńska Wola is covered in the central and northern part by conservator protection through an entry in the register of monuments and on the basis of an entry in the local spatial development plan. In terms of nature, the area has significant values due to old trees and the water system, which consists of two ponds fed by the Pichna River. As part of the preparatory work for the revalorization of the park, several studies and analyses were carried out, including assessment of the sanitary state of waters of Pichna River that supplies reservoirs. Degree of the river pollution made it impossible to restore the water system, the most important element of the park, while further supplying the ponds with river water. In order to ensure a satisfactory degree of purity and transparency of water in ponds, a decision was made to apply complex and modern technological solutions enabling the renovation of the water system. Project documentation was developed in 2015. After two years, they began to implement the project. Banks of both ponds were formed more gently, and the basins were deepened. Selection of vegetation around the reservoir and in the reservoir itself was based on the principle of biocenotic assumptions. The designed system is equipped with a circulation pump, skimmers, bottom drains, mechanical-mineral filter, swamp filter. This was to ensure adequate purification of water in ponds, based on natural processes, stimulated by the use of new, pro-ecological technologies.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ewelina Widelska
Wojciech Walczak
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In this work, nickel adsorption onto low Jordanian zeolite dose is being investigated. Natural zeolite doses were stirred continuously with nickel solutions in batch reactors at 180 RPM for 24 hours, where the temperature was set to 20°C. The pH was initially 4.5 and reached 5.2 at equilibrium. The removal efficiency of nickel reaches maximum value when the initial nickel concentration is around 1 ppm and then tends to decrease when the initial nickel concentration increases above 1 ppm. The optimal nickel removal reaches 65% when the initial nickel concentration is 1 ppm and the zeolite dose is 26 mg·dm–3. This study investigates the behaviour of nickel removal and modelling isotherms below and above this critical peak point. At this level of zeolite dose, the adsorption does not follow either Freundlich or Langmuir isotherms, but rather, it follows Freundlich for the data plot just below the peak point with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) equals (0.98) when the zeolite dose is (26 mg·dm–3), whereas it follows Langmuir for the data plot just above the peak point with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) equals (0.99) when the zeolite dose is (10 mg·dm–3). These findings clarify the theory behind each isotherm and can be used to find new information for efficient treatment techniques.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ziad Al-Ghazawi
Ahmad Qasaimeh
Bilal Al-Bataina

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, 22110, 00962-2-7201000 22139; Jordan
  2. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, Canada
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The study covered water resources of two mountain streams in the Polish Carpathians. These were the Biała Woda and Czarna Woda streams, the catchments of which are adjacent to each other. Water flows in both streams were measured during the hydrological years from 2006 to 2020. Next, water outflows from the catchments were calculated. The study aimed to determine differences in the water resources of those catchments in a very small mountainous area. The study showed quantitative similarity in water resources in the entire multi-annual period but at the same time large differences in shorter periods. Instantaneous and daily outflows showed the largest differences, but differences in annual outflows of up to 20% were also recorded. Therefore, hydrological data from operational cross-sections to assess water resources of neighbouring uncontrolled watercourses should cover multi-annual mean values. It was found that during periods of increased runoff (from melting snow or precipitation), the outflow from the Biała Woda catchment was much larger, while during rain-free periods, the outflow from the Czarna Woda catchment prevailed. All short- term flood like outflows were at least several tens of per cent higher in the Biała Woda catchment. The higher retention capacity of the Czarna Woda catchment can be attributed to the land use (mainly forest areas). The results can be used for modelling catchments of similar parameters and determining their retention capacity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka W. Kowalczyk
Andrzej Jaguś

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, al. Hrabska 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  2. University of Bielsko-Biala, Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
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Challenges with respect to potable water supply in Vhembe District threaten the health and welfare of local community. This paper is aimed at assessing the challenges and residents’ coping strategies to improve the potable water supply systems in rural areas in Vhembe District Municipality (VDM). Data for this paper was collected from households, councillors, traditional leaders and municipal officials through questionnaires, interviews and focus-group discussions. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used and thematic content analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. The results showed that the main sources of water are ground water from boreholes which are used by about 45.3% of the communities, followed by tap water from the dams, by 35.3%, then rivers by 4.0%, fountains by 5.4% and water tankers by 10.0%. Among the identified challenges are: aged water infrastructure, system breakdowns, lack of funding, vandalism of infrastructure and lack of maintenance, operation of infrastructure by unskilled technicians, theft, and non-payment of water services, among others. To cope with water supply challenges, the study recommended that communities play active role in water projects which would include paying of water supply service for its sustainability. They should also play active roles in water committees that will manage, operate and maintain the water supply with the assistance of VDM officials. It was concluded that the rural water supply situation can be improved when communities, government and other relevant stakeholders cooperate and provide solutions and resources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tuwani Petrus Malima
Beata Kilonzo
Jethro Zuwarimwe

  1. University of Venda, Institute of Rural Development, School of Agriculture, P.O. Box x5050 Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa

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