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Przestawienie gospodarki na tor zerowych emisji gazów cieplarnianych to model wzrostu gospodarczego włączającego całe społeczeństwo charakterystyczny dla XXI w. Dokona się to dzięki spójnym, skutecznym działaniom politycznym, przy założeniu, że zrównoważony rozwój, włączający wzrost gospodarczy oraz działania na rzecz klimatu są ze sobą powiązane i sprzyjają sobie nawzajem.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nicholas Stern
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When used for sand casting, foundry sand is stressed in several ways. These stresses, thermal and mechanical, compromise the grain integrity, resulting in size reduction and the production of small particles to the point where the sand is no longer viable for sand casting. This study evaluates the crushability of chromite sand, a crucial characteristic for determining how resistant sand is to size reduction by crushing. To replicate the heat and mechanical strain that sand is subjected to during the industrial sand-casting process, a sinter furnace and rod mill were employed. After nine minutes of heat and mechanical stress application, the crushing ratio, which was used to gauge the crushability of chromite sand, ranged from 1.72 to 1.92 for all samples. There were differences in the rate at which fine particles were produced among the samples, with sample E producing the highest proportion of fine particles in the same length of time. Understanding the properties that control the crushability performance of chromite sand will enable foundries to buy chromite sand with higher recycling yield, reducing the environmental impact of waste foundry sand and eliminating the risk to the workforce's pulmonary health in line with the current industry standards. Foundries will also be able to optimize the current industrial process while continually pushing for innovative foundry technologies and materials.
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[1] Campbell, J. (2015). Complete Casting Handbook. UK: Second ed.. Butterworth-Heinemann.
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[7] Das, S.K.. & Das, A. (2022). A critical state based viscoplastic model for crushable granular materials. Soils and Foundations. 62(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2021.101093.
[8] Kabasele, J.K. (2022). Investigation of South African Foundry Chromite sand Crushability, Masters thesis. Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg
[9] Kabasele, J.K. & Nyembwe, K.D. (2021). Assessment of local chromite sand as ‘green’ refractory raw materials for sand casting applications. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering. 32(2), 65-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.7166/32-3-2615.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J.K. Kabasele
K.D. Nyembwe
H. Polzin

  1. Department of Metallurgy, University of Johannesburg, 55 Beit Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa
  2. Peak Deutschland GmbH, Dresdner Straße 58, 01683 Nossen, Germany


The transition to a zero-carbon economy is the inclusive growth story of the twenty-first century. It needs to be managed with effective and cohesive policies, whilst recognizing that sustainable development, inclusive growth and climate action are interwoven and mutually supportive.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nicholas Stern
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Mining is an important economic activity in Kosovo. Artana and Kishnica mines are a part of the Trepça industrial complex and the increased exploitation of deposits has resulted in undesirable impact on the environment around the min-ing sites. More specifically, the mining activity caused water pollution. The aim of the study was to assess the physico- -chemical parameters and presence of heavy metals (Ni, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn, Fe) in water samples of the Graçanka Riv-er and household wells in the area. The Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used to determine metal concentrations. Samples were collected from five sites along the Graçanka River and from four private water wells during a period from September to November 2019. Concentrations of heavy metals in the Graçanka River were as follows Mn (24–1203 μg∙dm–3), Fe (11–785 μg∙dm–3), Ni (4–299 μg∙dm–3), Pb (2–22 μg∙dm–3), As (1–5 μg∙dm–3), Zn (344–1646 μg∙dm–3), Cr (1–2 μg∙dm–3) and Cd (<1 μg∙dm–3). The well waters were polluted by multiple metals (Mn > Fe > Ni > Pb) with concentrations of Mn 1834–36089 μg∙dm–3, Fe 158–3535 μg∙dm–3, Ni 82–1882 μg∙dm–3, Pb 5–45 μg∙dm–3, As 2–19 μg∙dm–3, Cd 1–12 μg∙dm–3, Zn 979–23474 μg∙dm–3 and Cr 1–2 μg∙dm–3. The pollution has been caused by industrial (min-ing-related) and urban discharges. The contamination originates from the release of flotation process waste and from the leaching of the tailings dam. Most probably, rainwater has washed contaminants into the aquifers and the Graçanka River. River water is not suitable for irrigation and well water is not suitable for consumption or irrigation. Wastewater should be treated before discharge and the tailings area should be remediated in order to stop the pollution.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sadija Kadriu
Milaim Sadiku
Mensur Kelmendi
Mehush Aliu
Ismet Mulliqi
Arbër Hyseni

  1. University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, Faculty of Food Technology, Mitrovica, Kosovo

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