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The issues of green energy and sustainable development are one of the most discussed and most important today in face of the global challenges, such as global warming, greenhouse emissions, degradation of the ecology etc. In this regard, green energy is obviously a necessary part of the energy policy of a country. Still, economic crises and instability have led to the necessity to form a sustainable economy; hence the crossing of the two mentioned policies leads to the necessity to figure out what sustainable green energy is. The issues of green energy are very important for the developing economies, which are highly limited in financial resources. The countries of Latin America are among the ones which face significant issues in this sphere. The article is devoted to the formulation of this concept and to the proof that sustainable energy development is individual for every country. The scope of the research is the Latin American region, within the years since 2000. The authors conducted a regression analysis of the GDPs of several countries, namely, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia and their green energy sectors, and formulated conclusions on sustainable energy sources in these countries. The key findings include the proof of sustainable green energy sources for every researched country and the strategies for the improvement of these countries’ renewable energy sector performance. The novelty of the article encompasses the methodology used and the concept of sustainable renewable energy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Igbal Guliev
Ekaterina Krivosheeva
Luiza Akieva
Petr Kruzhilin

  1. International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO University, Russia


This paper presents calculations of the economic indicators of the researched elements of the cultivation technology of corn for grain and vegetable crops in Ukraine, which indicate that the cultivation of these crops is cost-effective in all variants of the experiment. The research has established that the increase in the economic efficiency of the production of these crops when applying different rates of fertilizers is achieved due to a more significant positive effect of the increase in productivity compared to additional costs associated with the use of these farming practices, while additional costs caused by the use of fertilizers are paid off many times over. It has been proven that the use of mineral fertilizers and their combination with high rates of bio-organic fertilizer (digestate) when growing agricultural crops helps to increase productivity. There have been further developed theoretical and practical provisions regarding the ecological problem of livestock waste disposal, in particular those of pig farms, and agricultural farms, i.e. the provision of organic fertilizers to ensure the yield increase as well as improvement in the quality of agricultural and vegetable crops, so as to make it possible to obtain high-quality products of plant and vegetable production during livestock waste disposal. The proposed approach to the economic assessment of technologies for growing corn for grain and red beet depending on the fertilization system makes it possible to increase the level of productivity of agricultural and vegetable crops with the effective use of bio-organic fertilizers in the modern conditions of sharp increases in the costs of mineral fertilizers.
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Roman Lohosha
Vitalii Palamarchuk
Vadim Krychkovskyi

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine


Basing of fieldworks geomorphologic and geologic setting of 14 raised marine beaches in northern Hornsund Region was presented. Their age is approximated by radiocarbon and thermoluminescence datings of sediments. The latter indicated that the four highest but mostly questionable marine beaches (220—230,200—205,180—190 and 100—120 m a.s.l.) should be referred to the Wedel Jarlsberg Land (Saalian) Glaciation. The four lower beaches (80—95, 70—75, 50—60 and 40—46 m a.s.1.) are connected with the Bogstranda (Eemian) Interglacial and the pre-maximum part of the Sorkapp Land (Vistulian) Glaciation. The post-maximum part of this glaciation, including Lisbetdalen Stage (50—40 ka) and Slaklidalen Stage (30—20 ka), was the time when the three still lower marine beaches (32—35, 22—25,16—18 m a.s.l.) were formed. Three lowermost marine beaches (8—12,4.5—6,2 m a.s.l.) are of the Holocene age.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Lindner
Leszek Marks
Waldemar Roszczynko
Julia Semil


We wstępie do książki Indywidua. Próba metafizyki opisowej Peter Strawson dokonuje rozróżnienia na dwa typy metafizyki: rewizjonistyczną i opisową. Metafizyka opisowa jest tu zdefiniowana jako ten rodzaj refleksji filozoficznej, który „opisuje faktyczną strukturę naszego myślenia o świecie”. Inna formuła, którą posługuje się Strawson, głosi, że metafizyka opisowa „ujawnia najbardziej ogólne cechy naszego systemu pojęciowego”. Jako jednego z najważniejszych przedstawicieli metafizyki opisowej Strawson wymienia Arystotelesa. Powstaje jednak pytanie, czy formuły stosowane przez Strawsona dobrze określają faktyczną praktykę badawczą Stagiryty. Wszak celem badań Arystotelesa jest ujawnienie struktury realnie istniejących bytów oraz znalezienie przyczyn faktycznie działających w rzeczywistości, nie zaś badanie tylko naszych pojęć, za pomocą których opisujemy świat. W swoim artykule pokazuję kilka różnych sposobów rozumienia metafizyki u Arystotelesa oraz staram się ustalić, pod jakim względem jego projekt może być uznany za metafizykę opisową w sensie Strawsona, pod jakim zaś wykracza poza zaproponowaną przez niego formułę. W szczególności interesuje mnie pytanie, na ile Arystoteles wykorzystuje w metafizyce metody znane z jego teorii dyskusji dialektycznej, której celem było badanie potocznie przyjmowanych pojęć i przekonań (endoxa).

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Tomasz Tiuryn

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