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The model for estimating the whole life costs of the building life cycle that allows the quantification of the risk addition lets the investor to compare buildings at the initial stage of planning a construction project in terms of the following economic criteria: life cycle costs (LCC), whole life costs (WLC), life cycle equivalent annual costs (LCEAC) and cost addition for risk (ΔRLCC). The subsequent stages of the model development have been described in numerous publications of the authors, while the aim of this paper is to check the accuracy of the model in the case of changing the parameters that may affect the results of calculations. The scope of the study includes: comparison of the results generated by the model with the solutions obtained in the life cycle net present value method (LCNPV) for time and financial input data, not burdened with the risk effect; the analysis of the variability of results due to changes in input data; analysis of the variability of results as a consequence of changing the sets of membership functions for input data and methods for defuzzification the result.

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E. Plebankiewicz
K. Zima
D. Wieczorek
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Environmental protection is one of the objectives of the implemented concept of sustainable development and circular economy. The construction industry and its products (building objects) have a large contribution in negative influences, therefore all actions limiting them are necessary. One way of doing this is to apply substitution to existing unfavourable solutions, both in terms of construction and materials as well as technology and organization. The aim of the article was to determine the key factors conditioning the use of substitution at each stage of the investment and construction cycle, leading to environmental protection. The research paid attention to the use of substitute recycled products. The defined factors were subjected to a SWOT analysis and then, using the DEMATEL method, cause-andeffect relationships were identified that determine development in the application of substitution in the environmental context of sustainable and closed-cycle construction. The analysis was carried out by using a summative, linear aggregation of the values of the position and relationship indicators.
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Anna Sobotka
Kazimierz Linczowski
Aleksandra Radziejowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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A new thambematid species, Thambema thunderstruckae sp. n., is described from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic. Specimens of the new species were collected during two Polish Antarctic Expeditions in 1985 and 2007. It is the first record of this family from the Southern Hemisphere. The new species most closely resembles Thambema golanachum Harrison, 1987 and T. fiatum Harrison, 1987 but can be distinguished from both species by the shape of male pleopod 1, the number of claws on pereopods 2–7 and the setation of pereopod 1 and 2 carpus, respectively. A key to all known genera and species in the family Thambematidae is also provided.
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Karol Zemko
Stefanie Kaiser
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The paper demonstrates that, along with its standard function of linking the relevant utterance to the context, information structure (whose main parameters are assumed to be the theme-rheme division, given-new division, and direct VS inverted word order contrasts) may also fulfil a more intricate role within lyrical texts. The function of information structure may be extended to mark the inner discourse hierarchization of a poem, i.e. its division into the backgrounded part, where some experience open to the lyrical hero is presented, and the foregrounded, ‘wisdom’ part, where the discovery of some important, mostly general truth is made. This is shown with reference to a famous poem by O. Mandelstam. The final conclusion is that in general the true functions of information structure stretch far beyond what is claimed in standard, ‘non-poetically-oriented’ literature on information structure.
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Gennadii Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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