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The aim of the following paper is to compare the female protagonists of Honoré de Balzac’s novel that dates back to 1842. The comparison is drawn in the context of two philosophical notions which are in opposition: volonté, understood as intent and desire to achieve goals or realize passions, and liberum arbitrium representing the free will to make conscious personal decisions. Mrs de l’Estorade, alias Renée de Maucombe, is the most conspicuous example of a character, who seems to be driven by social determinism. However, this assumption is paradoxically far from truth because the actions she takes reflect the principles of liberum arbitrium. The epistolary form of the novel complements the analysis of the aforementioned concepts. It allows the women to give vent to their feelings and explain the reasons behind their choices.

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Andrzej Rabsztyn
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1. Friszke, Andrzej. 2008. Niepokorni. Rozmowy o Komitecie Obrony Robotników. Kraków: Znak.
2. Gawin, Dariusz. 2013. Wielki Zwrot. Ewolucja lewicy i odrodzenie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Kraków: Znak.
3. Hall, Stephen S. 2010. Wisdom. From Philosophy to Neuroscience. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
4. Kuroń, Jacek. 1977. Myśli o programie działania. Aneks, 13–14: 4–32, przedruk: Europejskie Centrum Solidarności,
5. Kuroń, Jacek. 1984. Chrześcijanin bez Boga. W: J. Kuroń. Polityka i odpowiedzialność. Londyn: Aneks.
6. Michnik, Adam. 1977. Nowy ewolucjonizm. Aneks, 13–14: 33–48, przedruk: Europejskie Centrum Solidarności,
7. Michnik, Adam. 1977. Kościół, lewica, dialog. Paryż: Instytut Literacki.
8. Michnik, Adam. 1993. Z dziejów honoru w Polsce (wypisy więzienne). Warszawa: Nowa.
9. Ostrom, Elinor. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10. Ostrom, Elinor. 2009. Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems Prize Lecture, Prize Lecture, December 8, 408–444, pełna treść wykładu noblowskiego dostępna pod linkiem (dostęp: 16.08.2020).
11. Ostrom, Elinor. 2010. Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems. American Economic Review, 100, 3: 641–672.
12. Skórzyński, Jan. 2012. Siła bezsilnych. Historia Komitetu Obrony Robotników. Warszawa: Świat Książki.
13. Witoszek, Nina. The Origins of Anti-Authoritarianism. Oxon/New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
14. Zuzowski, Robert. 1994. The Significance of KOR. History of European Ideas, 19, 1–3: 501–504.
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Maja Biernacka

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


On behalf of Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustical Society (main organizer) and Committee of Acoustics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (co-organizer) we are pleased to announce that it is nearing the end of preparations for the conduct traditionally organized Conferences, which will take place as previously in Szczyrk. At the moment, more than 50 people have confirmed participation in Conferences. They will present more than 40 lectures and reports. 45th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics constitutes a platform for sharing the results and achievements obtained in different branches of physical acoustics (e.g. molecular acoustics, quantum acoustics, acousto-optics, magnetoacoustics, photoacoustics, acoustics of solid state etc.). Moreover, researches in some selected topics related to those mentioned above (e.g. optoelectronics, relaxation processes) will also be presented during the school. Currently, during the Conference Workshop on Acoustoelectronics and Workshop on Molecular Acoustics, Relaxation and Calorimetric Methods will be held – however, there is a possibility of organizing workshops on other subjects in the future. We would like to invite scientific centers and groups to cooperate in organizing workshops on the subjects of their interests. XLIVth Winter School on Environmental Acoustics and Vibroacoustics is the forum for all environmental and vibroacoustics fields. Particularly it concerns traffic noise, vibroacoustics of machines, room acoustics, building acoustics, noise protection and similar problems.
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Deklarowane w naukach biomedycznych obiektywizm i autonomia, zarówno na poziomie badawczym, jak i praktyki klinicznej, pozwalają przypuszczać, że dziedziny te wolne są od retoryki genderowej. Przeprowadzone przez nas analizy języka wykorzystywanego w opisie procesu zapłodnienia oraz w obszarze reprodukcji wspomaganej pokazują, że dyskurs biomedyczny nie pozostaje neutralny wobec genderowych stereotypów. W niniejszym artykule głębszemu namysłowi poddałyśmy dwie cechy tradycyjnie przypisywane „naturze kobiecej”: pasywność, która pojawia się w podręcznikach biologicznych i medycz-nych opisujących proces zapłodnienia, oraz altruizm, zauważalny w debacie i praktyce w sferze reprodukcji wspomaganej.

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Anna Alichniewicz
Monika Michałowska
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This paper presents the concept of an innovative field-controlled axial-flux permanent-magnet (FCAFPM) machine. In order to show the working principle and features of the proposed dual-rotor with surface-mounted PM’s and iron poles, a toroidallywounded slotted single-stator FCAFPM machine is investigated and analyzed in detail, using 3-D FEAnalysis. The control range, back electromotive force (back-EMF), output and cogging torque components have been evaluated.

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Piotr Paplicki

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