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Previous research has utilized the duration ratio and occasionally the duration difference as single-value metrics to measure and compare the temporal acoustics of durationally contrastive vocalics (short vs. long vowels), which allow researchers to reduce two values (short and long) to one, but express a relationship instead of representing the vocalic duration values directly. The duration ratio may even be misleading when comparing two languages or dialects, as it is possible to exhibit a similar ratio but differ in durational acoustics, or vice versa. The current study proposes two alternative statistical metrics: a duration metric and a difference metric. The duration metric is an intermediate (mean-like) value between the duration of the short and long vocalics, and the difference metric is a ± value that can be added to or subtracted from the duration metric to obtain the duration of long or short vocalics. We conduct a production experiment on Arabic and Japanese vocalics and analyze the data using both traditional measures and the proposed metrics. The findings show that the proposed metrics better predict the language from which the vocalic duration values were obtained. Such results suggest that the proposed metrics are better candidates for measuring and comparing the temporal acoustics of vocalics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yahya Aldholmi

  1. Department of Linguistics, College of Language Sciences King Saud University
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This paper proposes a solution to the problem of colour map designing on CRT monitors. Colour progression scales and ranges of constant depth colours are computed using the basic cell of colour processing which is a combination of the new colour appearance model CIECAM02 and the colorimetric model of monitor (Berns' GOG). This paper also presents practical side of designing colour progression scales balanced to constant depth colours, defining parameter of vivid level of projecting scales and showing CIECAM02 model calculation formulas in reverse mode.
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Joanna Jaroszewicz
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This volume, a collection of articles by Svetlana Tolstaya, is representative of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school, whose main goal (as was the intention of its founder, Nikita I. Tolstoy) is to reconstruct the spiritual ancestry of Slavs from both historical data and contemporary dialectological and ethnographic records. The rich and varied achievements of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school and specifically Svetlana Tolstaya are reviewed here, along with her contribution to building Polish‑Russian scholarly cooperation. The examples of mir, sud'ba, *svojь are used to illustrate the advantages of the analytical method employed by the author, i.e. semantic reconstruction within semantic microfields.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Bartmiński
1 2

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej UMCS, Lublin
  2. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa

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