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The study focuses on the names of Opel cars and serves as an example of the potential contribution that a linguist can make to the process of development and evaluation of brands. It also analyses how the patterns of branding have changed together with the shift from the descriptive names in the production era through those influenced by semantics and social rank to those phonetically and orthographically guided in the marketing era.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Mamet


The most important challenges in the construction field is to do the experimentation of the designing at real time. It leads to the wastage of the materials and time consuming process. In this paper, an artificial neural network based model for the verification of sigma section characteristics like shear centre and deflection are designed and verified. The physical properties like weight, depth, flange, lip, outer web, thickness, and area to bring shear centre are used in the model. Similarly, weight, purlin centres with allowable loading of different values used in the model for deflection verification. The overall average error rate as 1.278 percent to the shear centre and 2.967 percent to the deflection are achieved by the model successfully. The proposed model will act as supportive tool to the steel roof constructors, engineers, and designers who are involved in construction as well as in the section fabricators industry.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Janani
R. Thenmozhi
L.S. Jayagopal


Efektywność energetyczna modułów fotowoltaicznych stanowi jeden z najważniejszych aspektów przekładających się na sferę ekonomiczną przedsięwzięcia związanego z instalacją modułów fotowoltaicznych. Na efektywność modułów i wielkość energii elektrycznej produkowaną na drodze konwersji fotowoltaicznej w modułach fotowoltaicznych ma wpływ wiele czynników zarówno wewnętrznych, związanych z samą budową modułu i jego parametrami technicznymi, jak i zewnętrznych, związanych z infrastrukturą energetyczną, w skład której wchodzi okablowanie i inwertery, oraz z warunkami klimatycznymi panującymi w miejscu lokalizacji instalacji energetycznej i usytuowania modułów związanych z orientacją oraz kątem nachylenia modułów fotowoltaicznych. Instalacja modułów fotowoltaicznych powinna być poprzedzana i uwarunkowana wykonaniem analiz szacujących ilość wytworzonej energii, a więc analiz produkcji energii elektrycznej, które to pomogą wskazać optymalne rozwiązanie dostosowane do danych warunków. W artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wielkości wytwarzanej energii w warunkach rzeczywistych oraz symulowanych. Analiz dokonano na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w Laboratorium Monitoringu Energii Wiatrowej i Słonecznej AGH, danych z baz nasłonecznienia oraz oprogramowania komputerowego do szacowania zasobów energetycznych. Badaniu poddano korelację natężenia promieniowania słonecznego padającego na moduł fotowoltaiczny oraz mocy uzyskanej przez moduł. Porównano ilość wytworzonej przez moduł energii elektrycznej w warunkach rzeczywistych oraz symulowanych z dwóch źródeł. Dokonano także porównania i analizy ilości wyprodukowanej energii modułu z uwzględnieniem symulowanych różnych kątów jego nachylenia.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bartosz Soliński
Monika Stopa


The paper relates to the problem of adaptation of V-block methods to waviness measurements of cylindrical surfaces. It presents the fundamentals of V-block methods and the principle of their application. The V-block methods can be successfully used to measure the roundness and waviness deviations of large cylinders used in paper industry, shipping industry, or in metallurgy. The concept of adaptation of the V-block method to waviness measurements of cylindrical surfaces was verified using computer simulations and experimental work. The computer simulation was carried out in order to check whether the proposed mathematical model and V-block method parameters are correct. Based on the simulation results, a model of measuring device ROL-2 for V-block waviness measurements was developed. Next, experimental research was carried out consisting in evaluation of waviness deviation, initially using a standard non-reference measuring device, and then using the tested device based on the V-block method. Finally, accuracy of the V-block experimental method was calculated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Adamczak
Paweł Zmarzły
Dariusz Janecki


In this paper we discuss the test results for concretes containing various amounts of ggbs as compared to concretes made with Portland cement. The main objective of these tests is to evaluate the influence of varying air content in such mixtures on the structure and frost resistance of concrete. The authors suggest that the approach presented here allows for a safe design of concrete mixtures in terms of their frost resistance.

The results indicate that concrete can be resistant to surface scaling even at the W/C ratio markedly higher than 0.45. Increased addition of ggbs leads to a decrease in concrete resistance to surface scaling. Proper air entrainment is the fundamental factor for frost-resistant concrete, and the air void system has to be assessed (micropore content A₃₀₀, spacing factor L). The addition of ggbs increases pore diameters, thus, to obtain the appropriate air pore spacing factor, micropore quantities introduced have to be increased.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Wawrzeńczyk
A. Molendowska
T. Juszczak


Professor Piotr Pierański, an outstanding Polish physicists, excellent researcher and brilliant lecturer, passed away on the 23rd February 2018. The article quotes some recollections of his numerous friends and coworkers wordwide.

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Zarówno w miejskich, jak i wiejskich kompozycjach urbanistycznych parki mogą pełnić szczególną rolę oraz wpływać na układ przestrzenny. We wsi Strzelce Wielkie centrum oraz otaczający je krajobraz otwarty powiązane były kompozycyjnie ze znajdującym się w tej miejscowości parkiem dworskim. Zespolony z układem urbanistycznym, determinował on wygląd i lokalizację najważniejszych historycznych elementów wsi.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Przemysław Baster


It was at the request of Blessed Queen Hedwig and her husband Jagiełło that on 11 January 1397 Pope Boniface IX signed a bull allowing foundation of the Faculty of Theology in Kraków. This very date begin a six hundred years’ period of the Faculty’s activities. Unfortunately in 1954 the Faculty of theology was removed by the unilateral edict of the communist Cabinet. This decision, however, did not cease the actual and canonical existence of the faculty. In 1959 the Apostolic

See issued a decree stating that the Faculty of Theology in accordance with its Founding Charter and character “remains under the supervision of one ecclesiastic authority and in the future is to be formed according to the laws passed by the Apostolic see”. In 1974 owing to the eff orts of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła the Faculty was bestowed the honourable title Pontifical.

A turning point in the history of the Faculty of Theology in Kraków came when on 8 December 1981 the Holy father issued a Motu proprio Beata Hedvigis in virtue of which the Pontifi cal Academy of Theology with three faculties: theology, philosophy and Church history was establish.

The aim of this Faculty of Theology is to provide versatile and systematic knowledge of God’s revelation, its sources, message and forms of transmission, the attitude of man towards God revealing himself to him and the many forms of this Revelation in various centuries and ways of Church life.

In studies leading to acquire Master’s degree, which lasts six years, there are mainly alumni preparing for priesthood coming from diocesan and religious seminaries as well as theological institutes affi liated with the Academy. Th ere are also theological studies for laity and nuns who have graduated from the Inter-Congregational Higher Education of Catechetic. The Faculty includes the following 32 chairs which are grouped in 8 specializations: biblical theology, fundamental theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology, theology of spirituality, practical theology, liturgy and canon law. Besides within the Faculty there are: Institute of Liturgy, Institute of Family and Institute of Canon Law. The Faculty has contracts with 15 seminaries for candidates for ordained ministry and 4 institutes of higher theological education which allow them to graduate their alumni.

After the removal from the University the Faculty has graduated 11 105 people (ordained and lay people) in the theology, it has also conferred 308 doctorate degrees in theology (DD) and 85 degrees of habilitation. In 2007 there was 1396 students.

The Faculty has the accreditation of University Accreditation Commission (UAC). The Faculty is also member of Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions (COCTI). It collaborates also wit different foreign faculties, especially within the LLP-Erasmus (the EU Programm).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ks. Janusz Mieczkowski
ks. Jan D. Szczurek

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