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The author discusses the world-wide regulation of international disputes against the background ofarticle 33 of the United Nations Charter, the UN Convention on the law of the sea from 1982, and other international legal documents. International custom plays a separate role in the determination of international disputes. In a further part of the article, the author interprets among other matters: the character of maritime disputes and the procedure for arbitration; international maritime disputes against the background of the UN Convention on the law of the sea from 1982; the settling of maritime disputes related to property through arbitration.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jonas Bergholcas


The successful integration of the polar research community in Poland – through collaboration between the PAS Committee on Polar Research, the Polish Polar Consortium and the Polar Studies Centre – has led to the development of a Polish Polar Research Strategy, setting forth a set of directions for the future.
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Agnieszka Kruszewska


Integracja badań polarnych w Polsce w ramach Komitetu Badań Polarnych PAN, Polskiego Konsorcjum Polarnego i Centrum Studiów Polarnych KNOW to sukces krajowego środowiska polarnego. Dzięki niej możliwe było wypracowanie Strategii Polskich Badań Polarnych (SPBP).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Kruszewska


On 14 January 2021, the Polish Ministry of Climate and the Environment submitted for public consultation the draft Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with a perspective until 2040. The project defines goals and activities related to developing national competencies and technologies for building a low-emission hydrogen economy. The draft announces the preparation of the “Hydrogen Law”, which is to be a package of changes to currently existing acts, particularly the Polish Energy Law. However, the proposals presented in the strategy do not seem to be fully consistent with the vision of the development of the future regulation of the hydrogen market presented by the European Commission. The article presents the Polish Hydrogen Strategy’s most important assumptions regarding the proposed legislative changes and discusses them in the context of the European strategy. The main focus is on two aspects related to the planned legislative changes that seem to be the most important at this stage in order to stimulate the development of the hydrogen market: the definition of hydrogen and the decision upon which production methods will be supported, and the future regulation of the hydrogen market.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dagmara Dragan

  1. Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland


The constant increase in the popularity of renewable energy systems allows residential building users to apply solutions leading to the diversification of the energy supply. The use of RES systems in residential buildings not only contributes to a higher level of environmental care, but also significantly and measurably improves the energy efficiency of the facility. Using hybrid systems allows the supply to be reduced or eliminated from conventional energy sources. The article presents common layouts of renewable energy systems, which are successfully used in residential buildings. It also shows the impact of such systems on the amount of savings achieved in the use of energy from external or conventional sources. In residential buildings, the possibility of energy generation in the form of electricity and heat is dependent on many factors that determine the type and size of the systems used to obtain energy from renewable sources. We should assume the further and continuous development of RES, which will increase the share of electricity and heat produced in households. Technological development, decreasing prices of equipment and components used for the installation of green electricity generation systems will be a conducive factor for increasing the popularity of RES systems, not only for residential buildings but also for other types of buildings. The article also points out the economic aspect of the RES systems application. It presents the positive impact of RES installations on the environment and estimates the average time of financial reimbursement. The economic analysis concerns individual systems of renewable energy systems used in residential buildings.

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Sławomir Sowa


The role and importance of energy security increases with the development of civilization, whose inherent element has become the demand for energy and its carriers. The article discusses the issue of cooperation in the field of energy security in Central Europe at the moment of finishing work on the North-South Corridor, which changes the existing gas architecture in the region. In order to better understand the situation in the region, the energy systems of the Visegrad Group countries, identical to the Central European region, have been analysed, according to the definition of the World Bank and OECD. Considering the historical and geopolitical connections of the Visegrad Group’s fate, it is important to create a common gas market. The physical interconnection of gas systems greatly increases energy security in this region. Moreover, thanks to the construction of LNG terminals in Poland and Croatia, it will be possible to diversify not only the routes, but also the sources of supply of this important raw material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewelina Kochanek


In this paper, selected aspects of energy efficiency are shown. The European Union regulations in area of energy efficiency such as Directive 2012/27/EU, are discussed. The national legal regulations which describe energy efficiency such as the Energy Efficiency Act are presented. Principles concerning the obligation of energy savings and energy audits of enterprises are described. National, regional and local programs and measures concerning the improvement of energy efficiency are performed. These are horizontal measures and energy efficiency measures in: industry, transport, the buildings of public institutions and energy generation and supplies. National economy energy efficiency is shown. The energy intensity indicators (primary, final) and rate of their changes in last years are performed. Moreover, directions of undertakings connected with the possible future reduction in energy intensity of the national economy, are defined. An analysis of energy efficiency measures and solutions for the improvement of energy efficiency, especially in industry and households, is performed. The improvement of economy energy intensity indicators constitutes the most effective solution which brings significant economic, technical and environmental benefits such as an increase in economic innovation and its competitiveness, the improvement of the energy supply security level, a reduction in the consumption of natural resources and a reduction of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The conclusions contain an analysis of the present level of energy efficiency in Poland and the perspectives of its increase in the future along with the benefits connected with it.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Waldemar Dołęga


Energy security is one of the most frequently analysed phenomena in the energy markets. Great variety of scientifc efforts should have indicated clear definition of the phenomenon. However, those studies highlighted more than 80 different definitions of what energy security really is. Due to the fact, that energy security is analyzed by different scientific disciplines, studies have provided a comperehensive reflection on the phenomenon.

The main objective of this paper is of the theoretical nature and focuses on showing energy security externalities. Author delivers an integrative review focusing on existing literature referring to the analyzed phenomena. Energy security is though studied only from the perspective of economics therefore interdisciplinary studies are out of the study scope. The reason for such scientific procedure stem from a belief that each discipline approach is different in terms of concepts, research methods and though results that are obtained. Therefore without undermining high value of interdisciplinary approaches to energy security, author decided to concentrate solely on economic perspective, which in energy security studies seems to be underestimated. Such approach in author’s belief helps achieve theoretical clarity of the below given analysis.

Presented paper is of the theoretical nature and focuses on showing energy security externalities. Critical literature review shows the literature mainstream in which energy security externalities are

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska
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This article is devoted to topical issues of gender equality in the energy sector. It is a retrospective analysis of the problem of gender equality over the past 50 years in various countries and sectors of the economy. The situation with the improvement of the gender balance in general is changing, but unevenly, which increases the relevance of attention to the gender factor in policy development, particularly in the energy sector. It has been established that in the energy sector, there remain so-called “glass walls” and “glass ceilings” for the development of women’s professional careers, which leads to horizontal and vertical segregation. The main barriers to gender balance in the energy sector are highlighted. The institutional conditions for ensuring gender equality in the energy sector have allowed for a more comprehensive view of the problem of gender occupational segregation. A number of institutional problems of gender equality in the energy sector are highlighted and characterized. These include: inconsistency of formal norms of gender equality and existing economic practices; lack of gender mainstreaming in energy policy making due to insufficient attention to social relations; the creation of additional tensions in industrial relations to ensure gender equality; unemployment of able-bodied women due to segregation in the labor market in the energy sector., Using a number of practical proposals for ensuring gender equality at the industrial and company levels, the authors propose a conceptual model of institutional support for gender equality in the energy sector. The implementation of these proposals would help eliminate gender imbalances in the energy sector and promote the development of energy companies on a sustainable basis.
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Bennedsen et al. 2019 – Bennedsen, M., Simintzi, E., Tsoutsoura, M. and Wolfenzon, D. 2019. Gender Pay Gap Shrinks when Companies are Required to Disclose Them. Harvard Business Review. January 23. [Online] https://hbr.org/2019/01/research-gender-pay-gaps-shrink-when-companies-arerequired-to-disclose-them [Accessed: 2021-08-15].
Blau, F.D. and Kahn, L.M. 2017. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature 55(3), pp. 789–865.
Cirella et al. 2020 – Cirella, G., Goncharuk, A., lo Storto, C. and Russo, A. 2020. Exploring Social Sustainability and Economic Practices: Multi-Journal Compendium. Sustainability 12, pp. 1–7, DOI: 10.3390/su12051718.
Dołęga, W. 2019. Selected aspects of national economy energy efficiency. Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal 22(3), pp. 19–32, DOI: 10.33223/epj/111987.
Gagnidze, I. 2018. The Role of International Educational and Science Programs for Sustainable Development (Systemic Approach). Kybernetes 47(2), pp. 409–424, DOI: 10.1108/K-03-2017-01.
GETI 2021. The Global Energy Talent Index Report 2021. Global Energy Talent Index (GETI). [Online] https://www.getireport.com/reports/2021/ [Accessed: 2021-08-19].
GWNET 2019. Women for Sustainable Energy: Strategies to Foster Women’s Talent for Transformational Change. Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET), 100 pp. [Online] https://www.globalwomennet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Gwnet-study.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-19].
IRENA 2019. Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 92 pp. [Online] https://www.irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Publication/2019/Jan/IRENA_ Gender_perspective_2019.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-19].
Lowndes, V. 2010. The Institutional Approach. Edit. By Marsh, D. and Stoker, G. Theories and Methods in Political Science. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 65. McKinsey and Company 2020. Women in the Workplace 2020, 63 pp. [Online] https://wiw-report.s3.amazonaws. com/Women_in_the_Workplace_2020.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-15].
Ossowska, L.J and Janiszewska, D.A. 2020. Toward sustainable energy consumption in the European Union. Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal 23(1), pp. 37–48. DOI: 10.33223/epj/119371.
SSSU 2020. Socio-demographic characteristics of Ukrainian households in 2019 (Sotsialʹno-demohrafichni kharakterystyky domohospodarstv Ukrayiny). Statistical collection. State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU). [Online] http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/druk/publicat/Arhiv_u/17/Arch_cdhd_zb.htm [Accessed: 2021-11-04] (in Ukrainian).
UN 2019. Policy Brief 12 Energy and Gender. Accelerating SDG 7 Achievement SDG 7 Policy Briefs in Support of the High-Level Political Forum 2019. United Nations (UN), 207 pp. [Online] https://sustainabledevelopment. un.org/content/documents/22877UN_FINAL_ONLINE_20190523.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-12].
UNDP 2019. Human Development Index (HDI). United Nations Development Program (UNDP). [Online] http://hdr.undp.org [Accessed: 2021-07 07].
UNFPA 2019. Business Guidelines – How Large, Medium and Small Businesses Benefit from Equality and Domestic Violence Policies (Kerivni pryntsypy dlya biznesu – Yak velykyy, seredniy ta malyy biznes vyhraye vid polityky rivnosti ta zapobihannya domashnʹomu nasylʹstvu). United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 58 pp. [Online] https://ukraine.unfpa.org/uk/BADVGuide [Accessed: 2021-08-20] (in Ukrainian).
USAID 2021. Gender aspects of employment in the energy sector of Ukraine (Henderni aspekty zaynyatosti v enerhetychnomu sektori Ukrayiny). Energy Security Project Report. Kyiv: U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), 80 pp. [Online] http://poruch.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ Gender_energy_report-short-web-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2ZRl8yHcH-O0l2m-1sxVgvMn7QUe10hDVU-2e50fQ4Y2AohzOzNemamjCY [Accessed: 2021-07-10] (in Ukrainian).
WB 2020a. The World Bank in Gender. The World Bank (WB). [Online] https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/gender/overview [Accessed: 2021-08-12].
WB 2020b. Women, Business and the Law 2020: 50 years of women’s rights. The World Bank (WB) [Online] https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/infographic/2020/03/03/women-business-and-the-law-2020-50-years-of-womens-rights [Accessed: 2021-08-11].
WB 2021. Gender Statistics. The World Bank (WB). [Online] https://databank.worldbank.org/reports.aspx?source=283&series=SG.IND.WORK.EQ [Accessed: 2021-08-12].
WEF 2020. Global Gender Gap Report 2020. World Economic Forum (WEF), 371 pp. [Online] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2020.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-14].
WEF 2021. Global Gender Gap Report 2021. World Economic Forum (WEF), 405 pp. [Online] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2021.pdf [Accessed: 2021-08-14].
Wodon et al. 2020 – Wodon, Q., Onagoruwa, A., Malé, C., Montenegro, C., Nguyen, H., and de la Brière, B. 2020. How Large Is the Gender Dividend? Measuring Selected Impacts and Costs of Gender Inequality. The Cost of Gender Inequality Notes Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. [Online] https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/33396 [Accessed: 2021-08-11].
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Olena Shatilova
Tetiana Sobolieva
Oleksandr Vostryakov

  1. Management, SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Kyiv, Ukraine


Yearbooks of international law are publications common to many countries. The present contribution aims at presenting the argument that the yearbooks in the Visegrád countries play an extremely important role for the national academia and its identity and visibility in the globalized world. The argument is justified by an excursion to the common history of the academia in these countries, in particular during the years of communist régime and the transformation in the 1990s. The lack of specialized journals and other publications on international law in English, together with the internal and external stress on publication activities, makes them very precious.
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Pavel Šturma
1 2

  1. Professor and Head of the Department of International Law, Charles University Faculty of Law (Prague)
  2. Member of the UN International Law Commission


Emerging technologies represent the direction of the new industrial revolution of promoting sustainable economic and social development, and strategic emerging industries have developed rapidly in China. The development of these emerging technology industries requires more mineral resources as raw materials, especially the need for specific minerals, has increased. The unsatisfied growing demand for minerals used in emerging technologies or an unexpected supply disruption in major producing countries could have an impact on economic development. There are only several studies on the supply of mineral resources from the perspective of mineral resources needed by the development of China’s emerging industries. To assess the criticality of the minerals needed by the strategic emerging industries in China, this paper adopts three indicators: import concentration, the volatility of prices and the application requirements by the Chinese 13th five-year plan dedicated to strategic emerging industries in 2016. Furthermore, 34 types of nonfuel minerals and mineral raw materials are separated into three categories. Finally, this paper indicates that the three indexes are all high for 8 minerals with supply risks, application in emerging technologies, and substantial market fluctuations which need the support of special policies. Two indexes of three Level-II indicators are high for 14 minerals which need different policy combination measures, and one index is high for 12 minerals which also needs attention, all of which were analyzed.

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Yun Yu


In the morphosyntactic literature, there exist two approaches to the problem of argument structure in English nominal synthetic compounds such as furniture moving or dog training. According to Borer (2012), such synthetic compounds belong to the class of referential nominals and thus lack argument structure. On the other hand, Alexiadou (2017) maintains that the external argument is present in the structure of synthetic compounds due to their ability to co-occur with by-phrases. In this paper, we present an extensive set of corpus data to show that synthetic -ing compounds do project the external argument, which is evidenced by their ability to license not only by-phrases but also agent-oriented adjectives and instrumental phrases. Importantly, the corpus data indicates that certain synthetic -ing compounds display the capacity to occur in aspectual contexts; nominal compounds fall in two classes in that regard.

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Sebastian Wasak


In Old English dual personal pronouns constituted a small but significant pocket of its inflectional morphology. Their disappearance in Middle English is usually taken as evidence for their marginal and tenuous status already in the preceding centuries. They are seen as optional, poetic, and unpredictable. It is the argument of this paper on the basis of the evidence of the Old English Genesis that these claims warrant a careful revision as – at least in this one poem – there is nothing random or irregular about their use.
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Marcin Krygier

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań


With a plethora of factors at work blurring the notoriously tenuous distinction between active and passive interpretations of verb constructions, one might with good reason express doubt as to whether establishing hard and fast principles for differentiating them is at all a sensible task. After a brief survey of passivum tantum -and basically passive verbs, as well as of chameleon-like, statal and dynamic passives, the author of the present contribution takes it upon herself to closer investigate the verbal or adjectival status exhibited by a series of -ed forms – as cited by various linguists (Stein, Quirk et al, Downing & Locke, Dixon) – with a view to advancing a more rigorous classifi cation of -ed for-ms based on the syntactico-semantic description of their individual behaviour in the various combinations analysed. The table submitted shows -ed forms located on an imaginary scale spanning passivehood from bona fide dynamic passives to copular complementation, with four further partitions in between. In the concluding section the author further glosses the subcategorization proposed, in that she provides the semantico-pragmatic motivation underlying the rather difficult choices made in the process.

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Gina Măciucă


The focus of the paper is the historical comparison of E fist and P pięść from the perspective of diachronic phonology. The paper specifically addresses the issue of the phonological development of this pair of cognates. The main aim is to explain the relatedness and differentiations of the modern reflexes of the original Proto-Indo-European roots and to account for their different phonological developments in both languages with a view to understanding the connection between the contemporary cognates. These aims are realised by means of searching for sound changes that explain the discrepancy in the phonological shapes of modern cognates and collecting other pairs of cognates that demonstrate the effect of theses sound changes. As the result of the historical and comparative analysis, it is argued that some of the Proto-Germanic reconstructions are more likely than others and in conclusion the most probable development of the two cognates is outlined in the chronological order. It is remarkable that the cognates of the compounds pięść / fist are to be found almost exclusively in Slavic and Germanic and the effect of their development resembles blending.

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Mikołaj Rychło
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Improvements in water quality requires the removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater. The most promising and cost-effective methods for this purpose are biological ones based on activated sludge microorganisms such as nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria. Due to the most of the nitrogen removal bacteria are uncultivable in a laboratory, the application of the molecular tools is required to investigate microorganisms involved in the nitrogen removal. In case of this study for the analysis of relative genes abundance of nitrogen removal bacteria, quantitative PCR (qPCR) based on bacterial DNA and qPCR preceded by reverse transcription (RT-qPCR) based on bacterial mRNA as a template, were used with specific bacterial functional genes ( amoA, nrxA, nirS, nirK, hzo). Samples from four anammox sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were analyzed, while the nitrogen removal process and bacteria growth were supported by biomass immobilization and nanoparticles addition. There were statistically significant differences between results obtained in the case of mRNA and DNA (p<0.05). Statistically significant positive correlations were found between results obtained with those two approaches. In case of mRNA analysis, positive results were obtained only for hzo, amoA and partly for nirS genes, despite additional purification and removal of inhibitors from samples prior to reaction.
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Abzazou, T., Salvadó, H., Cárdenas-Youngs, Y., Becerril-Rodríguez, A., Cebirán, E. M. C., Huguet, A. & Araujo, R. M. (2018). Characterization of nutrient-removing microbial communities in two full-scale WWTP systems using a new qPCR approach. Sci. Total Environ. , 618, pp. 858–865, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.241
Banach, A., Pudlo, A. & Ziembińska-Buczyńska, A. (2018). Immobilization of Anammox biomass in sodium alginate. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 44, pp. 00008). EDP Sciences, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20184400008
Banach-Wiśniewska, A., Ćwiertniewicz-Wojciechowska, M.& Ziembińska-Buczyńska, A. (2020a). Effect of temperature shifts and anammox biomass immobilization on sequencing batch reactor performance and bacterial genes abundance. J. Environ., 1-12, DOI: 10.1007/s13762-020-02957-w
Banach-Wiśniewska, A., Tomaszewski, M., Cema, G. & Ziembińska-Buczyńska, A. (2020). Medium shift influence on nitrogen removal bacteria: Ecophysiology and anammox process performance. Chemosphere, 238, 124597, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124597
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Banach-Wiśniewska
Filip Gamoń
Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Department, Gliwice, Poland


In this paper, the authors analyse the propagation of surface Love waves in an elastic layered waveguide (elastic guiding layer deposited on an elastic substrate) covered on its surface with a Newtonian liquid layer of finite thickness. By solving the equations of motion in the constituent regions (elastic substrate, elastic surface layer and Newtonian liquid) and imposing the appropriate boundary conditions, the authors established an analytical form of the complex dispersion equation for Love surface waves. Further, decomposition of the complex dispersion equation into its real and imaginary part, enabled for evaluation of the phase velocity and attenuation dispersion curves of the Love wave. Subsequently, the influence of the finite thickness of a Newtonian liquid on the dispersion curves was evaluated. Theoretical (numerical) analysis shows that when the thickness of the Newtonian liquid layer exceeds approximately four penetration depths 4δ of the wave in a Newtonian liquid, then this Newtonian liquid layer can be regarded as a semi-infinite half-space. The results obtained in this paper can be important in the design and optimization of ultrasonic Love wave sensors such as: biosensors, chemosensors and viscosity sensors. Love wave viscosity sensors can be used to assess the viscosity of various liquids, e.g. liquid polymers.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja


Dezintegracja hydrodynamiczna osadu czynnego oraz piany powoduje uwolnienie materii organicznej z fazy stałej do fazy ciekłej. Dezintegracja 30 minutowa osadu czynnego i piany skutkuje wzrostem wartości ChlT w cieczy odpowiednio o 220 mgdm3 i 609 rngdrm3, a tym samym wzrostem stopnia dezintegracji do 38% i 4 7% w przypadku osadu czynnego i piany. Kawitacja hydrodynamiczna skutkuje wzrostem stopnia dezintegracji i tempa produkcji biogazu. Ponadto dodanie przefermentowanego osadu z zaadoptowanymi mikroorganizmami przyczynia się do przyspieszenia procesu beztlenowego. Dodatek dezintegrowanej piany (20% i 40% objętościowych) do procesu fermentacji powoduje wzrost wydajności produkcji biogazu odpowiednio o 173% i 195% w porównaniu do produkcji biogazu z osadu czynnego niepoddanego dezintegracji (osad surowy) i o 142% i 161% w porównaniu do próby osadu czynnego z udziałem objętościowym osadu przefermentowanego (80% osadu surowego+ 20%, osadu przefermentowanego).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alicja Machnicka
Klaudiusz Grubel
Jan Suschka
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Numerous plant species around the world suffer from the presence of viruses, which especially in economically important crops, cause irretrievable damage and/or extensive losses. Many biotechnological approaches have been developed, such as meristem culture, chemotherapy, thermotherapy or cryotherapy, to eliminate viruses from infected plants. These have been used alone or in combination. In this work, meristem culture, thermotherapy and cryotherapy were compared for Apple mosaic virus elimination from hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz”. The virus-free plant was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) after each treatment and, the best results were obtained by cryotherapy. A one step freezing technique, droplet vitrification, was used for cryotherapy, and the best regeneration percentage was 52%. After cryotherapy, virus-free seedlings of hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz” were confirmed as being virus-free after three subcultured periods.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ergun Kaya

  1. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey


Emisja pyłu ze źródeł energetycznych powoduje wprowadzenie do środowiska wielu zanieczyszczeń, w tym związków niebezpiecznych metali, występujących jako pierwiastki śladowe w węglu kamiennym i brunatnym. Po spaleniu węgla znajdują się one w ziarnach pyłu respirabilnego, co stwarza zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi. Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad dystrybucją wybranych kilkunastu pierwiastków śladowych we frakcjach ziarnowych popiołu lotnego emitowanego z kotłów z cyrkulacyjnym złożem fluidalnym stosowanych w elektrociepłowniach opalanych węglem. Material badawczy został pobrany za pomocą impaktora kaskadowego umożliwiającego wydzielenie ze strumienia spalin odpylonych w elektrofiltrze frakcji pyłu o różnej wielkości ziarna. Do oznaczenia pierwiastków śladowych wykorzystano metodę atomowej emisyjnej spektrometrii o wzbudzeniu plazmowym !CP-AES po uprzedniej mineralizacji próbek metodą mikrofalową. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów i analiz, określając zakresy występowania pierwiastków śladowych w popiele lotnym, charakteryzując dystrybucję we frakcjach ziarnowych PM,, PM,., i PM10 i wyznaczając wskaźniki emis
Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Konieczyński
Katarzyna Stec
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Filtering Respiratory Protective Devices (FRPD) is not typically evaluated for exposure to volatile compounds, even though they significantly affect their protective performance. Such compounds are released into the atmosphere by industrial processes and pose serious health risks in people inhaling them. The adsorbent materials currently used to prevent those risks include activated carbon (AC). Zeolites and mesoporous silica materials (MCM) are very popular among the sorption materials. Due to their physical and chemical properties, they are able to adsorb significant amounts of volatile compounds from air. The melt-blown technology was used to produce filtering nonwovens with modifiers. As a result, polymer nonwoven structures with modifiers in the form of AC, zeolite (NaP1 type), molecular sieves (SM, SM 4Å) and mesoporous silica materials (MCM-41) were produced. The use of ACs (AC1 from Zgoda and AC2 from Pleisch) and their mixtures with others modifiers allowed to obtain satisfactory sorption, protective and utility properties. The longest breakthrough time against cyclohexane (approx. 53 min) was afforded by a variant containing AC, against ammonia (approx. 12 min) for the variant with AC2 and a mixture of AC2 and MCM-41. In the case of acetone vapor satisfactory breakthrough times were found for the variants with AC2 and AC1+SM (~20–25 min.). The present work deals with scientific research to improve workers’ and society’s health and safety by pursuing a better working life, and creating a safe social environment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Brochocka
Aleksandra Nowak
Rafał Panek
Paweł Kozikowski
Wojciech Franus

  1. Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute, Lodz, Poland
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland

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