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In this article attention is paid to improving the quality of text document classification. The common techniques of analysis of text documents used in classification are shown and the weakness of these methods are stressed. Discussed here is the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods, which is increasing the quality of classification. In the proposed approach the expanded terms, obtained by using information patterns are used in the Latent Semantic Analysis. Finally empirical research is presented and based upon the quality measures of the text document classification, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is proved.

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Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Śmiałkowska
Marcin Gibert
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The judgment of the Court of Justice in the Achmea case evoked significant repercussions regarding the application and operation of the bilateral investment treaties (BITs) concluded between EU Member States. As a result of this decision, EU Member States have decided to terminate almost 190 intra-EU BITs. Nevertheless, full implementation of the Achmea judgment remains a complex issue, entangled in political and legal controversies concerning intra-EU BITs which have been present for more than a decade. On a more general level, the implementation process is simultaneously entwined in two other significant debates: the specifics of the rights of investors, and the relationship between EU law and international law.

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Łukasz Kułaga
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The lack of instruments that evaluate strategic thinking and the fact that it is positively related to high levels of professional performance has led us to the development and validation of a questionnaire that allows us to measure it in an organizational context. This was done through three studies. First an exploratory study, in which 272 Human Resources (HR) professionals participated, allowed us to develop its items and analyze its psychometric properties. From it three factors were extracted: (1) systemic thinking, (2) vision towards the future and, (3) identification of new opportunities. Also, the results indicated the existence of a latent overall model of strategic thinking. Secondly, a confirmatory study, where 352 Human Resources professionals participated, intended to validate the results of the previous study. The same three factors, and a latent factor were replicated revealing that the model presented had an excellent adjustment. Furthermore, a third study was carried out in order to study the perceived relationship between strategic thinking, satisfaction, trust and customers’ retention. This study counted with the participation of 273 professionals who held positions of middle and upper management, key employees regarding the use of ST in organizations. The results of the three studies allow us to conclude that the Strategic Thinking Questionnaire is a valid instrument to analyze strategic thinking.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rosa Isabel Rodrigues
Aristides Ferreira
José Neves

  1. Instituto Superior de Gestão, Lisboa, Portugal
  2. ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal
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Heat transfer study from the heated square cylinder at a different orientation angle to the stream of nanofluids has been investigated numerically. CuO-based nanofluids were used to elucidate the significant effect of parameters: Reynolds number (1–40), nanoparticle volume fraction (0.00–0.05), the diameter of the NPs (30–100 mn) and the orientation of square cylinder (0–90°). The numerical results were expressed in terms of isotherm contours and average Nusselt number to explain the effect of relevant parameters. Over the range of conditions, the separation of the boundary layers of nanofluids increased with the size of the NPs as compared to pure water. NPs volume fraction and its size had a significant effect on heat transfer rate. The square cylinder of orientation angle (45°) gained a more efficient heat transfer cylinder than other orientation angles. Finally, the correlations were developed for the average Nusselt number in terms of the relevant parameters for 45° orientation of the cylinder for new applications.
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Jaspinder Kaur
Jatinder Kumar Ratan
Anurag Kumar Tiwari

  1. Dr B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandar Punjab, Chemical Engineering Department, Pin code 144011, India
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The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of autologous activated platelet-rich plasma on healing of a bone substitute - tricalcium phosphate hydroxyapatite in experimental long bone defects using an animal model.

The experiment involved an animal model of femoral defect. 24 Termond white rabbits were used in the study. We evaluated the effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma on tricalcium phos- phate using classical radiology, micro-CT studies, strength tests and histological evaluation.

Radiological and histological assessment did not show a beneficial effect of PRP together with a bone substitute in comparison to filling the defects only with bone replacement material. The only benefit of adding platelet-rich plasma to a bone substitute was shown in microCT imaging.

Autologous, activated platelet-rich plasma combined with hydroxyapatite tricalcium phos- phate has a positive effect on the remodeling of the newly formed bone tissue, increasing its density.

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Authors and Affiliations

S. Skwarcz
I. Bryzek
A. Gregosiewicz
E. Warda
K. Gawęda
M. Tarczyńska
J. Skwarcz
R. Nadulski
A. Starek
J. Sanford
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An intelligent security model for the big data environment is presented in this paper. The proposed security framework is data sensitive in nature and the level of security offered is defined on the basis of the data secrecy standard. The application area preferred in this work is the healthcare sector where the amount of data generated through the digitization and aggregation of medical equipment’s readings and reports is huge. The handling and processing of this great amount of data has posed a serious challenge to the researchers. The analytical outcomes of the study of this data are further used for the advancement of the medical prognostics and diagnostics. Security and privacy of this data is also a very important aspect in healthcare sector and has been incorporated in the healthcare act of many countries. However, the security level implemented conventionally is of same level to the complete data which not a smart strategy considering the varying level of sensitivity of data. It is inefficient for the data of high sensitivity and redundant for the data of low sensitivity. An intelligent data sensitive security framework is therefore proposed in this paper which provides the security level best suited for the data of given sensitivity. Fuzzy logic decision making technique is used in this work to determine the security level for a respective sensitivity level. Various patient attributes are used to take the intelligent decision about the security level through fuzzy inference system. The effectiveness and the efficacy of the proposed work is verified through the experimental study.
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Authors and Affiliations

Somya Dubey
Dhanraj Verma

  1. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore, India
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To explore the influence of surface energy on the contamination characteristics of insulators, COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to simulate the contamination characteristics of XWP 2-160 insulators under wind tunnel conditions, and the rationality of the modified expression of the dynamic deposition model of the contaminated particles was verified. The change of contamination characteristics before and after changing the surface energy of insulators under natural conditions was simulated and analyzed. The results show that under the original surface energy (72 mJ/m 2) and low surface energy (6.7 mJ/m 2) with the increase in particle size, the contamination amount of an insulator surface area decreases first and then increases. When the wind speed is 2 m/s, the change in the particle size has the most pronounced effect on the amount of contamination. The amounts of contamination for the low surface energy are 64–75%, 60–95%, 55–91% and 54–78% lower than those for the original surface energy for particle sizes of 10, 15, 20 and 25 μm, respectively. For the same wind speed, when the size of contamination particles increases, the difference between the ratio of DC and AC contamination accumulation is gradually increasing because of the influence of the electric field force. From the perspective of the insulator preparation process, the development of low surface energy insulators can improve their anti-fouling performance.
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Yukun Lv
Qian Wang
Zeze Chen
Jiawen Wang

  1. Department of Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University
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The advance of technical state criteria for elements of mining hoists demands a basic strength-fatigue analysis where the real values of loads and the real time function of the load variability could be used. That problem concerns also the suspension gear of skip and balance ropes, where fatigue durability should be considered as time function related to the hoist facility type. Such objective can not be achieved without comprehensive study of the dynamics of processes both in the regular operation of the facility and in its emergency states. In this work the author presents some considerations, that are however, limited to the analysis of dynamic phenomena observed in the condition of the emergency braking of the hoist facility. The results were verified by load measurements taken for some elements of the analysed real object system.
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Stanisław Wolny
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A description of the status of the art of experimental and theoretical investigations of local crystalline structures of tetrahedron ordered ternary and quaternary semiconducting alloys is presented. Experimental EXAFS data and FTIR analysis are summarized and analyzed using both the Rigid Network Cations theoretical model and the Strained-tetrahedra model. Internal preferences of ion pairs in ternary and quaternary alloys are discussed. Several ternary systems of different structures show ideal quasi-canonical Bernoulli distributions, while others are characterized by extreme preferences in which one, several or even all configurations are depressed or even lacking. The results demonstrate that the validity of the Bernoulli distribution is limited and not fulfilled in many systems. This article is an expanded version of the scientific reports presented at the International Conference on Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics and Biosensors 2016 ICSeNOB2016, May 22–25, 2016, Rzeszow, Poland.

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A. Kisiel
B.V. Robouch
A. Marcelli
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Preliminary results of field investigations and analysis of air photos of the Tjörn Valley region (Wedel Jarlsberg Land, Spitsbergen) are presented. The youngest, Quaternary deposits and landforms were mapped. Reconstruction of the last advance and retreat of the Tjörndals Glacier is also described.

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Ryszard Szczęsny
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The paper presents results of studies on the occurrence and economic importance of maize pests: european com borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) and frit fly (Oscinellafri1 L.) (conducted in 1977-2000) as well as aphids (Aphididae) and thrips iThysanopterai (in I 982-1983, I 985 and 1988-2000).
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Franciszek Lisowicz
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During marine ecological surveys conducted by Polish expeditions in South Spitsbergen area 14 fish species were collected. The length frequency, the diet and some other ecological informations are presented for the most common species.

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Jan Marcin Węsławski
Wojciech Kuliński
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There were done simulations of fuels consumption in the system of electrical energy and heat production based on modernised GTD-350 turbine engine with the use of OGLST programme. In intention the system based on GTD-350 engine could be multifuel system which utilise post-fying vegetable oil, micronised biomass, sludge, RDF and fossil fuels as backup fuels. These fuels have broad spectrum of LHV fuel value from 6 (106 J·kg-1) (e.g. for sludge) to 46 (106 J·kg-1) (for a fuel equivalent with similar LHV as propan) and were simulations scope. Simulation results showed non linear dependence in the form of power function between unitary fuel mass consumption of simulated engine GTD-350 needed to production of 1 kWh electrical energy and LHV fuel value (106 J·kg-1). In this dependence a constant 14.648 found in simulations was multiplied by LHV raised to power –0.875. The R2 determination coefficient between data and determined function was 0.9985. Unitary fuel mass consumption varied from 2.911 (kg·10–3·W–1·h–1) for 6 (106 J·kg-1) LHV to 0.502 (kg·10–3·W–1·h–1) for 46 (106 J·kg-1) LHV. There was assumed 7,000 (h) work time per year and calculated fuels consumption for this time. Results varied from 4,311.19 (103 kg) for a fuel with 6 (106 J·kg-1) LHV to 743.46 (103 kg) for a fuel with 46 (106 J·kg-1) LHV. The system could use fuels mix and could be placed in containers and moved between biomass wastes storages placed in many different places located on rural areas or local communities.
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Marek Hryniewicz
Kamil Roman

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Av. 3, 09-090 Raszyn, Poland
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The objective of this study is to assess the physical-chemical quality of urban wastewater from the city of Boumerdès, in northern Algeria with regard to the threshold values for irrigation or their discharge in aquatic ecosystems. Five sampling points were carried out of the study area in April 2017. The results obtained of physical- chemical parameters indicating pollution show that the water course is exposed to pollution mainly of organic origin. It’s expressed by a high maximum value according to Algerian and World Health Organisation standards: chemical oxygen demand ( COD 886 mg O 2∙dm –3), biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD 5 490 mg O2∙dm –3), nitrate (NO 3 73.09 mg∙dm –3), nitrite (NO 2 6 mg∙dm –3), ammonium (NH 4 + 23 mg∙dm –3) and phosphates (PO 4 3– 7.3 mg∙dm –3). The COD to BOD 5 rate of 1.8, show that the effluents must be treated before being discharged into the receiving environment. However, it is lower than 2, which makes them easily biodegradable and can be treated by a biological system such as a natural lagoon. It shows also a diversified origin of the pollution. It is predominantly domestic origin, it could have an adverse effect on public health, presenting a risk of environmental eutrophication, contamination of soil and water resources. The physical-chemical characterisation of the urban wastewater shows that they are quite loaded and present a pollution in nitrogenous compounds, a treatment is requested before the direct discharge to the receiving environment or their reuse in the irrigation.
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Djalal Ait Baziz
Abdelhak Maazouzi
Salih Lachache

  1. Tahri Mohamed University, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Laboratory of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, B.P. 417, Independence St., 08000, Kenadsa, Bechar, Algeria
  2. University Center of Nour Bachir El-Bayadh, Institute of Sciences, El Bayadh, Algeria
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Geopolymer is widely studied nowadays in various scope of studies. Some of the ongoing studies are the study of the various materials towards the geopolymer strength produced. Meanwhile, some of the studies focus on the mixing of the geopolymer itself. This paper discussed the phase analysis of metakaolin/dolomite geopolymer for different solid to the liquid ratio which was, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, and the properties that affected the geopolymer based on the phases. The constant parameters in this study were the percentage of metakaolin and dolomite used. The metakaolin used was 80% meanwhile dolomite usage was 20%. Besides that, the molarity of NaOH used is 10M and the alkaline activator ratio used is 2.0. All the samples were tested at 28 days of curing. The results show that the 0.8 solid to the liquid ratio used gave better properties compare to other solid to liquid ratio. The phases analyzed were quartz, sillimanite, mullite, and faujasite. The 0.8 S/L ratio shows the better properties compared to others by the test of phase analysis, compressive strength morphology analysis, and functional group analysis.
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Ahmad Syauqi Sauffi
Wan Mastura Wan Ibrahim
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Masdiyana Ibrahim
Romisuhani Ahmad
Fakhryna Ahmad Zaidi

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Engineering Technology, P. O. Box 77, d/a Pejabat, Pos Besar, 01007 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology, School of Material Engineering, P. O. Box 77, d/a Pejabat, Pos Besar, 01007 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
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Although the complexities and irrevocable consequences associated with bridge scour have attracted researchers interest, their studies scarcely indicated the effect of a bridge pier proximity to an abutment. This research aims to measure maximum scour depth and exhibit the impact of pier-abutment scour interference based on laboratory experiments where vertical-wall abutment and two shapes of a pier (oblong and lenticular) were used at three different spacings (23.5, 16.0, 9.0 cm). The results showed an obvious increase in the scour depth ratio when increasing flow intensity, Froude number, and a decreasing flow depth. They also showed that reduced pier-abutment spacing was accompanied by increase in pier scour for both shapes while decrease in abutment scour. The maximum scour depth that caused by an oblong shape was more than a lenticular shape by about 10.8%. Furthermore, new empirical equations were derived using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 with determination coefficients of 0.969, 0.974, and 0.978 for oblong, lenticular and abutment, respectively. They showed the correlation between predicted and observed data.
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Authors and Affiliations

Noor A.A. Muhsen
Saleh I. Khassaf

  1. University of Basrah, College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Center of Basrah, PO Box 49, Al Basrah, Iraq
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The rainfall irregularity in the Al-Hoceima area places the Ghis-Nekor coastal aquifer as a primary resource for water supply. However, it is of paramount priority to adopt management and optimization plans that can mitigate the effects of the irrational use of the resource and the deterioration of its quality in the region of our study. In order to study the alteration aspects of this aquifer, 26 wells were sampled and their suitability for irrigation was assessed. The sodium adsorption rate (SAR) values indicate that most groundwater samples fall into the risk classes of high salinity and low sodium (C3-S1) and high salinity and medium sodium (C3-S2). The results also show a medium to high alkalinity risk due to the high concentration of HCO3–. The excess of salts is largely due to the intensive exploitation of groundwater and to the phenomenon of salt-water intrusion into the coastal karst aquifer. As a result, the quality of groundwater is not adapted to sustainable agricultural production and soil balance, which requires controlled monitoring to ensure its rational use with a view to the sustainable development of the region.
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Said Benyoussef
1 2
Mourad Arabi
Hossain El Ouarghi
Mohammad Ghalit
Yassine El Yousfi
Maryam Azirar
Ali Ait Boughrous

  1. University of Moulay Ismaïl, Faculty of Science and Technology Errachidia, Department of Biology, Research team: Biology, Environment and Health, Meknes, Morocco
  2. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, National School of Applied Sciences, Laboratory of Applied Sciences, Al Hoceima, Morocco
  3. Mohamed First University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of the Agricultural Production Improvement, Biotechnology, and Environment, P.B. 717, Oujda, Morocco
  4. Mohammed Premier University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Mineral and Analytical Solid Chemistry, Oujda, Morocco
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The required rail straightness is achieved by straightening with roller straighteners. The consequence of the straightening operation is the introduction of residual stresses to the straightened rail. An excessive level of residual stresses accumulated in the rail during use in the track may lead to its damage or fracture. ArcelorMittal Poland S.A., in cooperation with Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, carried out a research project (POI R.01.02.00-00-0167/16) the aim of which was to reduce residual stresses in railway rails by changing the technological parameters of the straightening process. The results of the presented study relate to rails 60E1 and 60E2. The study includes the measurement, testing, calculations and analyses of the obtained results. The conducted research indicates the possibility of obtaining a low level of residual stress in the rails for a system consisting of a 7-roller vertical straightener and a 9-roller horizontal straightener by changing the roller settings, the shape of the rollers, the shape of the rail foot and its curvature.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Woźniak
S. Żak

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Upper Silesian Institute of Technology, Karola Miarki 12-14, 44-100 Gliwice , Poland
  2. COO – Longs Experts Team, Arcel orMitt al Poland S.A.
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The article presents conceptions and theories of expert knowledge, as well as discussions on the epistemological status of expert knowledge, cognitive competences falling within the scope of expertise and expert authority. They are treated as a kind of extra-institutional knowledge, referring only to a small extent to the scientific knowledge and academic circles. The positions of Alvin Goldman, Harry Collins and R. Evans, Z. Majdik and W. Keith, T. Burge and J. Shanteau on the validity of expert knowledge and methods of its justification are presented. The paper points to the problematic nature and certain limitations of the traditional perspective on the credibility of expert knowledge and expert authority. On the example of the phenomenon of the autism spectrum and traditional judgments about it—in particular, expert opinions issued about people covered by it, as well as common opinions and stereotypes— the discussion on the changes taking place in this field of knowledge and social practice is presented. Conceptions of expertise by experience in the subject of autism are discussed, including the so-called self-advocacy and self-advocacy scientists. These new cognitive attitudes and social functions of autism spectrum experts are also analyzed from the point of view of the epistemological credibility of this type of knowledge and competence.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Wodziński
Marek Hetmański

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UMCS, Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
  2. Instytut Filozofii UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin

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