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One of the major subjects that construct the emotional right-wing script is the history of the postwar Polish independence Underground and the related present-day politics and historical policy. The analysis of the right-wing press enables the distinction of four temporal categories to which specific toposes can be assigned as well as the moulded emotional elements: 1) the period of struggle, 2) the period of imprisonment and possible death, 3) the period of the Third Republic [of Poland], and 4) the period from the victory of the Law and Justice party (PiS) in the parliamentary elections until the present.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Mazur


The bridge horizontal swivel system generally adopts a symmetrical structure and uses a spherical hinge structure that can adjust the rotation to complete rotation construction. Because of the complexity of railway lines under bridges, some asymmetrical horizontal swivel systems have been increasingly applied in practical engineering in recent years. This system is more suitable for areas with complex railway lines, reduces the bridge span, and provides better economic benefits. However, it is also extremely unstable. In addition, instability can easily occur under dynamic loads, such as earthquake action and pulsating wind effects. Therefore, it is necessary to study their mechanical behavior. Based on the horizontal swivel system of an 11,000-ton asymmetric continuous girder bridge, the dynamic response of the horizontal swivel system to seismic action was studied using the finite element simulation analysis method. Furthermore, using the Peer database, seismic waves that meet the calculation requirements are screened for time-history analysis and compared to the response spectrum method. The mechanical properties of the structural system during and after rotation were obtained through calculations. During rotation, the seismic response of the structure is greater. To reduce the calculation time cost, an optimization algorithm based on the mode shape superposition method is proposed. The calculation result is 87% that of the time-history analysis, indicating a relatively high calculation accuracy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiawei Wang
Hongshuai Gao
Kexin Zhang
Zongyun Mo
Hongchun Wang

  1. Anhui Polytechnic University, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Wuhu City, Beijing Middle Road, China
  2. Heilongjiang University, College of Civil Engineering, Harbin City, Xuefu Road, China
  3. Shenyang Jianzhu University, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Shenyang City, Hun Nan Road, China
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The paper proposes a new, state space, finite dimensional, fractional order model of a heat transfer in one dimensional body. The time derivative is described by Caputo operator. The second order central difference describes the derivative along the length. The analytical formulae of the model responses are proved. The stability, convergence, and positivity of the model are also discussed. Theoretical results are verified by experiments.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz
Klaudia Dziedzic

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Robotics, Department of Automatics and Biomedical Engineering, Kraków, Poland

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