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AIMS: The primary goal of the presented research was to investigate the memory effects of implicit negation, conveyed using implicatures, as compared to explicit negation. We also speculated that implicit negation might require more cognitive effort.

METHODS: Three experiments were conducted (total N = 181), in which participants were presented with a description containing implicit or explicit negation, followed by a memory recognition test of items present, negated or not mentioned in the description. We manipulated the pace at which the description was presented (own pace vs. fixed) and whether participants were informed about the upcoming recognition test.

RESULTS: We found no differences between explicit and implicit negation in the number of false alarms to negated and not mentioned items, response times or time spent reading the source material. Bayesian analyses indicated a 90% probability that there were no differences in the number of false alarms between explicit and implicit negation.

CONCLUSIONS: Implicit and explicit negation lead to a similar quality of recognition, and seem to require a similar amount of time to process, indicating comparable cognitive effort.

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Authors and Affiliations

Józef Maciuszek
Mateusz Polak
Martyna Sekulak
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Three tectonic units occur in folded stratified volcanic sequence on Barton Peninsula. Fossil flora (Del Valle et al. 1984) occurs in the basal part of the upper unit which age is not younger than Paleocene. The rocks of the middle and lower units are older, possibly Mesozoie.

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Antoni K. Tokarski
Władysław Danowski
Ewa Zastawniak
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In the current study, wear performance of pure magnesium (Mg) and composite fabricated with titanium carbide (TiC) reinforcement is investigated under various loading and sliding velocity conditions. The Mg-matrix composite is prepared by friction stir processing (FSP) carried out at optimized values of process parameters. Sliding wear tests on Mg and friction stir processed (FSPed) Mg+TiC surface composite were done on pin-on-disc configuration. The consequence of the normal load applied and sliding velocity on wear behaviour of the two materials is evaluated by performing the tests at two normal loads of 6 N and 12 N and three sliding speeds of 0.5 m/s, 1.5 m/s and 4.5 m/s. FSPed composite found to exhibit an enhanced wear resistance as compared to that of pure Mg. To get an insight into the possible types of mechanisms for wear of the composites sample under varying load and sliding speeds conditions, the worn test specimens are subjected to scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM/EDS analysis revealed that oxidation, ploughing, trailing edge and 3-body abrasive wear were the predominant mechanisms for the wear of samples at a different set of experimental conditions. The tensile strength of the FSPed surface composite was found to be 25% higher than pure Mg. Wear resistance was found to increase by about 33%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Balraj Singh
Jagdev Singh
Ravinder Singh Joshi

  1. I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Department of Research, Innovation and Consultancy, Punjab, India
  2. Mechanical Engineering Department, Beant College of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, India
  3. Mechanical Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, India
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Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych formacji sylurskich pozwalają na uzyskanie szczegółowych informacji na temat złożoności przestrzeni porowej, występowania mikroszczelin, a także obecności pirytu w skale. Trzy próbki mułowców sylurskich pochodzące z różnych głębokości, z jednego otworu zlokalizowanego w synklinorium lubelskim, zostały przebadane pod kątem wyznaczenia właściwości sprężystych, czyli prędkości fal podłużnych P i poprzecznych S, dynamicznych modułów: sprężystości podłużnej (Younga), odkształcenia postaci, odkształcenia objętości, współczynnika Poissona oraz zbiornikowych, z wykorzystaniem spektrometrii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego (porowatość całkowita i efektywna, zawartość wody wolnej, kapilarnej i nieredukowalnej). W ramach dodatkowych analiz przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne przepuszczalności absolutnej w skali nano-Darcy, a także granulometrii. Rentgenowska tomografia komputerowa dała możliwość interpretacji jakościowej wykształcenia przestrzeni porowej oraz mikroszczelin, a także formy występowania pirytu w skale. Interpretacja ilościowa obrazów tomograficznych dostarczyła parametrów geometrycznych porów, pirytów i mikroszczelin, tj. wielkości porów i kryształów pirytów, mikroszczelin itp. Komplementarna analiza petrofizyczna skał łupkowych, wykonana przy wykorzystaniu różnorodnych metod badawczych, stała się kluczem do zrozumienia budowy wewnętrznej tego typu skał, które wykazują silną heterogeniczność parametrów fizycznych i chemicznych szkieletu ziarnowego i przestrzeni porowej.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Krakowska
Edyta Puskarczyk
Mariusz Jędrychowski
Magdalena Habrat
Paweł Madejski
Jadwiga Jarzyna
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My current considerations concern the way in which the category of animals is present in contemporary philosophy, especially if it occurs in the context of moral philosophy and the theory of cognition and mind. These are, I suppose, the areas of inquiry inspiring wide interest, even if we focus on the narrow question of the place of animals in the domains of morality, cognition, and consciousness. Although John Rawls himself approaches these issues with caution, and his interest in these types of problems is marginal, they deserve some philosophical attention. There is a close relationship between the belief that non‑personal living entities such as animals are capable of feeling pain and pleasure on the one hand, and the human sensitivity or social sentience, on the other. We should face the question of what kind of society we want to live in: effective or sensitive. Ethical utilitarianism is in favor of an effective society. It may seem that there is no place for social sensitivity in it, and consequently that public interest is postulated in its place instead. However, I believe that an effective society is more sensitive to the harm done to or the plight suffered by non‑personal subjects than a sensitive society, if the latter is understood as Rawls frames it. Thus, we come to a specific paradox – which I shall refer to as the blunted sentience paradox – that the utilitarian, efficient society criticized by Rawls is in fact more morally sensitive than the egalitarian society he postulates. The paradox of the blunted sentience has its source in Rawls’s egalitarianism, for this egalitarianism is offered only to the chosen. It does not extend to those members of society who extend their care to those creatures whom Rawls denies subjectivity, but whose unhappiness constitutes an important factor in the social life of humanity. I propose to look at the fate of animals in modern society, and if we do so, we will notice some flaws in Rawls’s theory of justice that can perhaps be amended by espousing some aspects of emotivism. This proposed approach avoids what I have called the blunted sentience paradox.
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Andrews K. (2020), The Animal Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Animal Cognition, New York: Routledge.
Berkey B. (2014), Review of Robert Garner „A Theory of Justice for Animals: Animal Rights in a Nonideal World”, „Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews”, https://ndpr.‑theory‑of‑justice‑for‑animals‑animal‑rights‑in‑a‑nonideal‑world/
DeGrazia D. (2002), Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Garner R. (2013), A Theory of Justice for Animals: Animal Rights in a Nonideal World, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hobson‑West P., Davies A. (2018), Societal Sentience: Constructions of the Public in Animal Research Policy and Practice, „Science, Technology, and Human Values” 43 (4), s. 671–693.
Marris C. (2015), The Construction of Imaginaries of the Public as a Threat to Synthetic Biology, „Science as Culture” 24 (1), s. 83–98.
Pisula W. (2003), Psychologia zachowań eksploracyjnych zwierząt, Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
Rawls J. (2006), Teoria sprawiedliwości, przeł. M. Panufnik, J. Pasek, A. Romaniuk, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Rowlands M. (2013), Can animals be moral?, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sumpter D.J.T. (2006), The Principles of Collective Animal Behaviour, „Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences” 361 (1465), s. 5–22.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adriana Schetz

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71–79, 71-017 Szczecin
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Celem pracy było przedstawienie relacji natura-ogród-dziecko na przykładzie projektu zagospodarowania skweru znajdującego się w dzielnicy Węglin Południowy w Lublinie. Współcześnie większość terenów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci wyposażanych jest w urządzenia umożliwiające dzieciom standardowe zabawy ruchowe tj. huśtanie się, kręcenie w kółko, wspinanie. W niestandardowym podejściu do tematu – tereny zieleni miejskiej mogą należeć do nielicznych miejsc, gdzie wśród otoczenia roślin i zwierząt, dzieci mogą rozwijać swoją kreatywność, pasje, utożsamiać się z daną przestrzenią oraz nabywać nowych doświadczeń. W przedstawionej pracy ukazano również konieczność zwiększenia liczby miejsc wypoczynku dla osób w różnych przedziałach wiekowych.
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Margot Dutkiewicz
Monika Kowalczyk
Patryk Krupiński

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