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Research and development of energy-efficient materials have been essential for sustainable infrastructure growth. A considerable amount of money is being spent on various energy stabilization techniques worldwide to attain thermal comfort in buildings. Thus, lowering the energy demand through green materials is vital to save energy and the environment. In this paper, a new form of Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) has been developed and referred to as Ferro Cellular Lightweight Concrete Insulated Panel (FCIP). Comparative thermal efficiency and acoustic performance of FCIP and brick masonry walls have been tested experimentally. The thermal results show that FCIP allows just 2 deg C rise in the internal temperature of the room chamber in two hours, whereas the brick masonry allows 9.5 deg C rise in the internal temperature of the room chamber for the same period. Similarly, the acoustic results show that FCIP has 0.85 sound absorption coefficient compared to 0.2 for brick masonry wall. Further, the cost-benefit analysis was conducted based on the electricity consumption results of a building produced by the eQuest energy simulation program. The outcome shows that the building’s lifetime running cost gets reduced to 50% when FCIP replaces the concrete/brick masonry envelope.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Yasir Khan
Abdul Baqi
Rehan Sadique

  1. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India


The combined fractographic and simple stress analysis showed that there are several mechanisms responsible for a relatively high delamination resistance of laminates reinforced with fabrics. It was concluded that they result from yarn weaves and curvatures produced in the course of weaving.
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Piotr Czarnocki


Mineralogical and chemical analysis of the glacial deposits of the Petuniabukta region, laid down due to glacial advances occurring from the Billefjorden Stage to the Little Ice Age has been made. The deposits have substantial carbonate contents which, however, vary depending on rock types of which the bedrock is built up. The calcium ion is the main component of the sorption complex of the deposits under investigation. A proportion of other ions, including magnesium, sodium and potassium, is markedly lower. An increase in the magnesium, sodium and potassium ion contents of the sorption complex with age and a concurrent decline in calcium ions have been reported from glacial tills. The illite clay minerals prevail in glacial deposits occurring around Petuniabukta. Apart from them, there are large quantities of the chlorite and kaolinite clay minerals. The glacial deposits of Spitsbergen remain markedly richer in the chlorite group than glacial tills of Poland. Simultaneously, they contain markedly smaller amounts of minerals of the- smectite group and illite/smectite mixed-layer minerals. This is due to a fainter effect of the weathering processes on the glacial deposits of Spitsbergen, compared with the glacial tills of Poland.

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Anna Stankowska


The rheological behaviour of cemented paste backfill (CPB) has an important influence on the stability of its transportation in pipelines. In the present study, the time-dependent rheological behaviour of CPB was investigated to elucidate the effects of time and solid content. Experimental results showed that when CPB is subjected to a constant shear rate, the shear stress gradually decreases with time before finally stabilis ing. When the solid content was 60%~62%, a liquid network structure was the main factor that influenced the thixotropy of CPB, and the solid content had less influence. When the solid content was 64%~66%, a floc network structure was the main factor that influenced the thixotropy of CPB, and the solid content had a more significant influence on the thixotropy than the shear rate. The initial structural stability of CPB increased with the solid content, and this relationship can be described by a power function. Based on the experimental results, a calculation model of pipeline resistance considering thixotropy was proposed. The model was validated by using industrial experimental data. The current study can serve as a design reference for CPB pipeline transportation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yingjie Chang
Youzhi Zhang
Deqing Gan
Xinyi Wang
Shuangcheng Du

  1. North China University of Science and Technology, College of Mining Engineering, China
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Antoni Gzieło

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