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The paper presents the results of a series of Cone Penetration Test CPTu performed near the city of Wroclaw (Poland). The tests were carried out in 13 testing points located in close distance to each other. To verify the results of the penetration tests, fine-grained soil samples from selected depths were taken for laboratory tests. The study focuses on the evaluation of soil type, unit weight, and undrained shear strength cu, and compression index Cc. The grain size distribution of the soil and its mechanical parameters on the basis of a uniaxial compression and an oedometer tests were estimated. A comparison of laboratory and CPTu for selected values is presented. Determination of soil type was carried out on the basis of ISBT and IC values and good agreement with the granulometric composition was found. For undrained shear strength, commonly used correlations based on Nk, Nkt and Nke were adopted. However, the values obtained from the CPT are significantly lower than the results from laboratory tests. Therefore, values of cone factors suitable for investigated soil type and reference test were proposed. In the case of the compression index, the coefficient values βc and αm obtained agreed with those available in the literature. The findings presented in the paper indicate that laboratory tests remain necessary to identify soil properties from CPTu. The presented results are also a contribution to the knowledge of local soil conditions in the Lower Silesia area (Poland).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Matylda Tankiewicz
Irena Bagińska

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, 25 Norwida Str., 50-375 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 27 Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego st., 50-370 Wrocław, Poland


In 2009, in the village of Wysoczany, Sanok district, Podkarpackie voivodeship, a silver coin was accidentally found. This coin is a tetradrachm. It has irregular oval shape and is plano-convex. It is not well preserved, i.e. it has poorly legible depictions on both sides, which significantly impedes its typological classification, and thus its precise dating. The dimensions of the coin are: 27.5 × 28.5 mm and its weight is: 11.83 g (after conservation works). In the case of the described here coin there are no clear analogies and, therefore, there is no certainty to what type it should be attributed. This paper attempts to analyse a few of the existing possibilities. One of the taken into consideration is the south-eastern direction, i.e. Geto-Dacian mintage or Celtic Geto-Dacian one. Some similarities can be found in the following types: Agriş A — Şilindia, Ramna, and also in the category referred to as “the other types” according to the typology by C. Preda. The other possible direction is the central Celtic mintage associated with Boii. However, none of the examples presented in this paper is a close analogy to the coin from Wysoczany. Therefore, its typological attribution as well as its dating remain to be an open question.

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Iwona Florkiewicz
Piotr N. Kotowicz


The machining technology of electrochemical micromachining with ultra short voltage pulses (μPECM) is based on the already well-established fundamentals of common electrochemical manufacturing technologies. The enormous advantage of the highest manufacturing precision underlies the fact of the extremely small working gaps achievable through ultra short voltage pulses in nanosecond duration. This describes the main difference with common electrochemical technologies. With the theoretical resolution of 10 nm, this technology enables high precision manufacturing.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Richard Zemann
Friedrich Bleicher
Reinhard Zisser-Pfeifer

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