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The objective of this paper is to acquaintance the readers with works of Aleksander Szulc, an eminent Polish linguist and researcher in glottodidactics, devoted to the topic of learning and teaching vocabulary during courses of German as a foreign language. Special attention has been paid to the notions of conventional syntagm and situation idiom introduced by Szulc. The fi rst part of the paper focuses on the former notion, which partially corresponds to the notion of collocation. We present the role of conventional syntagms in learning and teaching foreign vocabulary and the impact they have on the process of interference. We also argue for the presence of conventional syntagms in vocabulary building activities in classroom and in course books. Further we show the evolution of Szulc’s defi nition and understanding of the notion of conventional syntagm and how he progressed from this notion to the notion of collocation. The second part of the paper focuses on situation idioms which correspond to the modern notion of pragmatic fi xed phrases. After their short presentation, we argue for their signifi cance in learning German as a foreign language and hence, for the necessity of their incorporation in teaching of German. Finally, the article is also an attempt at reintroducing Szulc’s insights into academic discourse and an appeal to recognize his contribution to the research on collocationality.
Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Targońska


Artykuł prezentuje techniki cyfrowej analizy krajobrazu i struktury miasta ukierunkowana na rozpoznanie wieloaspektowego oddziaływania zabudowy wysokiej. Prezentowane metody pozawalają na: badanie oddziaływania widzialnego (metoda VIS), planowanie ochrony widoków strategicznych miasta (metoda VPS) oraz analizę wspływu zabudowy wysokiej na przestrzenie publiczne (szereg metod, w tym Negatyw-3D). Prezentowane badania zostały przeprowadzone w ramach projektu 2TaLL: Application of 3D Virtual City Models in Urban Analyses of Tall Buildings, zrealizowanego w latach 2013-2016.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Klara Czyńska
Paweł Rubinowicz
Adam Zwoliński

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