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In this paper the general solution of nonlinear satellite pseudorange equation system has been given. This solution was obtained by the application of the new positional transformation determining relations between the points in three-dimension space. It has been proved that computation of the position does not require knowledge of the light speed, occuring in pseudorange measurements, or determination of approximate coordinates. The general solution allows one to obtain all possible solutions including complex conjugate positions. This work has also stated that there exists some space regions in which it is not possible to determine the positions in the domain of real numbers. This is especially important in navigation of objects moving in the space.
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Janusz Martusewicz
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Pozornie bezwartościowe dla rolnictwa nieużytki rolne są niezwykle cenne przyrodniczo. Przeznaczaniu ich pod uprawę roślin energetycznych musi towarzyszyć wielka ostrożność.
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Wojciech Solarz
Damian Chmura
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Fallow wasteland, seemingly worthless for agriculture, may in fact be of great natural value. We need to be very cautious when using it for cultivating energy plants.
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Wojciech Solarz
Damian Chmura
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The aim of this article is to present the author’s opinion about possible underwater natural gas pipeline monitoring using Polish Navy resources. Due to the bathymetrical characteristics of the pipeline equatorials the high efficiency and safe for the deck operators systems are expected to support the bottom survey and gas line monitoring. Time and engaged resources reduction are crucial factors in this kind of mission together with high probability of possible dangerous objects detection. The paper describes main threats for the underwater transportation line as a state energetic independence vital object (supplies diversification). An example of a threat caused by lost unmanned platform technologies near Nord Stream was presented and analyzed as well. The rapid development of unmanned maritime technologies (aerial, surface and subsurface) observed in the last decade creates new possibilities in maritime security/surveillance applications. The Polish mine counter measures assets which were equipped with sophisticated AUV’s as a part of the Polish Navy modernization process (new minehunters Kormoran IInd class deployable). The presented autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are equipped with advanced sonars and create new possibilities in the issue of effective threats detection/classification/ identification and neutralization. The main advantages of such solutions were pointed in the article with the crucial one based on time reduction as well as human – deck operators threats constraints. The first successes in the operational use of unmanned systems were reached during the military exercises (historical ordnance disposal) conducted on historical mine laying areas. This creates good possibilities to train the unmanned system operators in live objects activity which improves skills and knowledge. Moreover, the double use applications of unmanned technologies both in defense and maritime security has been observed.

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Rafał Miętkiewicz
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Port cities are having diff erent spatial structure than those located inlands. As a result of their seaside location, they face specifi c administrative and functional problems on a daily basis. In the economic and settlement structure of the country, they usually play the role of a “gate” through which streams of cargo are distributed further over the whole hinterland. It is the transport and logistics function of port cities, as well as the water bodies located in their area, that determine their spatial character to the greatest extent. The confi guration of the two above- mentioned factors, together with other development conditions, determines the model of spatial changes taking place in port cities. Additionally, evolving shipping technologies aff ect the contemporary development of the ports’ and port cities’ spatial structure.

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Karolina A. Krośnicka
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The study aims to contribute to research on the onomastic-stylistic diversity of Polish prose in the late 20th century. In focus are those onomastic properties of literature that reveal connections between names and language in the process of creating non-mimetic, literary-style fiction. These properties also point to the nature of proper names as they function in a literary work of art — that work being a post-modern intellectual-literary game. The names used in the novel (anthroponyms, toponyms, chrematonyms, also zoonyms) mainly derive from the author’s linguistic creativity: they contribute to the world-view projected through the text. That world-view is “purposefully and totally unusual”, different from the real world.

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Adam Siwiec
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Zagadnieniem dotąd nierozwiązanym w kopalniach rud miedzi LGOM jest określanie pionowej lokalizacji ognisk wstrząsów. Podejmowane próby w tym względzie, bazujące na parametrach czasowych i amplitudowych rejestrowanych zjawisk sejsmicznych nie przyniosły dotychczas zadawalających rezultatów. Dająca pozytywne wyniki lokalizacji metoda, oparta na rejestracji układem stanowisk zlokalizowanych na różnej głębokościach w szybach kopalnianych posiada natomiast ograniczony zasięg odległościowy. Zaproponowane przez autorów nowe podejście do wyznaczania pionowej lokalizacji ognisk wstrząsów polega na wykorzystaniu do tego celu, ich parametrów energetycznych określanych z rejestracji dołową siecią stanowisk sejsmicznych oraz siecią stanowisk powierzchniowych przeznaczonych do oceny oddziaływań sejsmicznych na obiekty powierzchniowe. Niepodważalną przesłanką dla przyjętego rozwiązania jest istnienie obiektywnych relacji pomiędzy umowną energią sejsmiczną określaną na poziomie złoża, względem umownej energii sejsmicznej wyznaczonej dla stanowisk powierzchniowych. Stosunek tych energii musi bowiem zależeć od wielkości tłumienia fali sejsmicznej na drodze przejścia od źródła wstrząsu do stanowisk pomiarowych, a tym samym od głębokości położenia ogniska wstrząsu. Przeprowadzona analiza na zbiorze danych pomiarowych potwierdziła poprawność przyjętego rozwiązania, którego końcową postać stanowi opracowany wskaźnik głębokości położenia ognisk wstrząsów. Uzyskane wyniki lokalizacji głębokościowej są zbieżne z pionową lokalizacją ognisk wstrząsów wyznaczoną na podstawie stanowisk sejsmicznych w szybach kopalnianych.

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Wiesław Grzebyk
Izabela Jaśkiewicz-Proć
Lech Stolecki
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Low emission has a significant impact on air quality in Poland. Low sources are found which lead to high concentrations of pollutants in the area inhabited by humans. The effects of low emissions on health and life in the polluted areas (Małopolska, Silesia) are conducive to radical decisions regarding the quality of solid fuels and their combustion facilities. At present, local anti-smuggling laws have been introduced in the two provinces banning the burning of the most emitting fuels such as mules, flotoconcentrates and lignite. Regional EU-funded programs for the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency improvement will transition to the implementation phase of the approved projects as of 2017. This is expected to significantly reduce energy consumption for heating buildings and replacing old boilers and automatic furnaces with low-emission heating devices. In the case of households, proving that the residential building has adequate energy efficiency characteristics is necessary in order to receive co-financing for replacing an old solid fuel boiler with a new low-emission boiler,. The paper will present the current situation on the regulation of the fuel market in the household and small–scale consumer sector and the proposal for changes to the law on monitoring and control of solid fuel quality. Another important issue will be significant changes in heating up to 500 kW, proposed by the Ministry of Development in October 2016. The proposed regulation precedes the implementation of the Ecodesign Directive, which will come into effect as of 2022 for room heaters and heating furnaces up to 500 kW for solid fuels. All these actions will help reduce low emissions and improve energy efficiency.

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Tomasz Mirowski
Renata Maczuga
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In this text the author poses a question about the direction of the evolution of early childhood education, considering its specificity in the context of the academic nature of pedagogy itself and its historical development, and especially the modern trend for interdisciplinarity. The author associates sources of diversity of this sub-discipline with a focus on the child, emphasizing, on the one hand, the setting of the sub-discipline in the tradition, especially pedological and, on the other hand, a growing and critical phenomenological perspective of research in this area. In conclusion he emphasizes that a reorientation of the multi paradigmatic research conducted in early childhood pedagogy, its openness to differences, but also the use of the methodology of the humanities and social studies recognized by the international community of scholars, make this sub-discipline of learning begin to regain the appellation of an integral discipline.

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Bogusław Śliwerski
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The paper presents the concept of vital cities in the context of mechanisms of sustainable development, networking and creativity. The vital city was presented as:

- a city belonging to the inhabitants – a city managed and developed with advanced processes of participation,

- a city of reasonable management – a city that uses and at the same time protects its key potentials,

- a city of creation – a city of creating and implementing new ideas,

- a city of opportunities – a city that creates the conditions for the use of energy and creativity residents,

- a city in the surround – a city with a strong position in the environment.

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Krzysztof Wrana
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Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a visual specification language without well-defined concepts for equivalences. This necessitates the establishment of fundamental notions that underpin the equivalences of BPMN processes. The main body of the paper is centered around the principle of substitutibility in which different types of equivalences of BPMN processes are formally described. Additionally, these results provide a basis for defining the behavioural equivalence of BPMN models. Our research investigation contributes to the field of business process management by developing a tight con-nection between BPMN and its associated equivalence notions.

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Vitus S.W. Lam
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In the paper, we document how conditional dependencies observed in the FOREX market change during a trading day. The analysis is performed for the pairs (GBP/EUR, USD/EUR) and (GBP/USD, EUR/USD) of exchange rates. We consider daily returns calculated using the exchange rates quoted at different hours of a day. The dynamics of the dependencies is modeled by means of 3-regime Markov regime switching copula models, and the strength of the linkages is described using dynamic Spearman’s rho and the dynamic coefficients of tail dependence. The established approach allows us to monitor the changes in the dependence structure.

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Małgorzata Doman
Ryszard Doman
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In the nineteenth century a clause concerning civil liability was attached to insurance documents in maritime transport. Concretely, this confirmed the insurer's acceptance of three-quarters of the liability for any collision. The ship owner accepted one quarter of the liability. Ship owners, wishing to spread the material risk of damages connected with the collision of vessels, began to join together in so-called mutual insurance clubs. Thirteen of the largest mutual insurance clubs formed a society called the International Group of P and I Clubs. This insures and reinsures more than 90% of world tonnage (and almost 100% of the cargo of European tonnage). The author discusses the decision of the European Commission (1999/329/WE) which grants the International Group of P and I Clubs exemption from the prohibition of cartel collusion and from two agreements: the International Group Agreement and the International Pooling Agreement, to both o f which it exclusively applies. The first agreement limits competition between clubs and the possibility of bringing a ship owner insured in one club into another club by offering him a lower rate. The second agreement concerns the spreading o f the risk o f liability for claims among members of the Group.

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Małgorzata Anna Nesterowicz
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The article is devoted to the development of marine safety law, which took place in the last hundred years after the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. The Titanic disaster has revealed serious shortcomings in minds and conduction of the international maritime community. Neglected the basic principles of safety of life at sea.The spectacular effects of this tragedy helped to accelerate work on the first International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1914), which was signed in less than two years after the sinking of the Titanic. 1914 SOLAS Convention has become the foundation for building a system of safety of life at sea, giving rise to the current SOLAS 1974. Today we can speak of wellformed system of safety of life at sea, which is part of the maritime safety law. The conventional system of maritime safety off the 1974 SOLAS Convention and its protocols consist of codes, recommendations, guidelines and instructions adopted under auspices of the International Maritime Organization. Two of the latest codes of IMO should be here mentioned. With regard to the identification, assessment and management of emerging risks in the operation ships
– International Management Code for the Safety Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code), and to use special security measures – International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).

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Dorota Pyć
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Maritime law is being faced with developments in design and production of autonomous vessels. With the rise of new technologies different risks emerge while traditional cease to exist. This paper suggests possible scenarios in relation to development of law relating to unmanned vessels. Second part of the paper is dedicated to analysis of the IMO civil liability convention and its application to autonomous ships on the example of the CLC.

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Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska
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The author discusses the world-wide regulation of international disputes against the background ofarticle 33 of the United Nations Charter, the UN Convention on the law of the sea from 1982, and other international legal documents. International custom plays a separate role in the determination of international disputes. In a further part of the article, the author interprets among other matters: the character of maritime disputes and the procedure for arbitration; international maritime disputes against the background of the UN Convention on the law of the sea from 1982; the settling of maritime disputes related to property through arbitration.
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Jonas Bergholcas
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When mineral processing separation results, for either constant or varying quality of the feed, can be approximated on the so-called Fuerstenau upgrading plots with the same one-fitting parameter a, then this parameter can be used as a selectivity indicator. If the equation has a form [...], where [...] stands for recovery of non-useful component in tailing while\ksi is the recovery of useful component in the concentrate, then at the same selectivity of upgrading (constant a) the increase of the useful component in the feed \alfa results in an increased amount of this component in both concentrate \beta and tailing [...] while the ratio of [...] to \beta is linearly dependent on \alfa when \epsilon is constant. Thus, at a constant selectivity a and constant \epsilon an increase in \alfa leads to a greater increase of the considered component in the tailing \theta than in the concentrate \beta.

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Magdalena Duchnowska
Jan Drzymała
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Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania poświęconego ilościowej eksploracji odmian tożsamości narodowej Polaków oraz analizuje, jak wyróżnione rodzaje tożsamości narodowej przekładają się na postawy wobec różnych mniejszości i innych narodów. W tym celu wykorzystuje dane z ilościowego badania kwestionariuszowego przeprowadzonego na próbie dorosłych Polaków (15 lat i starszych) losowanej z operatu adresowego (N=1005). Na podstawie analizy skupień metodą k-średnich wyróżnia trzy kategorie tożsamości narodowej: narodowych apatrydów, dążących do obywatelskości oraz kredencjonalistów. Wyniki badania pokazują również, że wyróżnione odmiany polskiej tożsamości narodowej w sposób istotny statystycznie różnicują i przewidują postawy wobec mniejszości etnicznych, religijnych i seksualnych oraz wobec innych narodów. Badanie potwierdza istnienie pewnych uniwersalnych wzorów definiowania tożsamości narodowej oraz zależności pokazujących wpływ kryteriów etnicznych, jak i posługiwania się większą liczbą kryteriów w definiowaniu tożsamości narodowej na bardziej wykluczające postawy. Bazując na reprezentatywnej próbie oraz polegając na metodzie analizy umożliwiającej zidentyfikowanie rozłącznych kategorii artykuł weryfikuje istniejące typologizacje polskiej tożsamości narodowej.
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Mateusz Grodecki

  1. Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej
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Socjologiczne rozumienie smaku naznaczone jest silnie teorią Pierre’a Bourdieu, który uczynił go jednym z podstawowych obszarów kulturowej analizy zróżnicowania klasowego. Hierarchiczna opozycja smaku z konieczności i smaku z luksusu jest stałym punktem odniesienia w badaniach gustów kulinarnych. Artykuł jest próbą rehabilitacji znaczeń wiązanych ze smakiem z konieczności postrzeganym w relacji do smaku z luksusu jako brak tego, co charakteryzuje klasy uprzywilejowane, a więc tego, co prawomocne. Analizując wypowiedzi przedstawicieli klas zdominowanych na temat ich upodobań i praktyk kulinarnych staram się pokazać, że smak z konieczności rządzi się własną logiką i systemem wartości, które przez swoją nieprawomocność pozostają niedowartościowane. Hierarchię znaczeń wiązaną ze smakiem umacniają często badacze, traktując habitusowe dyspozycje jako stałe właściwości podmiotów i epifenomeny klasowych hierarchii. Odwołując się do teorii praktyk, próbuję również pokazać, że w zależności od ekspozycji na określone doświadczenia i charakter praktyk, których smak jest częścią, można kształtować upodobania niezależnie od habitusowych dyspozycji.
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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Straczuk

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
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This is the first insight into effect of development of nonpublic and paid schools on social stratification in Poland. Logistic and multinomial regression of the Polish general Social Survey data 1998 is conducted to test hypotheses concerning effect of the fathers’s EGP category on access to various types of schools in secondary and tertiary education. Results confirm the hypotheses that respondents from intelligentsia families are overrepresented in both secondary and tertiary paid schools and have greater odds of entry in to public tertiary education in comparison to lower non-manual categories, owners, working class and peasants. Children of intelligentsia also have more opportunities to attend “better” stationary (than non-stationary) schools in comparison to other categories. This analysis provides support for the thesis about growing role of qualitative differentiation in education.

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Henryk Domański
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The paper contains the investigations of physical and chemical parameters of calcareous wastes as residuals in the soda production process. The possibility of using these wastes as a sorbent for dry and wet desulfurization of combustion gases from power stations is the main aim of presented data. The reactivity properties of that sorbent for dry method of desulfurization were obtained by AP test, while for wet method by ABB Flaki. On the basis of the obtained results high level of suitability of calcareous waste for wet dcsulfurization method was established (reactivity SRm* = 0.85), for dry desulfurization method suitability of the sorbent is limited by its high consumption up to 5 kg/kgSO2.
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Stanisław Słupek
Andrzej Buczek
Andrzej Sadowski

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