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Sinice (Cyanophyta), wchodzące w skład fitoplanktonu, należą do mikroorganizmów gramujemnych fotosyntezujących. W normalnym stanie wód ilość komórek sinicowych w I dm' wody waha się od kilkuset do kilku tysięcy, podczas gdy w okresach intensywnego zakwitu może dochodzić nawet do kilkuset tysięcy w I dm' wody. Nadają one wtedy intensywne zabarwienie wodzie, której kolor zależy od dominujących gatunków. Obecność w dużych ilościach glonów oraz sinic może też nadawać wodzie charakterystyczny nieprzyjemny zapach, którego intensywność i charakter zależą od rodzaju glonów i sinic oraz od ich i !ości w wodzie. Zakwity sinicowe są olbrzymim problemem natury higienicznej a także estetycznej, tworząc podczas intensywnych zakwitów kożuchy oraz pianę na powierzchni zbiorników wodnych. Zagrożenie zdrowotne stanowią toksyny produkowane przez wiele gatunków sinic (anatoksyna, afanatoksyna, mikrocystyna, nodularina, akutificyna, scytoficyna czy też cyanobakteryna), o toksyczności ostrej mieszczącej się w średnim przedziale szkodliwości oraz posiadających właściwości kancerogenne. Toksyny sinicowe stanowią bardzo niebezpieczną grupę związków chemicznych działających na hepatocyty wątroby jak też na system nerwowy ludzi i zwierząt. Stąd bardzo istotne jest efektywne ich usuwanie w procesie uzdatniania wody. W artykule po raz pierwszy w Polsce przedstawiono dane dotyczące zastosowania ditlenku chloru oraz ozonu do uzdatniania wody w ciągu produkcyjno-przesyłowym Sulejów - Łódź. W okresie 1998-200 I efektywność usuwania mikrocystyny-LR wahała się w przedziale 74-92%, podczas gdy dla innych izoform była w zakresie 45-94%.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej K.M. Kabziński
Helena Grabowska
Jerzy Cyran
Renata Juszczak
Józef Dziegieć
Alicja Zawadzka
Dominik Szczukocki
Konrad Szczytowski


The electric power sector is analyzed from the standpoint of well-being and a number of political priorities are considered that go beyond the traditional tasks of the so-called “energy trilemma”, namely reliable, affordable and carbon-free energy. This shows the importance of solving the problem at different levels as it can help the Government of Kazakhstan more reliably achieve synergy between actions to combat climate change and other priorities and, consequently, achieve double harmonization. The purpose of the study is to consider the cost and pricing surveys in the conditions of the functioning of the electricity market of Kazakhstan. Electricity is of key importance for human well-being. Electricity is highly necessary for many basic services, infrastructure and economic activities. Despite the increase in energy efficiency, the global electricity demand increased by 115% between 1990 and 2020, which is significantly higher than the population growth rate over the same period. This trend will undoubtedly continue conditioned upon economic growth, increased access and the electrification of end users. The assessment of electricity generation technologies from the point of view of well-being requires the use of the full cost method, which includes all applicable external costs, risks and benefits to determine the low-carbon energy balance, which in the Republic of Kazakhstan, is compatible with sustainable development. This assessment clearly needs to go beyond the plant level to consider the network infrastructure and demand to get a holistic view of the social costs of electricity. The practical significance lies in the analysis of cost and pricing in the conditions of the functioning of the electricity market of Kazakhstan.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kuralay Sadykova
Almas Zhakupov
Timur Baymukhanov
Railash Turchekenova
Aliya Medebaeva

  1. Institute of Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Institute of Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan


The role and importance of energy security increases with the development of civilization, whose inherent element has become the demand for energy and its carriers. The article discusses the issue of cooperation in the field of energy security in Central Europe at the moment of finishing work on the North-South Corridor, which changes the existing gas architecture in the region. In order to better understand the situation in the region, the energy systems of the Visegrad Group countries, identical to the Central European region, have been analysed, according to the definition of the World Bank and OECD. Considering the historical and geopolitical connections of the Visegrad Group’s fate, it is important to create a common gas market. The physical interconnection of gas systems greatly increases energy security in this region. Moreover, thanks to the construction of LNG terminals in Poland and Croatia, it will be possible to diversify not only the routes, but also the sources of supply of this important raw material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewelina Kochanek


The present article combines some reflections on the late Prof. Janusz Symonides’ most interesting book on the concept and role of effectiveness in international law (Zasada efektywności w prawie międzynarodowym, UMK, Toruń: 1967), with reflection over the anniversaries of the most important Polish-German treaties which not only constituted the basis for bilateral relations between Poland and Germany, but were also of importance for East-West relations. The analysis that follows deals mostly with the significance of effectiveness in the context of boundaries and their recognition, as well as with nationality. The article shows that most of the concepts and ideas of Prof. Symonides still remain actual today.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Władysław Czapliński

  1. Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences


The structural economic problems of Turkey have led to the significant challenges for the development of the country, especially in the postcoronavirus economy. One of such challenges is the achievement of the sustainable development imperatives in combination with the preservation of the competitive advantages of the Turkish economy. The loss of the major drivers of the economy of the country, including tourism and logistics, in complex with the economic deterioration of the monetary system of the country are the major components of the current crisis. This controversy is analyzed in the paper along with the search for the best options of the energy sphere development in Turkey. This search covers economic aspects of the current situation in the country. The authors put forward and prove a hypothesis that Turkey energy system can be more influential on its economic development. This proof is based on the energy mix analysis and on the thorough review of the potential of the country for the green energy development and its economic effectiveness for the country. The key findings of the article include the proof that the sustainable development and the green energy development in Turkey are quite different processes, which are on intention divided by political measures, the proof that Turkey has serious issues in development of the energy sector due to its low influence on the economic development in its current state, the developed recommendations for the better structuring of the energy sector development.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ibragim Pashaev

  1. International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO University, Russia
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The stable supply of iron ore resources is not only related to energy security, but also to a country’s sustainable development. The accurate forecast of iron ore demand is of great significance to the industrialization development of a country and even the world. Researchers have not yet reached a consensus about the methods of forecasting iron ore demand. Combining different algorithms and making full use of the advantages of each algorithm is an effective way to develop a prediction model with high accuracy, reliability and generalization performance. The traditional statistical and econometric techniques of the Holt–Winters (HW) non-seasonal exponential smoothing model and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model can capture linear processes in data time series. The machine learning methods of support vector machine (SVM) and extreme learning machine (ELM) have the ability to obtain nonlinear features from data of iron ore demand. The advantages of the HW, ARIMA, SVM, and ELM methods are combined in various degrees by intelligent optimization algorithms, including the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. Then the combined forecast models are constructed. The contrastive results clearly show that how a high forecasting accuracy and an excellent robustness could be achieved by the particle swarm optimization algorithm combined model, it is more suitable for predicting data pertaining to the iron ore demand.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Min Ren
Jianyong Dai
Wancheng Zhu
Feng Dai

  1. Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
  2. University of South China, Hengyang, China
  3. Northeastern University, Shenyang


In the morphosyntactic literature, there exist two approaches to the problem of argument structure in English nominal synthetic compounds such as furniture moving or dog training. According to Borer (2012), such synthetic compounds belong to the class of referential nominals and thus lack argument structure. On the other hand, Alexiadou (2017) maintains that the external argument is present in the structure of synthetic compounds due to their ability to co-occur with by-phrases. In this paper, we present an extensive set of corpus data to show that synthetic -ing compounds do project the external argument, which is evidenced by their ability to license not only by-phrases but also agent-oriented adjectives and instrumental phrases. Importantly, the corpus data indicates that certain synthetic -ing compounds display the capacity to occur in aspectual contexts; nominal compounds fall in two classes in that regard.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Wasak


This article provides a detailed review of the ethnosurvey, a research methodology that has been widely applied to the study of migration for almost four decades. We focus on the application of ethnosurvey methods in Mexico and Poland, drawing on studies done in the former country since the early 1980s and, in the latter, since the early 1990s (including several post-2004 examples). The second case is particularly relevant for our analysis as it refers to a number of novel migration forms that have been identified in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-1989 transition period. Drawing on these studies, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of the ethnosurvey as a research tool for studying inter-national migration. Its advantages include its multilevel design, blend of qualitative and quantitative methods, reliance on retrospective life histories and multisited data collection strategy. These features yield a rich database that has enabled researchers to capture circular, irregular, short-term and se-quential movements. Its disadvantages primarily stem from its hybrid sampling strategy, which neces-sarily places limits on estimation and generalisability and on the technical challenges of parallel sampling in communities of both origin and destination. Here we argue that the ethnosurvey was never proposed and should not be taken as a universal methodology applicable in all circumstances. Rather it represents a specialised tool which, when correctly applied under the right conditions, can be ex-tremely useful in revealing the social and economic mechanisms that underlie human mobility, thus yielding a fuller understanding of international migration’s complex causes and diverse consequences in both sending and receiving societies.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Kaczmarczyk


Paper brings a description of free motion of particles suspended in the atmospheric air and being under action of the gravitational field together with additional accelerations caused by their relative motion. Theoretical part of the paper presents physical background of the particles motion within rotating channels together with the simplified method allowing to determine efficiency of the dust separator. Experimental part of the paper describes the test stand layout together with details of the dust separator design and its principles of action. In the closing part final conclusions and suggested practical applications of the devices under investigation are presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Knap


A numerical study and simulation of breast imaging in the early detection of tumors using the photoacoustic (PA) phenomenon are presented. There have been various reports on the simulation of the PA phenomenon in the breast, which are not in the real dimensions of the tissue. Furthermore, the different layers of the breast have not been considered. Therefore, it has not been possible to rely on the values and characteristics of the resulting data and to compare it with the actual state. Here, the real dimensions of the breast at threedimensional and different constituent layers have been considered. After reviewing simulation methods and software for different stages of the PA phenomenon, a single suitable platform, which is commercially available finite element software (COMSOL), has been selected for simulating. The optical, thermal, elastic, and acoustic characteristics of different layers of breast and tumor at radiated laser wavelength (800 nm) were accurately calculated or obtained from a reliable source. Finally, by defining an array of 32 ultrasonic sensors on the breast cup at the defined arcs of the 2D slices, the PA waves can be collected and transmitted to MATLAB software to reconstruct the images. We can study the resulting PA wave and its changes in more detail using our scenarios.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maryam Ahangar Darband
Esmaeil Najafi Aghdam
Arash Gharibi

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
  2. Institute of Modern Physics, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, China
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Ecotoxicological biotests were applied in order to evaluate their suitability as early warning systems in the continuous monitoring of lowland shallow dam reservoirs located in Central Europe. The following biotests were used: Daphtoxkit F™magna, Algaltoxkit F™, Ostracodtoxkit F, Phytotoxkit and MARA Test. The experiment was conducted from July 2010 to December 2012 in Goczalkowice Reservoir (the Vistula River, Poland), serving as a model. For the analysis, 41 out of 52 measured water indices were used to assess its toxicity to living organisms. The results of biotests were correlated with 41 hydrochemical indices of water quality. The pattern of relationships among the result of biotest and hydrochemical indices as well as Factor Analysis (FA) and Primary Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that: i) signs of ecotoxicity detected with biotests were associated with either low fl ow periods or spring surface runoff of water; ii) single events of increased ecotoxicity in the depression areas behind saddle dam pump stations appearedafter high fl ow periods; iii) elevated toxicity was accompanied by high concentrations of dissolved and suspended substances; iv) FA and PCA demonstrated correlations among the results of biotests and damming parameters, water conductivity, alkali and transitory metal metals (Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn), and several forms of nitrogen phosphorous and carbon compounds concentration. The relationships suggest that batteries of biotests may serve as a cost-eff ective tool for continuous monitoring of water quality in dam reservoirs and can detect eff ects of extreme hydrologic events, local toxic discharges, and signs of the trophic status of the reservoirs
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Łaszczyca
Mirosław Nakonieczny
Maciej Kostecki

  1. Retired university professor, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  2. University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
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The rapid, high increase in production costs and prices of mineral fertilizers leads to a reduction in their use by farmers, while fertilizer manufacturers consider the use of alternative raw materials and reducing the energy consumption of fertilizer production processes. Given these circumstances, special attention is warranted for suspension fertilizers. The manufacturing of suspension fertilizers is simplified and less energy intensive in comparison with solid fertilizers. This is achieved by omitting certain production stages such as granulation, drying, sifting, which usually contribute to more than half of the production costs. This paper presents the production procedure of suspension fertilizers tailored for cabbage cultivation, utilizing alternative raw materials such as sewage sludge ash and poultry litter ash. The final products are thoroughly characterized. The obtained fertilizers were rich in main nutrients (ranging from 23.38% to 30.60% NPK) as along with secondary nutrients and micronutrients. Moreover, they adhere to the stipulated standards concerning heavy metal content as outlined in the European Fertilizer Regulation. A distribution analysis has showed that suspension fertilizers contain nutrients in both liquid and solid phases. This arrangement facilitates their easy availability for plants and subsequent release upon dissolution in soil conditions. To assess process consistency, the production of the most promising fertilizer was upscaled. A preliminary technological and economic analysis was also conducted. The method of producing suspension fertilizers using alternative raw materials is a simple waste management solution offering nutrient recycling with the principles of circular economy. This approach not only encourages nutrient recycling but also curtails reliance on imported raw materials.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Gorazda
Halyna Kominko
Anna K. Nowak
Adam Wiśniak

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Poland


The normal formulation of etofenprox was developed to nanoformulation and used against the adults of silver whitefly, Bemisia tabaci in eggplant fields. Three concentrations of both the normal and nanoformulations were used. The concentrations of etofenprox nanoformulation were one-fifth of the normal formulation. The nanosize of etofenprox ranged from 225 to 489 nm. The loading capacity of etofenprox was 60.7 ± 5.7%. The obtained results showed that the LC 50 of the normal formulation was four times more than the nanoformulation. The LC 50 for the nanoformulation was 0.9 and 3.5 ppm for the normal formulation of etofenprox. This means that the nanoformulation of etofenprox was more effective than the normal. The residues of both nano and normal formulations were determined in eggplant fruits after three applications. The obtained results showed that the residue of nanoformulation after 1 hour of treatment was 0.51 ± 0.03 compared with 0.62 ± 0.03 mg · kg –1 ± SD in normal formulation. After 1 hour of treatment the residue of etofenprox was reduced to 0.11 ± 0.1 and 0.22 ± 0.02 mg · kg –1 ± SD in nano and normal formulations, respectively. The dissipation rates of both nano and normal formulations after 1 hour were 78.3 and 64.5%, respectively. The degradation rate (K) in nanoformulation and normal etofenprox was 1.33 and 0.73 mg · kg –1 ± SD, respectively. The residue half-life (LR 50) was 0.52 and 1 day, respectively. The preharvest interval (PHI) was 6 days for both nano and normal etofenprox formulations. The results confirmed that nanoetofenprox was more effective against B. tabaci adults, with lower persistence and lower residue than the normal formulation of etofenprox.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Al-kazafy Hassan Sabry
Aziza H. Mohamady
Rasha A. Sleem
Shaker M. Abolmaaty
Rania M.A. Helmy

  1. Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
  2. Bioassay Research Department, Central Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
  3. Central Laboratory for Agriculture Climate, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
  4. Pesticide Residue and Environmental Pollution Department, Central Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Analysis of the national and regional plans shows that the current year, 2006, shall deter-mine the key lines of national and regional development practically till 2015, that means till the time when, under the Water Framework Directive, Poland should have achieved its major objectives. This year shall witness decision making not only on the key objectives, priority strategies and measures undertaken for social and economic development of the country and regions, but also allocation of the main streams of funds from the EU and public funds from national sources. This is a sort of chal-lenge for administration bodies responsible for water management, particularly in respect of pro-gramming water management tasks and their incorporation into documents which are strategic for development on national and regional level. Over 2006–2008 efforts of water management admini-stration bodies should be focused on incorporation of water management issues into the consecutive edition of the National Ecological Policy and environmental protection programmes – at regional level, to be followed by county and community levels. This paper is a part of the broad stream of methodology and pilot work on the implementation of provisions of the Water Framework Directive in Poland. The main body of the paper consists of the summary of work done for the pilot river basin of Upper Narew.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Pusłowska-Tyszewska
Janusz Kindler
Sylwester Tyszewski


The objective of this experimental study was to examine whether an assisting layer of lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA) of the granulation 1–4 mm, introduced into a subsoil, is able to improve an efficiency of removal of total nitrogen and total phosphorus from domestic wastewater. In the investigations, an assisting 0.10 and 0.20 m thick LECA layer was applied. It has been observed that the effectiveness of removal of total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen and total phosphorus from wastewater as well as the level of biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD 5) and chemical oxygen demand ( COD) is in accordance with the Polish standards on wastewater disposal into grounds and surface water. The performed experiments showed that the effectiveness of raw wastewater purification for the medium sand soil bed with the 0.20 m thick assisting LECA layer is higher than for the 0.10 m thick assisting layer. In the medium sand soil bed with the 0.20 m thick assisting LECA layer, the removal efficiency regarding total nitrogen increased by 20.6%, total phosphorus by 5.2%, ammonium nitrogen by 8.8% and TSS by 5.3%, and reduction efficiency regarding BOD 5 increased by 1.7% and COD by 2.3% with relation to the 0.10 m thick assisting LECA layer (all percentages – in average). The results of the experiment showed that the LECA with the granulation 1–4 mm can be used to assist in removal of total nitrogen and total phosphorus from wastewater with application of infiltration drainage.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Kalenik
Piotr Wichowski
Marek Chalecki
Adam Kiczko

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Department of Hydraulics and Sanitary Engineering, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics and Building Structures, Warsaw, Poland


The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the load on the water accumulation embankment crown on changes in the course of the filtration curve in its body. The study was carried out with a medium-size filtration apparatus. We made a model of hydrotechnical embankment with the following dimensions. Width: base 2.0 m, crown 0.5 m. Slope inclination: waterside 1:1.5, landside 1:1. Embankment height 0.6 m, width 1.0 m, weight 900 kg. The construction mater-ial included a homogeneous mineral subsoil classified as silty medium sand (siMSa). The embankment model made in a medium-size apparatus kept the accumulation level at a height of 0.5 m. With data from the recording systems, we deter-mined the course of the filtration curve. Next, we kept on loading and relieving the embankment crown using an actuator and a VSS plate with a diameter of 300 mm. During this process, we recorded changes in the level of the water table inside the embankment. A decrease in the water table was observed as a result of increased load. Once the load on the embankment crown was reduced, the water level inside the embankment increased. The embankment model built from natural soil works well as a structure that keeps damming water in a continuous manner. The use of drainage in the form of a stone prism at the foot of the landside slope allows protecting the slope against the negative influence of filtration (piping, lique-faction).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Cholewa


Over the past two decades, artificial neural networks (ANN) have exhibited a significant progress in predicting and modeling non-linear hydrological applications, such as the rainfall-runoff process which can provide useful contribution to water resources planning and management. This research aims to test the practicability of using ANNs with various input configurations to model the rainfall-runoff relationship in the Seybouse basin located in a semi-arid region in Algeria. Initially, the ANNs were developed for six sub-basins, and then for the complete watershed, considering four different input configurations. The 1st (ANN IP) considers only precipitation as an input variable for the daily flow simulation. The 2nd (ANN II) considers the 2nd variable in the model input with precipitation; it is one of the meteorological parameters (evapotranspiration, temperature, humidity, or wind speed). The third (ANN IIIP,T,HUM) considers a combination of temperature, humidity, and precipitation. The last (ANN VP,ET,T,HUM,Vw) consists in collating different meteorological parameters with precipitation as an input variable. ANN models are made for the whole basin with the same configurations as specified above. Better flow simulations were provided by (ANN IIP,T) and (ANN IIP,Vw) for the two stations of Medjez-Amar II and Bordj-Sabath, respectively. However, the (ANN VP,ET,T,HUM,Vw)’s application for the other stations and also for the entire basin reflects a strategy for the flow simulation and shows enhancement in the prediction accuracy over the other models studied. This has shown and confirmed that the more input variables, as more efficient the ANN model is.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yamina Aoulmi
Nadir Marouf
Mohamed Amireche

  1. University of Larbi-Ben-M’hidi, Faculty of Sciences and Applied Sciences, Department of Hydraulic, Laboratory of Ecology and Environment, PO Box 358, 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria


By 2050, global crop demand is projected to rise by 60–110%. Crop yields have also been impacted by climate change in some nations, and these impacts are likely to continue. To prevent the influence of climate change on crop output, it is critical to adjust planting times in weather-related open fields to meet food security concerns. Present study was carried out at Experimental Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt, during two successive seasons, 2019 and 2020. It was aimed to study the effect of different sowing times (1st and 15th October, 1st and 15th November), and plant spacings (25, 20, and 15 cm) on growth, fruit yield, and oil production of caraway ( Carum carvi L.) plants. The results showed that sowing caraway plants on 15th October with plant spacing of 25 cm gave the highest dry weight (72.6 g∙plant –1), fresh weight (266.15 g∙plant –1), seed yield (37.43 g∙plant –1), and oil yield (0.659 cm3∙plant –1). The maximum umbels (50.83 number per plant) and essential oil (1.78%) were also recorded in the plants receiving same treatment. On the other hand, plants sown at 15th November with spacing of 15 cm exhibited the minimum values of recorded traits. While the highest value of plant height gave with sowing caraway plants on 15th October with plant spacing of 15 cm (135.35 cm). In conclusion, the plants sowed on October 15th with a maximum plant spacing of 25 cm had the highest values of the evaluated morphological, biochemical, and yield attributes of caraway.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mostafa Fathi Ibrahim
Muhammad Moaaz Ali
Sobhi F. Lamlom
Hazem M. Kalaji
4 5
Ahmed F. Yousef

  1. University of Al-Azhar (branch Assiut), College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Assiut 71524, Egypt
  2. Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, College of Horticulture, Fuzhou, China
  3. Alexandria University, Faculty of Agriculture Saba Basha, Plant Production Department, Alexandria, Egypt
  4. Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Institute of Biology, Department of Plant Physiology, Warsaw, Poland
  5. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Poland


Warna and Pengilon Lakes are very close to each other and connected with the sill, a famous tourist destination in the Dieng Plateau Java. Land-use changes are the main problem that affected the lakes. The conversion of forest into an agricultural area had induced erosion and increased the volume of nutrients discharged to the lake due to high use of fertilisers in potatoes farms. In the dry seasons, water from those lakes was pumped to irrigate agricultural land. This study aimed to determine the water quality of Warna and Pengilon Lakes based on physical, chemical parameters, and phytoplankton communities. Water samples were collected from 4 sites at each lake to analyse biological oxygen demand ( BOD), chemical oxygen demand ( COD), ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and total nitrogen ( TN). Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen ( DO), turbidity, and conductivity ( EC) were measured in-situ. During this research, turbidity and BOD in Warna and Pengilon Lakes exceeded the Indonesian water quality standard. Based on the STORET method, the water quality of Lake Warna was assessed as highly polluted for all classes. However, based on the pollution index (PI), Lake Warna was slightly to moderately polluted, as well as the saprobic index was in the β-mesosaprobic phase. Based on the species diversity index of phytoplankton, both Warna and Pengilon Lakes were moderately polluted. The long-term monitoring studies are necessary as an early warning sign of water quality degradation. Therefore, they provide insight into the overall ecological condition of the lake and can be used as a basis for developing suitable lake management.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati
1 2
Nurul Layalil Addadiyah
Riche Hariyati
Jumari Jumari

  1. Diponegoro University, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Department of Biology, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH. Street, Tembalang, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Diponegoro, School of Postgraduate Studies, Imam Bardjo Street Number 3-5, Semarang, 50241, Indonesia


The aim of the paper is to provide climatic data from the basic elements and characteristics of the energy balance in terms of the current state and in terms of trends and assumptions of their future changes in Slovakia. Climate change affect agriculture and its procedures. Changes in vegetation period in Slovakia of selected vegetables are presented in this study. We used for agro-climatic analysis one hundred climatological stations, which were selected to cover all agricultural re-gions up to 800 m a.s.l. Actual data and predictions were compared with time period 1961–2010. Due to homogeneity in data measurements, was chosen this period. We obtained climate trends and assumed map outputs of future climate chang-es by mathematical-statistical methods for horizons of years 2011–2020, 2041–2050, 2071–2080 and 2091–2100. We ana-lysed vegetation period changes of selected fruit vegetables, Brassica vegetables and root vegetable in field conditions with prediction to year 2100. In our results is shown the earlier beginning of vegetation period in a spring and later end in an autumn in last 30 years. The vegetation period is getting longer about 15–20 days for Capsicum annuum; 15–20 days for Brassica oleracea var. capitate; 10–15 days for Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris with comparation of nowadays situation and period 2091–2100.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ján Čimo
Karol Šinka
Andrej Tárník
Elena Aydin
Vladimír Kišš
Lucia Toková


The paper focuses on the modelling of bromate formation. An axial dispersion model was proposed to integrate the non-ideal mixing, mass-transfer and a kinetic model that links ozone decomposition reactions fromthe Tomiyasu, Fukutomi and Gordon (TFG) ozone decaymodelwith direct and indirect bromide oxidation reactions, oxidation of natural organicmatter and its reactionswith aqueous bromine. To elucidate the role of ammonia an additional set of reactions leading to bromamine formation, oxidation and disproportionation was incorporated in the kinetic model. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain information on reliability of the reaction rate constants used and to simplify the model.

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Urszula Olsińska

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