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Building a competitive offer is a process spread over many years, in which due to the complexity of market processes taking place both in the country and abroad, the interested entity should participate very actively. The world is changing and with it market conditions or external factors that determine the achievement of success. The efficiency and speed of operations, the flow of information between individual departments of the company, cooperation with regional offices and organizations to carry out joint campaigns or projects are becoming more and more important. However, all this without a permanent market research and observation of competitors’ actions, the company/clinic is getting harder to get or keep the level achieved for a moment. The article is an attempt to present important issues related to building an offer on the market of health and pro-health tourism in times of strong competition and an increasingly fierce fight for a potential client/patient.

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Jolanta Rab-Przybyłowicz
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The worldwide consumption of wollastonite has been increasing from day to day. It is a calcium metasilicate with the chemical formula CaSiO3. Wollastonite is the only naturally occurring, nonmetallic, white mineral that is needle-shaped in a crystal habit. Due to its high chemical and thermal resistance and nontoxic properties, wollastonite replaces asbestos. Apart from this, the acicular property of wollastonite allow it to compete with other acicular materials where improvements in dimensional stability, flexural modulus and heat deflection are sought. Due to its unique properties such as: its high brightness and whiteness, low moisture and oil absorption, low volatile content, and acicular properties, it is used also as a filling material for ceramics, plastics and paints, thermal and electrical insulator, wetting agent and smelter for glaze. Three methods are used for the beneficiation of wollastonite: mechanical sorting, dry or wet magnetic separation and flotation. Magnetic separation and flotation can be applied together in some cases. In this study, flotation has been investigated for the selective separation of calcite-rich wollastonite ores from the Buzlukdağ deposit, in the Kırşehir-Akpınar region, in the middle of Anatolia. The mineralogical analysis of the sample used in the study shows that the ore sample contains 60–62% wollastonite (CaSiO3), 4–5% augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6, 30–32% calcite (CaCO3) and minor amount of other minerals. As a result of this study, the wollastonite concentrate which contains 0.44% Fe2O3, 52.71% SiO2, 87.85% wollastonite with 0.60% loss on ignition (using 1500 g/t potassium oleate) was obtained. The ultimate grade concentrates of calcite that can also be obtained as by-products are with 99.80% calcite content and 85.4% recovery.

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Gülay Bulut
Elif Suna Akçin
Murat Olgaç Kangal
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The article provides a detailed characteristics of the concept of marine scientific research on the grounds of the existing norms of the international law of the sea, normative acts of the Republic of Poland and in terms based on the most recent and significant scientific publications constituting the literature on the subject. One of the core studies being conducted by the Committee on the International Legal Status of Submarine Cables and Pipelines established in 2018 under the International Law Association is the field of application of UNCLOS standards to hydrographic surveys carried out as part of the process preceding the laying of submarine cables and pipelines. This paper presents a hypothesis on the separate treatment of the concept of marine scientific research and hydrographic surveys, and presents the legal impediments that the State or the laying company may face.
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Tomasz Kamiński
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Rafał Szewczyk

  1. Zakład Międzynarodowego Prawa Publicznego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
  2. Zakład Prawa i Ekonomii, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa, Logistyki i Zarządzania Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
  3. Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Warsaw highbrow journal Biblioteka Warszawska in the second phase of its history, 1864–1914. It was a period of rapid development of the natural sciences, accelerated by the gradual reception of Darwin's theory of evolution. The arrival of Darwinian naturalism had major consequences beyond the scientific community. Although it led to the abandonment of Romantic evolutionary ideas, it not only reaffirmed the Eurocentrism of contemporary science but also tended to encourage attempts at constructing a racial hierarchy of white peoples.
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1. Amon O. Die natürlische Auslese beim Menschen. Auf Grund der anthropologischen Untersuchungen der Wehrpflichtigen in Baden und anderer Materialien, Jena 1893.
2. Bruck van den A.M., Die Deutschen. Unsere Menschheitgeschichte, Minden 1904.
3. Chochorowski J., Miedzy archeologią, antropologia i prehistorią — krakowskie środowisko naukowe w początkach działania Akademii Umiejętności (1873–1893) wobec problemów pochodzenia człowieka i jego kultury, „Historyka. Studia Metodologiczne” 2016, t. 46, s. 303–343.
4. Gumplowicz L., System socjologii, Warszawa 1887.
5. Kmiecik Z., Z dziejów czasopiśmiennictwa naukowego w Królestwie Polskim w latach 1864–1885, „Rocznik Historii Czasopiśmiennictwa Polskiego” 1970, nr 4, s. 487–503.
6. Krzywicki L., Ludy. Zarys antropologii etnicznej, Warszawa 1893.
7. Masłowski L., Prawo postępu. Studium przyrodniczo‑społeczne, Kraków 1872.
8. Mękarski S., O genezie „Biblioteki Warszawskiej” i jej charakterze w latach 1841–1863, „Pamiętnik Literacki” 1925, t. XXVI, s. 484–498.
9. Morawski Sz., Sądecczyzna, Kraków 1863.
10. Pawlicki S., Materializm wobec nauki, Kraków 1870.
11. Quatrefages J.L.A., L’espèce humaine, Paris 1877.
12. Szyszłło W., Przegląd dziejów przyrody. Studia filozoficzne, t. II, Warszawa 1872.
13. Wrona G., Polskie czasopisma popularnonaukowe w XIX wieku. Ewolucja formy i treści, „Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 2007, z. 2, s. 5–31.
14. Zasztowt L., Popularyzacja nauki w Królestwie Polskim 1864–1905, Wrocław 1989.
15. Żołędowska‑Król B., Karol Estreicher. Analiza publikacji na łamach „Biblioteki Warszawskiej”, [w:] Kultura książki i informacji: księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Elżbiecie Gondek, pod red. A. Pulikowskiego, Katowice 2017, s. 233–245.

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Katarzyna Wrzesińska

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Zakład Badań Narodowościowych, Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78/79, 61-772 Poznań
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The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the presented object of scientific work, namely 6–10 kV overhead lines, plays an important role in the process of providing electrical energy to consumers of the oil industry. The aim of the work is a detailed analysis of the reliability of overhead lines which are exploited in the difficult natural and climatic conditions of the Caspian region and Mangyshlak and the introduction of effective modeling tools for overhead lines. The methods used include the analytical method, theoretical method, logical analysis method, functional method, statistical method, synthesis method and others. In the course of the study, the natural and climatic conditions of the Atyrau region and their differences were noted and the reliability of the power supply systems was also analyzed. The most damaged elements of industrial power supply systems and their part of failures were identified in comparison with other elements of the power supply system. It was determined that the electrical power sector plays a crucial role in the oil and gas sector by determining the solution of the production tasks of all departments which have a significant impact on the formation of economic indicators. The practical value of the revealed results is that they will help to highlight the problems of operational reliability of the 6–10 kV overhead lines, considering the various natural and climatic factors, which in turn will help to change the power supply scheme and increase the resistance to external influences.
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Vladimir Yashkov
Akmaral Konarbaeva
Nasikhan Dzhumamukhambetov
Esengeldy Arystanaliev
Dyussembek Kulzhanov

  1. Institute of Petrochemical Engineering and Ecology named after N.K. Nadirov, Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Utebayev, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Department of Electric Power Supply, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Republic of Kazakhstan
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Accidental oil spills at open sea is a common environmental problem. They lead to degradation of sea and shoreline life. In the last ten years there has been an increased interest in bioremediation using the enzymatic activity of the naturally occurring microorganisms. In this work the potential of mixed microbial cultures for biodegradation of crude oil in seawater and sand has been examined. Artificial seawater supplemented with nitrogen and phosphorus was inoculated with cultures isolated from refinery sludge. The same cultures were used for experiments in sand polluted by 5% (v/w) of crude oil. These experiments were performed in sterile and semi-natural (not sterile) conditions to see the degradation potential of isolated cultures, their growth characteristics and possible antagonisms between supplemented microorganisms and natural microflora. During the experiments the oxygen demand, number of bacteria (cfu) and optical density (OD660 ) were monitored. After 14 days of cultivation, the concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in all samples was measured. All tested cultures had a potential for degradation of hydrocarbons in seawater and sand. After two weeks of experiment, loss of hydrocarbons in seawater polluted with crude oil was between 56.8% (A2 culture) and 64.4% (Al culture). The most effective culture for bioaugmentation of seawater does not have to be the best solution for bioaugmcntation of sand. In sand the best degraders in sterile and semi-natural conditions were found in the mixed cultures isolated from Corinth refinery sludge. For this culture concentration of hydrocarbons in sterile sand was 73.2% lower than in control sample and in non-sterile sand 70.5% lower than in control (sterile sand) without bioaugmentation. Finally, the addition of seawater and fertilizers to sand had also a positive influence on contaminants degradation by naturally occurring microorganisms (48%). Experiments performed with different environments (seawater and sand) and under different conditions (sterilized material and semi-natural conditions) confirmed that cultures should be tested in semi-natural conditions especially when indigenous microflora cans posse's high degradation potential. Allochtonie cultures, very active in sterile conditions, after inoculation to natural environment can even slow down the degradation.
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Wioletta Przystaś
Nikos Pasadakis
Nicolas Kalogerakis
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In this paper, an analysis of the properties of a switched reluctance motor (SRM) 8/6 in an extended constant power range is presented. The typical constant power range to constant torque range ratio is between 2 and 3. In the case of machines designed as an electric vehicle drive, it is important to maximize this ratio. In the case of an SRM, it is possible to achieve this by applying an appropriate control strategy. An analysis of the SRM operation utilizing a modified control algorithm allows control of the maximum value of the motor phase current. As a consequence, using the so-called nonzero initial conditions for the current and flux allows the output power to be maintained in a wide speed range. For the improvement of drive system efficiency, the work of the phase current regulator should be limited to a minimum. The most advantageous work conditions we obtain with single-time current regulator work. Laboratory verification has been performed for selected states of motor work.
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Mariusz Korkosz
Grzegorz Podskarbi
Krystyna Krzywdzińska-Kornak

  1. Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The paper is a thermodynamics analysis of the removal of any inert gas from the tank using the vapors of any liquefied petroleum gas cargo (called cargo tank gassing-up operation). For this purpose, a thermodynamic model was created which considers two boundary cases of this process. The first is a ‘piston pushing’ of inert gas using liquefied petroleum gas vapour. The second case is complete mixing of both gases and removal the mixture from the tank to the atmosphere until desired concentration or amount of liquefied petroleum gas cargo in the tank is reached. Calculations make it possible to determine the amount of a gas used to complete the operation and its loss incurred as a result of total mixing of both gases.
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Agnieszka Wieczorek

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81–87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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The work is devoted to the definition of solutions for skyscraper office buildings in Warsaw against the background of the latest global technology of vertical communication systems. For this purpose, the paper presents the examples of research by design of four high-rise buildings in Warsaw, which indicate the adopted methodology of developing optimal solutions in the field of elevator service as well as the results of research and finally selected systems. The aim of the research was to achieve the initial criteria for the system’s operation. The research was carried out by iterating and varianting various configurations of the system and checking it as the basis for building core solutions. Solutions that met the defined criteria were optimal in terms of building efficiency and rental flexibility. Empirical research and its results are presented against the background of world achievements. The results indicate that both the research methodology and the systems used follow the contemporary development of the latest globally present solutions.
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Marcin Goncikowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, ul. Koszykowa 55, 00-659Warsaw, Poland

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