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This paper presents possibilities for of numerical modelling of biomass combustion in a commercially available boiler. A sample of biomass was tested with respect to its physical and chemical properties. Thermogravimetry studies of biomass were carried out. Computer simulation makes it possible to analyse complex phenomena which are otherwise difficult to observe. The aim of this work was to model biomass combustion to predict the amount of pollutants generated (NOx, CO, SO2) in the exhaust gases coming out from boilers The calculations were made using the CHEMKIN program. Results of calculations were performed taking into account the influence of temperature, pressure and residence time.

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Aneta Magdziarz
Małgorzata Wilk
Monika Zajemska
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Energetic efficiency depicting the fraction of energy dissipation rate used to perform processes of drop breakup and mass transfer in two-phase, liquid-liquid systems is considered. Results of experiments carried out earlier in two types of high-shear mixers: an in-line rotor-stator mixer and a batch rotor-stator mixer, have been applied to identify and compare the efficiency of drop breakage and mass transfer in both types of mixers. The applied method is based on experimental determination of both: the product distribution of chemical test reactions and the drop size distributions. Experimental data are interpreted using a multifractal model of turbulence for drop breakage and the model by Favelukis and Lavrenteva for mass transfer. Results show that the energetic efficiency of the in-line mixer is higher than that of the batch mixer; two stator geometries were considered in the case of the batch mixer and the energetic efficiency of the device equipped with a standard emulsor screen (SES) was higher than the efficiency of the mixer equipped with a general purpose disintegrating head (GPDH) for drop breakup but smaller for mass transfer.

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Magdalena Jasińska
Jerzy Bałdyga
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The normative system of Bogusław Wolniewicz (1927–2017) can be subsumed under three categories: (1) pessimism (fatalism, or ‘tychism’ in Wolniewicz’s terms), (2) moral determinism (‘non-meliorism’), (3) conservatism (‘right-hand orientation’). Ad (1) Wolniewicz was pessimistic in two ways: he believed human life to be tragic (fatalism) and was also convinced that most people are guided by bad instincts (dualism). Ad (2) Wolniewicz believed that moral character was biologically determined and immutable. But his strong position on this subject ignores the classical view of Aristotle or the Stoics for whom moral character (or conscience) was acquired by habit and shaped deliberately. Ad (3) I suggest that a good historical example of conservative tendency was Critias of Athens. His famous fragment of the Sisyphus contains the idea of a supremacy of laws over human passions, and reduces religion to a supportive role with respect to ethics and politics. Wolniewicz’s dualism of right-hand and left-hand orientation encourages me to distinguish between a right-wing and a left-wing perception of value. For a leftist, value is intensity of a chosen feature (progressive value), whereas for a rightist, value is an area of freedom between inacceptable extremities (modular value). On these premises I propose a simple model of axiological conflict between left-wing and right-wing citizens.

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Łukasz Kowalik
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The article presents Peter F. Strawson’s remarks on the free will debate, which he has presented in the essay ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Strawson avoids taking a stance on the question whether the thesis of determinism is correct. Instead he shows the essential difficulties and far reaching consequences of acknowledging this thesis. He recognizes the inseparable connection between freedom and responsibility in the philosophy after Kant. He consequently questions whether we really understand what it would mean to claim that determinism is true. He focuses on what he calls ‘reactiv attitudes’ triggered by the way in which other people behave toward us. Their behavior evokes emotional reaction in us – gratitude, respect, curiosity, but also distrust, resentment, disappointment. Those emotional responses are not purely subjective and they underlie moral judgments and complicated interpersonal relations. We suspend our reactive attitudes towards animals, very small children or people that we think are mentally ill. Instead we adopt objective (psychiatric, scientific) attitudes towards them. But to acknowledge the thesis of determinism implicates that we should treat all people this way. The paper is not so much concerned with an analysis of advantages and weak points of Strawson’s version of compatibilism, but focuses instead on the originality of his contribution to the debate on free will and on his brilliant treatment of reactive attitudes.

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Karolina Rychter
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An embedded time interval data acquisition system (DAS) is developed for zero power reactor (ZPR) noise experiments. The system is capable of measuring the correlation or probability distribution of a random process. The design is totally implemented on a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The architecture is tested on different FPGA platforms with different speed grades and hardware resources. Generic experimental values for time resolution and inter-event dead time of the system are 2.22 ns and 6.67 ns respectively. The DAS can record around 48-bit x 790 kS/s utilizing its built-in fast memory. The system can measure very long time intervals due to its 48-bit timing structure design. As the architecture can work on a typical FPGA, this is a low cost experimental tool and needs little time to be established. In addition, revisions are easily possible through its reprogramming capability. The performance of the system is checked and verified experimentally.

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Mohammad Arkani
Hossein Khalafi
Naser Vosoughi
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This paper proposed a new OFDM scheme called damped zero-pseudorandom noise orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DZPN-OFDM) scheme. In the proposed scheme, ZPN-OFDM non-zero part is damped to reduce its energy, thus the mutual interference power in-between the data and training blocks with conservative the pseudo-noise conventional properties required for channel estimation or synchronization. The motivation of this paper is the OFDM long guard interval working in wide dispersion channels, whereas a significant energy is wasted when the conventional ZPN-OFDM is used as well as the BER performance is also degraded. Moreover, the proposed scheme doesn’t duplicate the guard interval to solve the ZPN-OFDM spectrum efficiency loss problem. Both detailed performance analysis and simulation results show that the proposed DZPNOFDM scheme can, indeed, offer significant bit error rate, spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency improvement.

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Hamada Esmaiel
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The techniques of micro and nano structurization of surfaces of various materials are utilized in electronics and medicine. Such procedure as wet and dry etching allows to fabricate protruded or recessed micro and nanostructures on the surface. In the paper some examples of utilization of a surface structurization, known from literature, are described. Some structurization methods and experimental results for fabrication of the arrays of sharp microtips are presented. Wet and/or dry etching, and thermal oxidation process were used to form the arrays of sharp gated and non-gated, protruded or recessed silicon microtips on silicon wafer. For the first time, the arrays of silicon carbide (SiC) microtips on glass wafer have been produced by use of the transfer mold technique. Arrays of sharp microtips are used as field electron emission cathodes for vacuum microelectronics devices. Some electron emission measurements for these cathodes have been carried out. New application of silicon microtips array in biochemistry has been tested with satisfactory results.

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A. Górecka-Drzazga
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Nano technology is an emerging field of interest for civil engineering application. Among the nano materials presently used in concrete, nano-silica possess more pozzolanic nature. It has the capability to react with the free lime during the cement hydration and forms additional C-S-H gel giving strength, impermeability and durability to concrete. Present paper investigates the effects of addition of nano silica in normal strength concrete. Three types of nano-silica in the form of nano suspension having different amount of silica content have been investigated. Mix design has been carried out by using particle packing method. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been carried out to find the chemical composition of control concrete and nano modified concrete. Further, experimental investigations have been carried out to characterize the mechanical behaviour in compression, tension and flexure. It has been observed that the addition of nano-silica in normal strength concrete increased the compressive strength and decreased the spilt tensile strength and flexural strength. Also, Rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) has been conducted to know the chloride permeability of control concrete, nano modified concrete, and nano coated concrete. It has been observed that the chloride permeability is less for nano coated concrete.

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S. Gopinath
P.Ch. Mouli
A.R. Murthy
N.R. Iyer
S. Maheswaran
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The article is devoted to the research into the ruler’s courts of early modern Europe and the possibility of applying to them the methods of the cultural transfer, histoire croisée, entangled history, cultural exchange and cultural mobility. In the first part, attention is focused on the perspectives of studies on court culture and dynastic networks. In the second part, the different methodological approaches, their evolution and the discussions of the researchers concerning the possibilities of using them in practice are presented. The final goal of the article is to consider whether these theoretical approaches are applicable in the analysis of the dynamic court culture considered from the perspective of transfer, translation, circulation, transmission or mobility.
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Katarzyna Kuras

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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This paper deals with an inverse magnetostatic problem related to the reconstruction of a permanent magnet encapsulated inside the cathode of a magnetron sputtering device. The numerical analysis is aimed to obtain the estimation of a short solenoid equivalent to the unknown magnet. Least squares approach has been used to solve the functional defined as squared sum of the residuals. A comparison of the results obtained with Genetic Algorithm approach and nonlinear system of equations is performed. A regularized solution, which is in good agreement with the experimental data, was found by applying a Newton adapted regularization technique.

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O. Miron
D. Desideri
D.D. Micu
A. Maschio
A. Ceclan
L. Czumbil
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Limb physical movements disability is the result of illnesses or serious injuries, impaired execution of daily activities and limitations or even inability to perform working activity. Restoration of fitness in such cases is possible through rehabilitation that requires arduous repetition of appropriate exercises with participation of an experienced physiotherapist. Exercises using the robot to repeat movements would speed up the process of rehabilitation. The paper presents the concept of rehabilitation robot control system realizing a specified purpose.

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Andrzej Michnik
Jacek Brandt
Zbyszek Szczurek
Michał Bachorz
Zbigniew Paszenda
Robert Michnik
Jacek Jurkojć
Wiesław Rycerski
Jan Janota
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Embedded delamination growth stability was analysed with the help of the FEM combined with a specially developed procedure for node relocation to obtain a smooth variation of the SERR components along the delamination contour. The procedure consisted in the replacement of the actual material with the very compliant fictitious one and the displacement of the delamination front nodes by the previously determined distance in a local coordinate system. Due to this loading, the new delamination front was created. Subsequently, the original material was restored. Evolution under inplane compression of three initially circular delaminations of diameters d = 30, 40 and 50 mm embedded in thin laminates of two different stacking sequences were considered. It was found that the growth history and the magnitude of the load that triggers unstable delamination growth depended mainly on the combined effects of the initial delamination size, delamination contour, out of plane post-buckling geometry of the disbonded layers, reinforcement arrangement, and magnitude and variation of the SERR components along the delamination contour. To present the combined effect of these features, an original concept of the effective resistance curve, G Reff , was introduced.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czarnocki
Tomasz Zagrajek

  1. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
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The history of “Études de théologie, de philosophie et d’histoire” is connected with the Work of Saints Cyril and Methodius (L’OEuvre des Saints Cyrille et Méthode), which was founded in 1855. The purpose of the Work was prayer as well as refl ection and discussion on the union of the Catholic and Orthodox Church. The founder of the Work, Ivan Gagarin, once Russian Orthodox and from 1842 a Catholic in France, gathered for this purpose a vast library in order to document the history of ecumenism and the ecclesiastical history of the Slavic countries. With time, the Slavonic Library became one of the most abundant book collections on these subjects in Western Europe. Gagarin believed that the West knew too little about the Orthodox Russia, which was an impediment to the union of the Churches. To bring his motherland closer to Western Catholics and to present problems to be faced by those who strove for the unity of the Christian East and West, Gagarin decided to start to publish a magazine “Études de théologie, de philosophie et d’histoire”, for which he needed approval of the superiors of the Jesuit Order. Due to Gagarin’s prolonged negotiations with his superiors, the magazine did not start to be published until 1857. This paper deals with the history of “Études de théologie, de philosophie et d’histoire”.

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Urszula Cierniak
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The purpose of this work is to present a theoretical analysis of top orthogonal to bottom arrays of conducting electrodes of infinitesimal thickness (conducting strips) residing on the opposite surfaces of piezoelectric slab. The components of electric field are expanded into double periodic Bloch series with corresponding amplitudes represented by Legendre polynomials, in the proposed semi-analytical model of the considered two-dimensional (2D) array of strips. The boundary and edge conditions are satisfied directly by field representation, as a result. The method results in a small system of linear equations for unknown expansion coefficients to be solved numerically. A simple numerical example is given to illustrate the method. Also a test transducer was designed and a pilot experiment was carried out to illustrate the acoustic-wave generating capabilities of the proposed arrangement of top orthogonal to bottom arrays of conducting strips.

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Jurij Tasinkevych
Ihor Trots
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
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Environmental factors and the addition of adjuvants to the spray tank mix may interfere with glyphosate efficiency in hairy fleabane control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of air temperature and the addition of ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 to glyphosate in the control of glyphosate-resistant (GR) and -susceptible (GS) hairy fleabane. Treatments consisted of air temperatures of 12°C and 25°C, six doses of glyphosate from zero to 2,880 g · ha−1, the presence or absence of (NH4)2SO4 in the spray solution, and one GS and another GR biotype. At the lowest tested dose (180 g · ha−1), control of the GR biotype was 91% and 20% when the plants were kept at 12°C and 25°C, respectively, reducing the resistance factor (RF) by 9.30 times and was associated to the reduction of temperature. The addition of (NH4)2SO4 increased the control by 10−20% at high glyphosate doses and at 25°C. The resistance of hairy fleabane to glyphosate was completely reversed when the plants were maintained at 12°C. At this temperature, resistant plants were controlled even at doses well below that recommended for the control of this species. At 25°C, a dose four times higher than that recommended was required for satisfactory control. At the field level, under situations of low temperatures, it was possible to improve the efficacy of glyphosate applications in hairy fleabane control, if there were no other mechanisms of resistance involved.

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Giliardi Dalazen
Alexandre Pisoni
Christian Menegaz
Aldo Merotto Jr.

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