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This research determines an identification system for the types of Beiguan music – a historical, nonclassical music genre – by combining artificial neural network (ANN), social tagging, and music information retrieval (MIR). Based on the strategy of social tagging, the procedure of this research includes: evaluating the qualifying features of 48 Beiguan music recordings, quantifying 11 music indexes representing tempo and instrumental features, feeding these sets of quantized data into a three-layered ANN, and executing three rounds of testing, with each round containing 30 times of identification. The result of ANN testing reaches a satisfying correctness (97% overall) on classifying three types of Beiguan music. The purpose of this research is to provide a general attesting method, which can identify diversities within the selected non-classical music genre, Beiguan. The research also quantifies significant musical indexes, which can be effectively identified. The advantages of this method include improving data processing efficiency, fast MIR, and evoking possible musical connections from the high-relation result of statistical analyses.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yu-Hsin Chang
Shu-Nung Yao

  1. Department of Music, Tainan National University of the Arts, No. 66, Daqi, Guantian Dist., Tainan City 72045, Taiwan
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University, No. 151, University Rd., Sanxia District, New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan


Initial investigations on oxidation behaviour and phase transformations of equimolar AlCoCrCuNi high entropy alloy with and without 1 at.% silicon addition during 24-hr exposure to air atmosphere at 1273 K was carried out in this work. After determining the oxidation kinetics of the samples by means of thermogravimetric analysis, the morphology, chemical and phase compositions of the oxidized alloys were determined by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Additional cross-section studies were performed using transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and selected area electron diffraction. From all these investigations, it can be concluded that minor silicon addition improves the oxidation kinetics and hinders the formation of an additional FCC structure near the surface of the material.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Gawel
Ł. Rogal
K. Przybylski
Kenji Matsuda

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Department of Physical Chemistry and Modelling, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30 -059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials, 25 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  3. University of Toyama, Faculty of Sustainable Design, Department of Materials Design and Engineering, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan


In spite of the fact that standardizing operations and increased awareness of hazards led to a significant improvement of vibroacoustic climate of operator’s stands of new machines, their long-term operation - often under difficult conditions - leads to a fast degradation of acoustic qualities of machines. Temporary operations performed during surveys and periodical overhauls are rarely effective, due to the lack of any guidelines. In this situation the authors propose the algorithm for selection of eventual screens or sound absorbing and sound insulating partitions, utilizing the measuring procedure aimed at identification, at the operator’s stand, of main noise components originated from various sources. On the basis of this procedure, the vibroacoustic energy propagation paths in the machine was estimated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Dąbrowski
Jacek Dziurdź
Radosław Pakowski


Artykuł omawia najważniejszą włoską powieść historyczną i koncentruje się na jej głównych szlakach migracyjnych, zwłaszcza tymi, którymi podążają główne postaci utworu. Omawia również różnorodność przedstawień problematyki krańca i granicy (także w sensie metaforycznym) w powieści.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Fabio Danelon

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