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Simulation studies of the hobbing process kinematics can effectively improve the accuracy of the machined gears. The parameters of the cut-off layers constitute the basis for predicting the cutting forces and the workpiece stress-strain state. Usually applied methods for simulation of the hobbing process are based on simplified cutting schemes. Therefore, there are significant differences between the simulated parameters and the real ones. A new method of hobbing process modeling is described in the article. The proposed method is more appropriate, since the algorithm for the momentary transition surfaces formation and computer simulation of the 3D chip cutting sections are based on the results of hobbing cutting processes kinematics and on rheological analysis of the hob cutting process formation. The hobbing process is nonstationary due to the changes in the intensity of plastic strain of the material. The total cutting force is represented as a function of two time-variable parameters, such as the chip’s 3D parameters and the chip thickness ratio depending on the parameters of the machined layer.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ihor Hrytsay
Vadym Stupnytskyy
Vladyslav Topchii

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.


The use of elastic bodies within a multibody simulation became more and more important within the last years. To include the elastic bodies, described as a finite element model in multibody simulations, the dimension of the system of ordinary differential equations must be reduced by projection. For this purpose, in this work, the modal reduction method, a component mode synthesis based method and a moment-matching method are used. Due to the always increasing size of the non-reduced systems, the calculation of the projection matrix leads to a large demand of computational resources and cannot be done on usual serial computers with available memory. In this paper, the model reduction software Morembs++ is presented using a parallelization concept based on the message passing interface to satisfy the need of memory and reduce the runtime of the model reduction process. Additionally, the behaviour of the Block-Krylov-Schur eigensolver, implemented in the Anasazi package of the Trilinos project, is analysed with regard to the choice of the size of the Krylov base, the blocksize and the number of blocks. Besides, an iterative solver is considered within the CMS-based method.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Thomas Volzer
Peter Eberhard

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