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Investigating human emotions empirically is still considered to be challenging, mostly due to the questionable validity of the results obtained when employing individual types of measures. Among the most frequently used methods to study emotional reactions are self-report, autonomic, neurophysiological, and behavioral measures. Importantly, previous studies on emotional responding have rarely triangulated the aforementioned research methods. In this paper we discuss main methodological considerations related to the use of physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies, based on our previous research on the processing of emotionally-laden narratives in the native and non-native language, where we employed the SUPIN S30 questionnaire as a self-report tool, and galvanic skin response (GSR) as a physiological measure (Jankowiak & Korpal, 2018). The findings revealed a more pronounced reaction to stimuli presented in the native relative to the non-native language, which was however reflected only in GSR patterns. The lack of correlation between GSR and SUPIN scores might have resulted from a number of methodological considerations, such as social desirability bias, sensitive questions, lack of emotional self-awareness, compromised ecological validity, and laboratory anxiety, all of which are thoroughly discussed in the article.

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Paweł Korpal
Katarzyna Jankowiak


The 14th International Symposium on Sound Engineering and Tonmeistering will be held on May 19-21, 2011, in Wrocław. The Symposium is organized by the Chair of Acoustics, Institute of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, Wrocław University of Technology, under auspicious of the Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society. The organizers cordially invite sound engineers, music producers, acousticians, and specialists in sound reinforcement, scientists who deal with sound engineering, sound recording and related areas, students, and employees of the audio industry to participate in the Symposium. The Symposium programme will include lecture sessions and workshop presentations.

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In this paper, a new lifting wavelet domain audio watermarking algorithm based on the statistical characteristics of sub-band coefficients is proposed. First of all, an original audio signal was segmented and each segment was divided into two sections. Then, the Barker code was used for synchronization, the LWT (lifting wavelet transform) was performed on each section, a synchronization code and a watermark were embedded into the first section and the second section, respectively, by modifying the statistical average value of the sub-band coefficients. The embed strength was determined adaptively according to the auditory masking property. Experiments show that the embedded watermark has better robustness against common signal processing attacks than present algorithms based on LWT and can resist random cropping in particular.

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Zhi Tao
He-ming Zhao
Jun Wu
Ji-hua Gu
Yi-shen Xu
Di Wu
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Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) with Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) is one of the promising techniques proposed for 5G systems. It allows multiple users with different channel coefficients to share the same (time/frequency) resources by allocating several levels of (power/code) to them. In this article, a design of a cooperative scheme for the uplink NOMA Wi-Fi transmission (according to IEEE 802.11 standards) is investigated. Various channel models are exploited to examine the system throughput. Convolutional coding in conformance to IEEE 802.11a/g is applied to evaluate the system performance. The simulation results have been addressed to give a clear picture of the performance of the investigated system.

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Hind Salim Ghazi
Krzysztof Wesołowski
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Diagnosis and therapy of human diseases is often associated with an analysis of the geometry of internal organs or their pathological conditions. That is why the problem of accuracy assessment of shape mapping using computer tomography and the latest imaging techniques became very important. Therefore, in the paper the accuracy assessment of mapping was proposed using the real shape of the synthetic indices. Two test cases were presented - a reference sphere and the cartilage surface of the knee condyle. The results of tomography research and analysis of accuracy of shape mapping using the "best fit" method and the program Reshaper, in the form of synthetic indicators are presented.

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Andrzej Ryniewicz
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The most interesting area of ethical considerations by Bertrand Russell belongs to the field of metaethics and concerns the meaning of basic ethical concepts and their epistemological status. In the classic dispute between cognitivism and noncognitivism, Russell has chosen the emotivist position which deprives moral opinions of any cognitive value by treating them as an expression of individual emotive attitudes. Thus, he advocates a kind of subjectivism in ethics, and at the same time he refutes all arguments ascribing to moral phenomena specific objective qualities independent of human attitudes and emotions. He also puts to doubt all sources of morality that have a religious character. His own normative statements concerning metaethical issues are so phrased, however, that a serious methodological doubt arises: Is it possible to practice normative ethics without using an objectivist hypothesis?
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Joanna Górnicka‑Kalinowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Kra-kowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Freedom and Resentment (1962), written by Peter Frederick Strawson, is one of the most influential papers in 20th century investigations regarding the problem of free will. An interesting criticism of that work was proposed by his son, Galen Strawson, who analyzed and rejected his father’s view, called the theory of reactive attitudes. In my paper I reconstruct the views of Peter Strawson and present counterarguments put forward by Galen Strawson. In the summary I suggest, following Robert Kane, that the disagreement may reflect some important changes in analytic philosophy.

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Jacek Jarocki
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The error reduction technique, based on inverse transformation, for a shunt active resistance measurement using an ammeter and voltmeter is considered. When computing a corrected reading only multiplicative operations on two measurement results are used, namely squaring and division. The proposed method allows to increase re-sistance measurement accuracy by about two orders of magnitude what has been validated by both theoretical and experimental outcomes.

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Sergey Muravyov
Galina Zlygosteva
Valeriy Borikov
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The paper describes an integrated laser absorption system as a potential tool for breath analysis for clinical diagnostics, online therapy monitoring and metabolic disorder control. The sensors operate basing on cavity enhanced spectroscopy and multi-pass spectroscopy supported by wavelength modulation spectroscopy. The aspects concerning selection of operational spectral range and minimization of interference are also discussed. Tests results of the constructed devices collected with reference samples of biomarkers are also presented. The obtained data provide an opportunity to analyse applicability of optoelectronic sensors in medical screening.

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Janusz Mikołajczyk
Tadeusz Stacewicz
Paweł Magryta
Jacek Wojtas
Zbigniew Bielecki
Dariusz Szabra
Artur Prokopiuk
Arkadiusz Tkacz
Małgorzata Panek
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In this paper we discuss some physical limits for scaling of transistors and conducting paths inside of semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Since 40 years only a semiconductor technology, mostly the CMOS and the TTL technologies, are used for fabrication of integrated circuits on an industrial scale. Miniaturization of electronic devices in integrated circuits has technological limits and physical limits as well. In 2010 best parameters of commercial ICs shown the Intel Core i5-670 processor manufactured in the technology of 32 nm. Its clock frequency in turbo mode is 3.73 GHz. A forecast of the development of the semiconductor industry (ITRS 2011) predicts that sizes of electronic devices in ICs circuits will be smaller than 10 nm in the next 10 years. At least 5 physical effects should be taken into account if we discuss limits of scaling of integrated circuits.

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Waldemar Nawrocki
Yury M. Shukrinov
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Despite the consensus on the role of lung and pleura ultrasound in human medicine, veteri- nary medicine questions credibility of the pulmonary evaluation in ultrasound examination, based on the analysis of artifacts in animals with clinical signs of respiratory failure and possibility of pulmonary edema diagnosis with recognition of the degree of its severity. The study was conduct- ed on 47 animals (29 dogs and 18 cats) of different breeds, age and sex. In all of animals prior to the transthoracic lung and pleura ultrasound examination (TLPUS), all animals were subjected to a clinical examination and hematological blood test as well as chest radiography examination in three projections. Ultrasound imaging of the chest in each animal was performed at designated four defined segments. TLPUS in dogs and cats based on an analysis of artifacts allows recogni- tion of pulmonary edema, to the degree comparable to chest X-ray examination. The number of depicted B-lines artifacts is proportional to the degree of pulmonary edema. These results allow to reduce the number of radiographs and allow the shortening of the diagnostic process for pa- tients in life-threatening condition.

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J. Szymczak
Z. Kiełbowicz
W. Kinda
U. Zaleska-Dorobisz
K. Kubiak
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This article discusses a book written by Lisa Brooks Our Beloved Kin. A New History of King Philip’s War (2017)1 in the context of a debate it raised in The American Historical Review because of the methodology its author used. Lisa Brooks, an Early American historian and a Native American, applied in her study of King Philip’s War (1675–1676) a methodology and resource materials advised by The Native American Indigenous Studies Association. This methodology and some of her findings were critiqued by a historian David Silverman, which stirred a debate in this journal, to which leading Native American historians were invited by the editors of the journal. This article tries to cover the debate and the contribution of the new methodology in understanding American colonial history. At the end this article places Our Beloved Kin among books published about Native Americans on the Polish book market.
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Apess, William. „Eulogy on King Philip, as Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston”. W On Our Own Ground, red. Barry O'Connell, 275–310.
Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1992.
Brooks, Lisa. Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip's War. New Haven‑London: Yale University Press, 2018.
Carlson, David. „Review of Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip’s War by Lisa Brooks, and Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast by Christine M. Delucia”. Early American Literature 55, 1 (2020): 235–240.
Deloria, Philp J. „Cold Business and a Hot Cake”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 537–541.
DeLucia, Christine M. „Continuing the Intervention: Past, Present and Future Pathways for Native Studies and Early American History”. AHR Exchange, The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 528–532.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall. Pieśń ziemi. Rdzenna mądrość, wiedza naukowa i lekcje płynące z natury, tłum. Monika Bukowska. Kraków: Znak, 2020.
Kleinberg, Ethan; Joan Wallach Scott; Gary Wilder. „Tezy o teorii i historii”, tłum. Ewa Domańska i Tomasz Wiśniewski. Historyka 49 (2019): 289–299.
Lear, Jonathan. Etyka w obliczu spustoszenia kulturowego, tłum. Marcin Rychter. Warszawa: Kronos, 2013.
O’Brien, Jean M. „What Does Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Do?”. AHR Exchange, The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 542–545.
Pleasant, Alyssa Mt.; Caroline Wigginton; Kelly Wisecup. „Materials and Methods in Native American and Indigenous Studies: Completing the Turn”. Early American Literature 53, 2 (2018): 407–444. DOI 10.1353/eal.2018.0044.
Pleasant, Alyssa Mt. „Contexts for Critique: Revisiting Representations of Violence in Our Beloved Kin”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 533–536.
Rowlandson, Mary. Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1681 [2009]). (Project Gutenberg,‑h/851‑h.htm).
Silverman, David. „Living with the Past: Thoughts on Community Collaboration and Difficult History in Native American and Indigenous Studies”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 519–527.
Silverman, David. „Historians and Native American and Indigenous Studies: A Reply”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 546–551.
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Elżbieta Wilczyńska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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The transformer-less grid connected inverters are gaining more popularity due to their high efficiency, very low ground leakage current and economic feasibility especially in photovoltaic systems. The major issue which surfaces these systems is that of common mode leakage current which arises due to the absence of an electrical transformer connected between the inverter and the utility grid. Several topologies have evolved to reduce the impact of common mode leakage current and a majority of them have succeeded in eliminating the impacts and have well kept them within the limits of grid standards. This paper compares and analyses the impact of the common mode leakage current for four popular inverter configurations through simulation of the topologies such as H5, H6, HERIC and FBZVR inverters.

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D. John Sundar
M. Senthil Kumaran
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This article examines the artworks – treated as personal testimonies – by three wo-men, whose biographies could not have been more different, affected by pregnancy loss. They are Frida Kahlo’s Henry Ford Hospital, a surrealist representation of an induced abortion she had in 1932; Oriana Fallaci’s Letter to a Child Never Born (originally published in 1975); and Karolina Kaczyńska-Piwko’s Ciałość [ Bodiness] (2021). In spite of the huge time gaps that separated those three lives, their experiences connected with the loss of an unborn child have a lot in common. Each of them had to cope with loneliness, lack of support and indifference to their grief. The dominant element in Kahlo’s painting as well as Fallaci and Kaczyńska-Piwko’s narratives is the trauma of broken expectations for a happy motherhood.
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Małgorzata Okupnik

  1. Akademia Muzyczna im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu
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This article analyzes the representation of Jadwiga of Anjou, the first female monarch of Poland, crowned in 1384, and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church, in Felicjan Faleński's drama The Queen. Published in 1888, the drama features a heroine whose characterization owes a great deal to the late 19th‑century religious culture, and more specifically, the debates about Catholic modernism at the turn of the 19th century. As Felicjan Faleński was by no means unaffected by them (as shown by his Meandry, a volume of ‘unkempt’ verse, published in 1892), The Queen may be claimed to be the first modernist hagiography of Queen Jadwiga in the history of Polish literature.
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Weronika Wieczorek

  1. absolwentka Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Humification plays an important role in stabilization of organic matter in soils of the cryolithic zone. In this context, the degree of organic matter stabilization has been assessed, using instrumental methods, for permafrost peat soils of the eastern European Arctic, based on selected plots from within the Komi Republic (Russian Federation). Humic substances (HSs) isolated from the mire permafrost peats of the forest-tundra subzone of the European Arctic have been characterized in terms of molecular composition. This was accomplished using elemental and amino acid fragments (AAFs) composition. Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectroscopy was utilized to identify the structure of HSs. Changes in the molar x(H) : x(C) ratio, ratio of aromatic to paraffin fragments and ratio of hydroxy AAFs to heterocyclic AAFs along the peat profiles have been revealed. They are due to the activation of cryogenic processes in the upper part of the seasonally thawing layer, the natural selection of condensed humic molecules, the botanical composition and degree of degradation of peat, which reflect the climatic features of the area in the Holocene. Humic acids and fulvic acids of the peat soils showed the prevalence of compounds with a low degree of condensation and a low portion of aromatic fragments. The aromaticity degree showed the trend to increase within the depth. Changes of quantitative and qualitative parameters of specific organic compounds occur at the permafrost boundary of peatlands, which can serve as an indicator of recent climate changes in environments from the high latitudes. The presented data can be useful in the evaluation of soil organic matter stabilization degree in the active layer and below the permafrost table.

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Roman Vasilevich
Evgeny Lodygin
Evgeny Abakumov
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In the present article, we introduced a new model of the equations of general ized thermoelasticity for unbounded orthotropic body containing a cylindrical cavity. We applied this model in the context of generalized thermoelasticity with phase-lags under the effect of rotation. In this case, the thermal conductivity of the material is considered to be variable. In addition, the cylinder surface is traction free and subjected to a uniform unit step temperature. Using the Laplace transform technique, the distributions of the temperature, displacement, radial stress and hoop stress are determined. A detailed analysis of the effects of rotation, phase-lags and the variability thermal conductivity parameters on the studied fields is discussed. Numerical results for the studied fields are illustrated graphically in the presence and absence of rotation.

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D.S. Mashat
Ashraf M. Zenkour
A.E. Abouelregal
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This paper comprises description of the turbo engine and evaluation of its analytical model. The analytical model was created to establish a benchmark for further evaluation of a wave rotor combustor (at constant volume). The wave rotor combustor concept was presented and discussed. Advantages of combustion at constant volume were described as well as the basic turbo engine updates required to reflect pulse combustor application. The calculation results for analytical model of a basic engine, and that equipped with pulse combustor are included in this paper. The paper describes the required changes in the engine structure and construction and the estimated thermodynamic improvements. Axial-type pulse multi-chamber combustion unit increasing the pressure and temperature of gases requires a special additional turbine utilizing additional energy and forming the interface between the standard compressor-turbine unit. Performance calculations done for an existing GTD-350 engine showed that constant-volume combustion process is valuable.

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Damian Łapiński
Janusz Piechna
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The purpose of this paper is an attempt to reflect on the beginnings of Ukrainian modernism. The article is an analysis of the “Open letter to Ukrainian writers” by Mykola Voronyi and his polemics with a well-known Ukrainian writer, Ivan Franko. This letter, which was published in the journal “Literaturno-Naukowy Wisnyk” in 1901, is a very important document of the epoch, bearing the mark of a literary manifesto. This little note made the Ukrainian intelligentsia aware of the crisis of so-called narodnytstvo poetics and the need for far-reaching modernization of Ukrainian literature. The writer postulated the rejection of adopted schemes in favour of the latest European trends in literature. The attempt to implement the program demands was an edition of Mykola Voronyi’s literary collection, “From the Valleys and Above the Clouds”, which has also been analyzed and discussed in this paper. The author concludes that the “Open letter to Ukrainian writers” can be considered one of the first manifestations of Ukrainian modernism

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Albert Nowacki
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This study was attempted to study for recovery of Li as Li2CO3 from cathode active material, especially NCA (LiNiCoAlO2), recovered from spent lithium ion batteries. This consists of two major processes, carbonation using CO2 and water leaching. Carbonation using CO2 was performed at 600ºC, 700ºC and 800ºC, and NCA (LiNiCoAlO2) was phase-separated into Li2CO3, NiO and CoO. The water leaching process using the differences in solubility was performed to obtain the optimum conditions by using the washing time and the ratio of the sample to the distilled water as variables. As a result, NCA (LiNiCoAlO2) was phase-separated into Li2CO3 and NiO, CoO at 700ºC, and Li2CO3 in water was recovered through vacuum filtration after 1 hour at a 1:30 weight ratio of the powder and distilled water. Finally, Li2CO3 containing Li of more than 98 wt.% was recovered.

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Shun-Myung Shin
Dong-Ju Shin
Sung-Ho Joo
Jei-Pil Wang Wang
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The problem of control of rod heating process by changing the temperature along the rod whose ends are thermally insulated is considered. It is assumed that, along with the classical boundary conditions, nonseparated multipoint intermediate conditions are also given. Using the method of separation of variables and methods of the theory of control of finite-dimensional systems with multipoint intermediate conditions, a constructive approach is proposed to build the sought function of temperature control action. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained, which the function of the distribution of the rod temperature must satisfy, so that under any feasible initial, nonseparated intermediate, and final conditions, the problem is completely controllable. As an application of the proposed approach, control action with given nonseparated conditions on the values of the rod temperature distribution function at the two intermediate moments of time is constructed.
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Vanya R. Barseghyan

  1. Institute of Mechanics of the National Academyof Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan State University, Armenia

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