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Hic Polonice vertitur Catulli carmen 33 (O furum optime balnerariorum…).

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Łukasz Libowski (przeł. z j. łacińskiego)


The purpose of this research work is to study the issues of the protection of 6–10 kV lines and access ways overvoltage in the electrical networks of modern enterprises of high-energy intensity, as well as the search for real technical opportunities to improve the protection of power lines directly in conditions of their operation. The methodology of this scientific research is based on a combination of methods of system analysis of the principles of the functioning of electric networks of energy-intensive enterprises with an analytical study of the fundamental aspects of ensuring the protection of 6 to 10 kV lines and access ways from overvoltage. The results of the conducted scientific research indicate the relevance of the issues of ensuring the protection of lines and electrical networks of energy-intensive enterprises from overvoltage and the need to develop special technical devices to ensure the proper level of such protection in real conditions. The results and conclusions of this research work are of significant importance for developers and designers of electric networks of enterprises with increased energy capacity, as well as for employees of various power supply systems who, by their occupation, face the tasks of servicing electric networks, which include lines and access ways with specified operating voltage parameters and ensuring the proper level of safety and practical use of these electric networks of energy-intensive enterprises.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Viktor I. Dmitrichenko
Zhubanyshbay S. Abdimuratov
Irina V. Kazanina
Nagym T. Omirzakov
Yerkebulan N. Zhagyparov

  1. Department of Power Supply and Renewable Energy Sources, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Department of Electric Power Systems, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan
Słowa kluczowe Polska rudy weglowodory dewon


W kamieniołomie wapieni górno dewońskich w Józefce koło miejscowości Górno koło Kielc w Górach Świętokrzyskich stwierdzono współwystępowanie węglowodorów i siarczków żelaza i miedzi w spękaniach w strefie uskokowej. Węglowodory występują także w formie rozproszonej, plamiście w otaczających wapieniach nadając im czarną barwę oraz wzdłuż płaszczyzn ich warstwowania. Współwystępowanie węglowodorów i siarczków metali sugeruje ich wspólną genezę i migrację z głęboko położonego źródła. Skałami macierzystymi, mogły być czarne łupki występujące w utworach syluru i ordowiku oraz na pograniczu dewonu dolnego i środkowego wyróżniane jako wzbogacony w metale „poziom rudonośny”. Zwrócono uwagę, że nośnikiem metali mogły być związki metaloorganiczne.

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Maciej Pawlikowski
Marek Nieć


This study aimed to compare measures of religiosity and spirituality in the experience of positive and negative emotions. For this purpose, a measure of non-spiritual religiosity (Religious Sense Scale) was developed. Method: The study has been conducted on a sample of 279 participants aged between 19 and 69 (M=24.42, SD=9.463) who completed a questionnaire that included the Religious Sense Scale, the Portuguese version of the Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire and the abridged Portuguese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Findings: The was found to have excellent metrical properties for the measurement of religiosity or “religious sense”. Religious individuals differ from spiritual ones in the experience of emotions: spirituality tends to a greater experience of positive affect and religiosity to negative affect.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

João P. Da Silva
Anabela M.S. Pereira
Sara O.M. Monteiro
Ana Bartolo


Mimicry has been proven to be responsible for many social consequences linked to social bonding: improved trust, liking, and rapport. This accumulating empirical evidence has mostly been based on experimental designs focused on comparisons between two conditions: an experimental condition involving mimicking behavior versus a control condition in which any movement or direct verbal reaction is withdrawn. Thus, it is unclear whether the observed differences stem from a potential increase in liking, trust, or rapport in the mimicry condition or a decrease thereof when naturally occurring gestures are not present during the interaction. To address this potential confound, we included an additional control condition involving responsiveness (but not mimicry) aimed at increasing both internal and external validity. We found significant differences between the mimicry condition and both control conditions, thereby lending support to the original mimicry-as-a-social-glue hypothesis.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Kulesza
Paweł Muniak
Martyna Czekiel
Sylwia Bedyńska
Aleksandra Cisłak

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland
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In the paper positive fractional continuous-time linear systems are considered. Positive fractional systems without delays and positive fractional systems with a single delay in control are studied. New criteria for approximate and exact controllability of systems without delays as well as a relative controllability criterion of systems with delay are established and proved. Numerical examples are presented for different controllability criteria. A practical application is proposed.
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[2] K. Balachandran, Y. Zhou and J. Kokila: Relative controllability of fractional dynamical systems with delays in control, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17 (2012), 3508–3520, DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2011.12.018.
[3] K. Balachandran, J. Kokila, and J.J. Trujillo: Relative controllability of fractional dynamical systems with multiple delays in control, Computers and Mathematics with Apllications, 64 (2012), 3037–3045, DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.01.071.
[4] P. Duch: Optimization of numerical algorithms using differential equations of integer and incomplete orders, Doctoral dissertation, Lodz University of Technology, 2014 (in Polish).
[5] C. Guiver, D. Hodgson and S. Townley: Positive state controllability of positive linear systems. Systems and Control Letters, 65 (2014), 23–29, DOI: 10.1016/j.sysconle.2013.12.002.
[6] R.E. Gutierrez, J.M. Rosario and J.T. Machado: Fractional order calculus: Basic concepts and engineering applications, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010 Article ID 375858, DOI: 10.1155/2010/375858.
[7] T. Kaczorek: Positive 1D and 2D Systems, Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, London 2002.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Sikora
Nikola Matlok

  1. Department of Applied Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland


Descriptions have been the object of attention of many philosophers. The goal of this article is to inquire into the meaning of those descriptions which, due to the peculiar character of the objects of description, have been interpreted in different ways, and to investigate in which sense one is able to speak of the existence (or non-existence) of an object of description. The various sorts of descriptions are inquired; the ques-tion which entities exist and which do not is dealt with, and, in relation to this, how ‘meaning’ is to be understood.

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Jasper Doomen


Workplaces have become increasingly diverse as a result of migration and other socio-economic changes in Europe. In the light of post-2004 migration, many Polish migrants find themselves in work-places where multiculture is an everyday lived experience. By drawing on narrative interviews conducted with Polish migrant women in Manchester and Barcelona, this paper focuses on the complexities of interaction with other ethnic groups at work, demonstrating various forms of conviviality. The study reveals more and less meaningful forms of contact at work including workplace friendships, light-hearted forms of conviviality characterised by the interplay of language and humour, relations based on care and respect for difference, as well as forced encounters marked by superficial and involuntary interaction. The findings show that while workplace can be a place of meaningful interaction, it can also involve conflict and tensions. The narratives illustrate that workplace relations can be influenced by the dynamics of gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic circumstances and immigration discourses. The paper contributes analytically and empirically to the understanding of different forms of encounters in the workplace.

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Alina Rzepnikowska


This paper analyses diaspora advocacy on behalf of Ukraine as practiced by a particular diaspora group, Ukrainian Canadians, in a period of high volatility in Ukraine: from the EuroMaidan protests to the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine. This article seeks to add to the debate on how conflict in the homeland affects a diaspora’s mobilisation and advocacy patterns. I argue that the Maidan and the war played an important role not only in mobilising and uniting disparate diaspora communities in Canada but also in producing new advocacy strategies and increasing the diaspora’s political visibility. The paper begins by mapping out the diaspora players engaged in pro-Ukraine advocacy in Canada. It is followed by an analysis of the diaspora’s patterns of mobilisation and a discussion of actual advocacy outcomes. The second part of the paper inves-tigates successes in the diaspora’s post-Maidan communication strategies. Evidence indicates that the dias-pora’s advocacy from Canada not only brought much-needed assistance to Ukraine but also contributed to strengthening its own image as an influential player. Finally, the paper suggests that political events in the homeland can serve as a mobilising factor but produce effective advocacy only when a diaspora has already achieved a high level of organisational capacity and created well-established channels via which to lobby for homeland interests.

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Klavdia Tatar


This article deals with migrants’ experiences of precarious working conditions in the cleaning and con-struction industries in the Danish labour market as seen from their perspective. The experiences are retained through biographical narrative interviews with migrant workers from Central and Eastern Europe and are used to gain an understanding of the concrete strategies they apply when coping with their short-term contracts, demanding working hours, risk of unemployment and other insecurities. Mi-grants’ experiences of precarity and insecurity in their work is confirmed, to some degree, in numerous research studies. However, the resistance and strategies expressed by the migrant workers in their nar-ratives show that they have also developed specific ways to cope with this precarity. The article con-tributes to a new understanding of migrants’ responses to precarity in which they engage their social and cultural resources to cope with the labour market conditions they face in Denmark.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Doris Pljevaljcic Simkunas
Trine Lund Thomsen


Ukraine has been going through a series of political and economic crises, notably the Euromaidan revolution and the Russian aggression and subsequent economic downturn. These events triggered fresh transnational diaspora-led activities such as the ‘London Euromaidan’ and the ‘Warsaw Euromaidan’. This paper analyses Ukrainian diaspora volunteerism in the UK and Poland and explores how the Ukrainian diaspora engages and contributes economically, socially, politically and culturally to the development of Ukraine. Drawing on fieldwork in both countries, three main findings were identified. First, due to the events in Ukraine, the Ukrainian diaspora has mobilised, grown stronger and became more united, whilst transforming from a more inward-looking to a more outward-looking community which, as a result, is now more and critically engaging with Ukrainian affairs. Second, the Ukrainian diaspora has the willingness, power and resources to contribute to the development of the home country, claiming to be recognised as an important stakeholder in the development of Ukraine. Thirdly, the Ukrainian government’s lack of recognition of the contribution of the Ukrainian diaspora is one of the most significant barriers to more comprehensive diaspora involvement in development.

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Iryna Lapshyna


Podano teoretyczną zależność pomiędzy czasem sedymentacji flokulowanych zawiesin a efektywną wielkością flokuł. Wykazano jej dobrą zgodność z doświadczalną relacją czasu opadania 80% masy zawiesin i średniej efektywnej wielkości flokuł, wskazującą na możliwość opracowania nowej metody oceny efektywności klarowania zawiesin.
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Bernard Połednik


For the purpose of making of a solid body of an electric guitar the acoustic- and mechanical properties of walnut- (Juglans regia L.) and ash wood (Fraxinus excelsior L.) were researched. The acoustic properties were determined in a flexural vibration response of laboratory conditioned wood elements of 430 × 186 × 42.8 mm used for making of a solid body of an electric guitar. The velocity of shearand compression ultrasonic waves was additionally determined in parallel small oriented samples of 80 × 40 × 40 mm. The research confirmed better mechanical properties of ash wood, that is, the larger modulus of elasticity and shear modules in all anatomical directions and planes. The acoustic quality of ash wood was better only in the basic vibration mode. Walnut was, on the other hand, lighter and more homogenous and had lower acoustic- and mechanical anisotropy. Additionally, reduced damping of walnut at higher vibration modes is assumed to have a positive impact on the vibration response of future modelled and built solid bodies of electric guitars. When choosing walnut wood, better energy transfer is expected at a similar string playing frequency and a structure resonance of the electric guitar.

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Anton Zorič
Jasmin Kaljun
Ervin Žveplan
Aleš Straže


Septoria melissae Desm., the most important pathogen of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) occurs each year on plantations. The fungus may cause serious yield losses in the absence of proper plant protection. Breeding resistant or tolerant cultivars could play an important role in plant protection of medicinal plants. However, only a few descriptions of tolerant varieties of lemon balm are available. The goal of this work was to evaluate the susceptibility of three accessions of M. officinalis against the pathogen of Septoria leaf spot under field conditions at Budapest-Soroksár (Hungary) in 2017–2018. Differences in susceptibility of the accessions were observed in both years. The accession of M. officinalis subsp. altissima proved to be the least susceptible to Septoria infection. The frequency of the infected leaves was only 5.1 and 28.1% in 2017 and 2018, respectively. However, the cultivar M. officinalis subsp. officinalis ‘Lorelei’ turned out to be the most susceptible to the pathogen with an average infection level of 26.1 and 66.6%, 1.3–6.1 times higher than that of the other accessions in each year, respectively. Development of disease tolerant M. officinalis cultivars may be an effective tool in the plant protection of lemon balm.

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Gergő Kovács
Géza Nagy
Éva Zámbori-Németh


Artykuł przedstawia wyniki otrzymane podczas eksperymentów na sztucznych mokradłach, które były wybudowane oraz monitorowane na obrzeżu składowiska odpadów komunalnych na południu Polski. Mokradło miało złoże składające się ze żwiru oraz kamienia, na którym posadzono trzcinę, pałkę oraz wierzbę. Wykonano też poletko kontrolne bez roślinności. Każde poletko było zasilane kontrolowaną ilością odcieków ze składowiska odpadów. Pomiary jakości odcieków wykazywały bardzo wysokie stężenia szeregu wskaźników. W szczególności stwierdzano wysokie stężenia: BZT, ChZT, azotu oraz metali ciężkich. Ten wysoki poziom zanieczyszczeń był prawdopodobnie odpowiedzialny za wypadnie wierzby, której rośliny obumarły po upływie kilku miesięcy od posadzenia. Efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń mierzona jako obniżenie stężeń wybranych parametrów, dla czasów zatrzymania do 24 h wynosiła od O do 87%. Zauważono jednak, że efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń na poletku kontrolnym była tylko o kilka procent niższa niż na poletkach z roślinnością.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Włodzimierz A. Wójcik


Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienia związane z problemem oczyszczania gruntu skażonego w wyniku działalności klasycznych gazowni, które obecnie zostały wyłączone z eksploatacji. Przedstawiono opracowane metodyki chromatograficzne umożliwiające jakościową identyfikację i ilościowe oznaczenie poszczególnych węglowodorów alifatycznych i aromatycznych oraz oznaczenie ich sumarycznej zawartości (TAH, WWAs) w gruncie z terenu wytypowanej do badań gazowni. Omówiono wyniki badań w skali półtechnicznej oczyszczania gruntu skażonego zanieczyszczeniami węglowodorowymi (TAH, WWA) z wykorzystaniem biorcmediacji podstawowej i bioaugmentacji poprzez inokulację mikroorganizmami autochtonicznymi wzbogaconymi o grzyby zdolne do biodegradacji WWA, co uwidacznia się w obniżeniu zawartości 5- i 6-picrścieniowych WWA. Prowadzone badania pozwalają prześledzić przebieg procesu oczyszczania gruntu, dobrać optymalne dawki substancji biogennych i określić ramy czasowe prowadzonego procesu. Cały cykl oczyszczania gruntu monitorowano za pomocą chromatografii gazowej (GC). Oceny stopnia biodegradacji poszczególnych węglowodorów alifatycznych (n-alkanów) dokonano na podstawie zmian zawartości oznaczonych chromatograficznie oraz za pomocą przyjętych wskaźników stopnia biodegradacji: C,/Pr i C,JF. Zastosowanie biomarkera C30-l 7a(H),2 I B(H)-hopanu do normalizacji stężeń TAH i WWA w trakcie przebiegu poszczególnych etapów biodegradacji pozwoliło na opracowanie modelu matematycznego opisującego kinetykę biodegradacji TAH i WWA.
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Teresa Steliga


Wireless endoscopic capsules can transmit the picture of the inside of the digestive tract to the external receiver for the purpose of gastrointestinal diseases diagnose. The localization of the capsule is needed to correlate the picture of detected anomalies with the particular fragment of intestine. For this purpose, the analysis of wireless transmission parameters can be applied. Such methods are affected by the impact of the human body on the electromagnetic wave propagation that is specific to the anatomy of individual person. The article presents the algorithm of localization of endoscopic capsules with wireless transmitter based on the detection of phase difference of received signals. The proposed algorithm uses simplified human body models that can change their dielectric properties in each iteration to improve the location of the capsule endoscope. Such approach allows to reduce localization error by around 12 mm (15%) and can by used for patients of different physique without the need of the numerical models of individual body.

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Paweł Oleksy
Łukasz Januszkiewicz


Duplex cast steel it is a material with great potential. The properties of this material have contributed to its wide application in many industrial sectors, for example: oil extraction, printing, petrochemical industry, energy - flue gas desulphurization systems, seawater desalination plants, shipbuilding industry. The article presents the results of tribological tests following the static pressure roller burnishing (SPRB) process of GX2CrNiMoN22-5-3 duplex cast steel. The tests provided a basis for assessing the effect of the burnishing parameters on tribological properties of that material. The issue is important because the authors focused their research on duplex cast steels grade that are not containing copper. The article presents part of the research concerning the influence of the burnishing process on the properties of the duplex steel surface layer. Copper in duplex steels affects many areas one of them is the plastic properties. Its absence also reduces castability. Because of that it is reasonable to determine to what extent the properties of the surface layer of copper-free duplex cast steel grades can be shaped in burnishing process.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G.E. Stradomski
J. Fik
D. Rydz

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Poland
  2. Department of Advanced Computational Methods, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
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The present paper is concerned with the practical interconnection between virtual engineering tools and additive model manufacturing technologies and the subsequent production of a ceramic shell by rapid prototyping with the use of Cyclone technology to produce the aluminium casting prototype. Prototypes were developed as part of the student formula project, where several parts originally produced by machining were replaced by castings. The techniques of topological optimization and the combination with the tools of the numerical simulation were used to optimise the virtual prototype before a real production of the first prototype. 3D printing of wax pattern ensured direct and fast assembly of the cluster without any additional operations and troubles during dewaxing. The shell was manufactured in 6 hours thanks to a system of quick-drying of individual layers of ceramic shell. It has been verified that the right combination of individual virtual tools with the rapid prototyping can shorten the development time and delivery of the first prototypes from a few months to a few weeks.
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[5] Stawowy, A., Wrona, R., Brzeziński, M. & Ziółkowski, E. (2013). Virtual factory as a method of foundry design and production management. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 13(1), 113-118. DOI: 10.2478/afe-2013-0022
[6] Dépincé, P., Chablat, D., Woelk, P.O. (2004) Virtual manufacturing: tools for improving design and production, Dans International Design Seminar - CIRP International Design Seminar, Egypt.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

V. Krutiš
P. Šprta
V. Kaňa
A. Zadera
J. Cileček

  1. Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
  2. Alucast s.r.o., Czech Republic


In individual dogs, despite good quality of raw sperm, some parameters are significantly changed after thawing, which cannot be predicted. We therefore investigated whether motility parameters objectively obtained by CASA, membrane integrity (MI), cell morphology or a combination are suitable to improve the prediction of bad post-thaw quality. For this purpose 250 sperm analysis protocols from 141 healthy stud dogs, all patients introduced for sperm cryopreservation, were evaluated and a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) -analysis performed. The sperm was routinely collected, analysed, and frozen by using a modified Uppsala system. After thawing, data were routinely examined by using CASA, fluorescent microscopy for membrane integrity (MI) and Hancock’s fixation for evaluation of cell morphology. Samples were sorted by post-thaw progressive motility (P) in good (P > / = 50%, n=135) and bad freezers (P<50%, n=115). Among bad freezers, 73.9% showed in addition post-thaw total morphological abberations of >40% and/or MI <50%.

Bad freezers were significantly older than good freezers (p<0.05). Progressive motility (P), velocity curvilinear (VCL), mean coefficient (STR), and linear coefficient (LIN) were potential predictors for post-thaw sperm quality since specifity was best (85.8%) and sensitivity (75.4 %) and accuracy (80.4 %) good. For these objectively measured raw sperm parameters, cut-off values were calculated allowing prediction of bad post-thaw results with high accuracy: P = 83.1 % VCL = 161.3 µm/sec, STR = 0.83 %, and LIN = 0.48 %. Raw sperm samples with values below these cut off values will have below average post-thaw quality with a probability of 85.8%. We conclude that VCL, P, STR and LIN are potential predictors of the outcome of sperm cryopreservation, when combined.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Schäfer-Somi
A. Tichy


From the regulatory point of view a strong link between an animal model and human pharmacodynamics of biological drugs is very important to qualify the model as “relevant”. Consistent changes in cell population between human physiology and animal model gain value of this model which then can be pharmacodynamically “relevant” from the regulatory point of view. Consequently, the aim of this study was to determine how similar to human observations is the effect of selected biological drugs on blood cells in a pig model. The study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the variability of selected biochemical and hematological parameters of the blood after administration of five different human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) after a single subcutaneous (SC) dose in breeding pigs. The tested drugs were siltuximab (Syl- vant®), omalizumab (Xolair®), infliximab (Inflectra®), pembrolizumab (Keytruda®), and vedoli- zumab (Entyvio®) given in a single 1 mg/kg SC injection. Each of the tested drugs exerted a sig- nificant effect on at least two of the tested parameters three weeks after the administration. Siltuximab significantly influenced 9 of the analyzed parameters. Vedolizumab significantly influenced 8 of the analyzed parameters. Infliximab had the lowest impact of all the tested drugs, as it significantly influenced only two of the analyzed parameters. The study has proved that the impact of mAbs on the analyzed parameters can be significantly extended over time. This requires the monitoring of hematological parameters in the pig model even many weeks af- ter administration of a drug in a relatively small dose.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Grabowski
A. Burmańczuk
A. Miazek


Digital metrologywas applied to evaluate 3D models of the unique skull of a fossil tetrapod, Madygenerpeton pustulatum, generated using various 3D digitization methods. The skull surface is covered by minute tubercles making it challenging for digitization with appropriate accuracy. Uniqueness and fragility of the specimen preclude the use of tactile measuring systems for creating a standardized reference model. To overcome this problem, comparative analysis of the triangulated models generated from the clouds of points obtained with seven different devices was conducted using the Geomagic Studio and Autodesk PowerShape CAD software. In the proposed approach, geometrically and dimensionally closest-fitting models underwent detailed statistical analysis between surface polygons in three steps. First, 3D models obtained from different scanning methods were compared with each other in couples. Next, statistical analysis of the differences between the coupled models was performed. Finally, a rating list of the models related to the required accuracy was prepared. The proposed approach is applicable to any other scanned object, especially in palaeontological applications, where each object is unique and exhibits individual features.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yaroslav Garashchenko
Ilja Kogan
2 3
Mirosław Rucki

  1. National Technical University, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Department of Integrated Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, Kyrpychova Str. 2, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
  2. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Geological Institute, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 2, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
  3. Kazan Federal University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, Kremlyovskaya Str. 4/5, 420008 Kazan, Russia
  4. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, ul. Stasieckiego 54, 26-600 Radom, Poland


The contradiction between the restriction of grating manufacturing technology and high-resolution measurement requirements has been the focus of attention. The precision requirement of angle calculation during the digital subdivision processing of a Moiré signal is focused on, the causes of errors in the solution of arcsine function are analysed, and an improved coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC)with double-rotation iteration is proposed by discussing the principle of the conventional CORDIC in detail herein. Because the iterative number and data width of the improved CORDIC are limited by the finite digital circuit resources and thus determine the calculation accuracy directly, subsequently the overall quantization error (OQE) of the improved CORDIC is analysed. The approximate error and rounding error of the algorithm are deduced, and the error models of iterative number and data width are established. The validity and application value of the improved CORDIC are proved through simulations and experiments involving a subdividing circuit. The corresponding relation between the approximate error, rounding error and iteration number, as well as the bit width are proved by quantization. The error of subdivision with the improved CORDIC, obtained through a calibration experiment, is within ±0.5′′ and the mean variance is 0.2′′. The results of the research can be applied directly to a digital subdivision system to guide the parameter setting in the iterative process, which is of crucial importance in the quantitative analysis of error separation and error synthesis.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Weibin Zhu
Shengjin Ye
Yao Huang
Zi Xue

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