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This article is about the dyadic narration (second-person narration) used in Viktor Pelevin’s short story The Ontology of Childhood. Since this type of narration is not widely known among Polish researchers, narratologists, and literary scholars, the article begins with a presentation of the state of research in Poland. The basic features of this kind of narration and the differences between it and the typical types of speech in first-person and third-person narration are discussed. The short story The Ontology of Childhood by Viktor Pelevin is constructed using a second-person narration, which is the realisation of the author’s strategy being about building a relationship with the reader. Through the second-person narration, the reader is invited (drawn in) to the world presented in the work and is urged to identify with the narrator-main character. Eliminating the boundary between the protagonist and the reader allows the work to generalise experiences and emotions, which – at first individual – by the end of the work gain a universal dimension.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Ochniak

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

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