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This essay is a new reading of Jan Barszczewski's collection of stories Szlachcic Zawalnia czyli Białoruś w fantastycznych opowiadaniach [Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories of the Imagination] in the context of the 19th-century reception of the Arabian Nights and, more importantly, as an example of a genre which combines the oral and the literary traditions to express the identity-fostering experience of living at a time of upheaval and epochal change. This approach has little interest in revisiting the connections between Barszczewski's tales and Belorussian folklore. Instead, it places his stories in their direct historical context, i.e. a series of famines in Belarus the first decades of the 19th century, and the significance of 1816, the year in which the action of the stories is set. It is no coincidence that it was also the Year without a Summer, a catastrophic global climate anomaly, which made a great impact on the Romantic imagination.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Węgrzyn


The article covers the functioning of medical vocabulary in the poem Aeneid by Ivan Kotlyarevskyi. Lexical‑semantic groups within the medical vocabulary were analyzed. Medical vocabulary performs a nominative function and forms a medical discourse in the artistic text. The medical lexemes of the Aeneid are representatives of the phenomena of the medical culture of that time. Medicine in the text is implemented through a significant arsenal of lexemes, which are related to folk and the new scientific medicine of the 18th century and at the same time represent the level of medical development. The evolution of medical practices and professions in Ukraine can be traced through the prism of medical images and the corresponding names of medical professions. The text of the Aeneid contains rich linguistic material for the study of the development of medical terminology in the Ukrainian language, therefore it bodes well to introduce the poem into the field of terminological research. The work’s medical issues give credence to an interdisciplinary approach and a multi‑vector study of Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Aeneid.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariana Hdakovych

  1. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

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