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The Lower Jurassic to Aalenian carbonate-clastic Dudziniec Formation exposed in the autochthonous unit of the Tatra Mountains (Kościeliska Valley) hosts neptunian dykes filled with various deposits. The development of the fissures took place in multiple stages, with the same fractures opening several times, as is indicated by their architecture, occurrence of internal breccias and arrangement of the infilling sediments. Various types of internal deposits were derived in a different manner and from different sources. Fine carbonate sediments, represented by variously coloured pelitic limestones, calcilutites and fine calcarenites, most probably come from uplifted and corroded carbonate massifs (possibly from the allochthonous units of the High-Tatric succession). Products of weathering, both in dissolved form and as small particles, were washed into the sedimentary basin of the autochthonous unit, and redeposited within the dykes. The sandy varieties of the infillings, represented by red, ferruginous calcareous sandstones, come directly from the host rocks or from loose sediments present on the sea bottom at the time of fracturing. The most probable age of the infilling sediments is Sinemurian to Pliensbachian. The occurrence of dykes of this age is yet another feature confirming that the sedimentary development of the Lower Jurassic sandy-carbonate facies in the autochthonous unit was strongly influenced by synsedimentary tectonic activity, such as block-faulting.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Łuczyński
Anna Jezierska
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Starting in May 2021, green building is mandatory for new buildings in Indonesia. Greenship is a green building certification system in Indonesia issued by the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) which is a member of the World GBC for the conservation and efficiency of resources (energy, water, land, materials, and nature). Greenship will be implemented in MICE which is a building for Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions that has a strong economic attractiveness in Indonesia, which has a population of 270 million. Using the SEM-PLS it was quickly concluded that energy is the most influential factor in achieving platinum ratings from GBCI.With the value engineering (VE) method and life cycle cost analysis (LCC), it is needed an additional 4,689% cost for the platinum grade green costs through energy optimization will get a payback period of 3 years and 10 months. The novelty of this research, since the design, it is necessary to take steps to measure energy efficiency and other resources with a selection of materials/machines and working methods of the green concept to know the amount of additional initial costs that do not much burden investment costs compared with some future benefits of green MICE.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sutikno Sutikno
Albert Eddy Husin
Maria Magdalena Enny Yuliati

  1. Mercu Buana University, Jalan Meruya Selatan No 1 Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta 11650, Indonesia

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