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The paper deals with the wet steam flow in a steam turbine operating in a nuclear power plant. Using a pneumatic and an optical probe, the static pressure, steam velocity, steam wetness and the fine water droplets diameter spectra were measured before and beyond the last turbine low-pressure stage. The results of the experiment serve to understand better the wet steam flow and map its liquid phase in this area. The wet steam data is also used to modify the condensation model used in computational fluid dynamics simulations. The condensation model, i.e. the nucleation rate and the growth rate of the droplets, is adjusted so that results of the numerical simulations are in a good agreement with the experimental results. A 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations was performed for the lowpressure part of the turbine considering non-equilibrium steam condensation. In the post-processing of the of the numerical calculation result, the thermodynamic wetness loss was evaluated and analysed. Loss analysis was performed for the turbine outputs of 600, 800, and 1100 MW, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gukchol Jun
1 2
Michal Kolovratník
Michal Hoznedl

  1. Czech Technical University in Prague, Technická 4, 160 00, Prague, Czech Republic
  2. Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o., Tylova 1/57, 301 28, Pilsen, Czech Republic
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The article aims to explain whether in 2004–2015 Poland experienced economic convergence between regions and counties (Polish: powiat), and whether this process occurred within the regions (Polish: województwo). Following Poland’s EU accession, the Polish policy became dominated by the polarization and diffusion concept of regional development, which may cause differences in the short term, while in the long run it may contribute not only to the increased efficiency of public funds allocation, but also to the elimination of disparities in growth levels. In the analysed period Poland experienced a process of economic divergence between the regions, only the years 2006–2008 saw a short-term reduction in regional disparities. On the other hand, a slow process of reducing economic inequalities between counties took place after 2004. It was, however, varied – a clear reduction in disparities occurred between the land counties (Polish: powiat ziemski) in an almost monotonic manner, whereas city counties (Polish: miasto na prawach powiatu) did not undergo any convergence. Within the regions, the process of economic convergence varied: in five regions, β-convergence was identified, and σ-convergence occurred in all the regions. The process of reducing disparities was significantly dependent on the development pathway of the region.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wanda M. Gaczek
Wojciech Kisiała
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W artykule podejmuję problem podwójnego zerwania więzi między uczestnikami życia społecznego a „społeczeństwem” jako przedmiotem badań socjologii. Uruchomiony w ten sposób proces narastania przepaści między potoczną samowiedzą społeczną a wiedzą naukową spełnia definicyjne cechy „alienacji”, rozumianej zgodnie z tradycją marksowską jako proces, w którym podmiot traci kontrolę nad wytworami swojej działalności i/lub elementami własnej podmiotowości, które jawią mu się jako zewnętrzne i obce. W artykule chcę argumentować na rzecz tezy, że alienacja wiedzy jest główną przyczyną coraz bardziej widocznego kryzysu społecznego, wyrażającego się spadkiem poparcia dla demokracji, wzrostem popularności partii prawicowych, ruchami antynaukowymi czy nasilaniem się populizmu.
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Anna Giza

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski

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