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226 taxa (180 identified to species) of benthic invertebrates are recorded from Admiralty Bay on the basis of the material collected by Polish Antarctic Expeditions. Main groups concerned are Folychaeta, Mollusca, Amphipoda and Echinodermata. For each species the bathymetric range, the frequency, the abundance and the geographical distribution are given.

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Patrik M. Arnaud
Krzysztof Jażdżewski
Piotr Presler
Jacek Siciński
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Measurements of water temperature and salinity were carried out at 38 oceanographic stations at Admiralty Bay in the period between December 1978 and February 1979. The temperature at the water surface ranged from 0.18°C to 2.81 °C and salinity from 16.40 to 34.16‰. Deeper water temperature decreased and salinity increased ranging at the bottom, at the depth of 480 m, from —0.23°C to 26°C and from 34.51‰ to 34.57‰, respectively. The investigations at the shore and offshore stations showed a marked effect of the run-offs from glaciers causing a considerable decrease in salinity of the thin surface layer of the waters. The main area of the Bay is characterized by high uniformity of water temperature and salinity, which proves that these waters are well mixed.

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Zygmunt Szafrański
Maciej Lipski
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The paper compares the employment of the definite article in the Gothic version of the Gospel of Luke and in its Greek counterpart which served as the basis for the Gothic translation. Although the Gothic text is usually said to be a word-for-word reflection of the Greek text, we demonstrate that just like in the case of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John, which were of concern in our previous studies, there are enormous differences between the two languages especially in the domain of the definite article, not only in terms of amount but also in terms of the cases used – nominative, genitive, dative or accusative.
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Ireneusz Kida

  1. Institute of Linguistics University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) play an important role in the economies of numerous emerging economies. Despite the fact that the SME sector plays a significant role in the national economy it still suffers from the underdeveloped financial sector services. It results in the lower levels of indebtedness of private sector in Poland in relation to such emerging economies like Malaysia, Estonia or Chile. The commercial financial sector is inefficient in delivering funds to SME, the important role in this area is played by regional policy, especially supported from European regional funds. The distribution of development funds is realized with serious problems because SME are reluctant to financial sector services and besides typical grants, debt-type instruments meet serious problems. Polish SME are also reluctant to use support instruments aimed at developing innovations, R&D, and intellectual property (IP) protection. Imitation model of growth still dominates among Polish SME. To address this issue, in 2014 the University of Gdansk (UG) launched a project, supported by National Science Centre (NCN, governmental), on using behavioural interventions to increase the propensity of Polish SME to apply more ambitious development measures through support instruments. The research revealed, that the majority of tested behavioural interventions aimed at building friendly support environment proved to be efficient and increased the interest of SME in developmental activities.

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Przemysław Kulawczuk
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The paper is an introduction to the Historyka’s special issue about “Core Concepts of Historical Thinking.” It presents framework and assumptions which shape a profile and content of the volume. It shows understanding of “knowledge of the past” broader than discipline of history only, as well as the methodological characteristics of such an account. It pays an attention to the link between conceptual thinking and the meaning of subjectivity in the modern humanistic reflection. Discussion about “core concepts of historical thinking” concerns not an allegedly, abstract and static structure of concepts which would rule historical thinking per se, but it is focused on the role of concepts which are shaped in the practices of specific researchers and their interactions with the material analyzed. The paper also situates the discussion in the context of recognized currents and ideas about meaning of concepts in humanities, especially in the methodology of historical research. In conclusion, the circumstances of the volume’s emergence is shown.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In pursuing any kind of scientific activity, we pose a certain problems, and seek solution of them by various methods; as a result, we form our own judgements on the matter to which the given problem pertained, and finally make public this judgement, which is a solution of the problem posed, in conjunction with the relevant evidence. Freedom to pursue science thus requires freedom in each of the four fields mentioned above; that is the individual pursuing scientific activity must enjoy freedom to choose problems, freedom to choose a method, i.e., the means whereby he/she solves his/her problems, freedom of thought, and freedom of speech. Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890–1963), a philosopher of science analyses here all these four “freedoms”, as well as considers both the extent to which each of them is indispensable to the successful advance of science and the extent to which a limitation on them can be justified on other grounds.

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Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz

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