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The complexity of the phenomena associated with the course of the cognitive processes that determine an efficient learning, excludes the possibility of collecting knowledge in other ways than neuronal-information. It excludes also possibilities of interpreting it, in other ways than with use of respectively formalized cognitive models. The presented paper is a kind of summary of the latest achievements in this field.

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Jolanta Zielińska
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This paper addresses the issue of the historical development of for fear (that) in English – a prepositional subordinator ushering in fi nite clauses of purpose in which negation is inherently coded, i.e. the content of the subordinate clause is negated by the complementiser which does not contain a negative particle in itself. The rise of this construction is studied within the theory of grammaticalization and it turns out to be a regular case of grammaticalization following the mechanisms of grammaticalization such as desemanticisation, extension and decategorialisation.

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Andrzej M. Łęcki
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jakość wód podziemnych. W badaniach zastosowano trzy gatunki roślin, jako możliwe kierunki stosowania osadów ściekowych: trawa - rekultywacja gleb zdegradowanych, kukurydza - produkcja pasz, wierzba- wykorzystanie energetyczne biomasy. Jako kontrolę zastosowano lizymetry pozbawione roślinności. Przyjęto nastepujące dawki osadów ściekowych: O. IO, 50. 110,225 i 450 Mg s.m./ha. Statystycznie istotna. liniowa zależność pomiędzy dawką osadów a wielkością przewodności elektrolitycznej właściwej (EC), ChZT oraz azotanów wskazuje na potencjalne zagrożenie zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych przy przyrodniczym wykorzystaniu osadów ściekowych, szczególnie w przypadku wysokich dawek osadów przekraczających 50 Mg s.m./ha. Zależności te oraz ryzyko zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych obserwowano przez trzy lata doświadczenia dla wskaźników zanieczyszczenia EC i ChZT. W przypadku azotanów, zagrożenie ich migracji stwierdzono jedynie w pierwszym roku badań. Dodatkowo stężenia metali ciężkich oraz obecność patogenów w wodach gruntowych była na niskim poziomic. Stwierdzono, że zastosowane rośliny nie zmniejszyły negatywnego wpływu osadów ściekowych na jakość wód podziemnych.
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Marek Agopsowicz
Andrzej Białowiec
Piotr Pijarczyk
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The Reserve Dury, Tuchola Pinewoods, Poland, includes five depressions with no outflow filled up with biogenie sediments. They undergo terrestrialization processes to a high degree. In four of the basins there are still some open water areas surrounded by floating mire with raised and transitional bog plants. For the needs of protection service officers some palynological and geological research were carried out. All the geological cores were described in detail following the Troels-Smith system. The deepest core Dury I was selected for pollen analysis. Ten Local Pollen Assemblage Zones (L PAZ) show the history ofregional and local plant communities. On the basis of two air photographs, modem dynamics of floating mire in four basins were evaluated. The results allow us to correlate the geological layers, to describe the Late Glacial and Holocene succession of plant cover at Dury I site, and to show the stages of filling-in of basins with lacustrine sediments and peat.
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Grzegorz Kowalewski
Krystyna Milecka
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In last years, accurate spatial data from high resolution satellite images are getting more and more frequently used for modelling topography and other surveying purposes. To extract accurate spatial information, a sensor's mathematical models are needed. Those models classified to two branches: rigorous (parameirical or physical) models and non-rigorous models. In the paper a dynamic sensor model is proposed to extract spatial information from geo-rectified images named the geo-images which their geometry at the time of imaging have been lost. The developed model has been reconstructed basing on a transformation of central-perspective projection into a parallel one.
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Luong Chinh Ke
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Internal cracking surrounding primary carbides in high carbon steel as-cast blooms induced by soft reduction is investigated to elucidate their influence of internal cracking on carbide precipitation and the resulting segregated band in hot-rolled wire rods. The primary carbides precipitation in high carbon steel has been investigated using both experimental observations and finite element simulations for as-cast blooms induced by soft reduction. It is found that the carbides precipitation in the vicinity of existing internal cracks is often located midway between the surface and centreline of the bloom, further increases the occurrence of the segregated bands in the hot-rolled wire rods. In addition, the growth of primary carbides surrounding the internal cracking are based on the chemical driving force and high density precipitate zones have been clarified in continuous casting bloom induced by soft reduction. It clearly shows that the spatial distribution of internal cracking surrounding primary carbides that play a key role in the formation of the segregated bands in the final steel products.
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Nanfu Zong
1 2
Tao Jing
Yang Liu

  1. R&D Institute of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd., Benxi 117000, China
  2. Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  3. Jiangsu Changqiang Iron and Steel Corp., Ltd., Jiangsu 214500, China

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