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Artykuł poświęcony jest zjawisku porzucania marynarzy przez ich pracodawców morskich. Kwestia ta od kilku lat jest przedmiotem zainteresowania dwóch organizacji międzynarodowych: Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy (ILO) i Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej (IMO). Wydały one w tej materii wspólne wytyczne - ponieważ nie mają one jednak charakteru wiążącego, armatorzy nadal naruszają prawa marynarzy. Spektakularnym przykładem takiego naruszenia jest przedstawiona w artykule sprawa statku “Olga J ”. Przypadek ten jest charakterystyczny dla współczesnej żeglugi, gdyż statek był własnością spółki zarejestrowanej w Belize, czarterowany był przez armatora cypryjskiego, a podnosił banderę Hondurasu. Załoga międzynarodowa: kapitan Grek, marynarze z Ghany, Wysp Zielonego Przylądka i Senegalu. Statek zatrzymany w bułgarskim porcie Burgas, początkowo przez PSC, następnie aresztowany przez władze bułgarskie. Kapitan porzucił załogę, zostawiając ją bez środków do życia, doszło do incydentów z władzami bułgarskimi. Członkowie załogi przez kilka lat starali się o pomoc w różnych organizacjach, w tym w związkach zawodowych. Wreszcie próbowali wykorzystać przepisy o ochronie praw człowieka. Autor przedstawia reperkusje prawne z tym związane.

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Patrick Chaumette
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The specific name velunensis is established to encompass porcupine remains ( Hystrix Linnæus, 1758) recovered from the Pliocene site of Węże 1 in southern Poland. The studied specimen was previously assigned either to H. primigenia (Wagner, 1848) or H. depereti Sen, 2001, however it can be distinguished from these species and other fossil Hystricidae by its distinct occlusal morphology, most importantly the presence of an anterolingual flexus dissecting the anteroloph of P4. Hystrix velunensis sp. nov. was probably closely related to H. primigenia and H. depereti. A previously undescribed specimen from the nearby site of Węże 2 most probably belongs to H. refossa Gervais, 1852b, which would be the first known occurrence of this species in Poland.
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Michał Czernielewski

  1. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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Over the past decade, studies published on the evaluation of intraoral scanners (IOSs) have mainly considered two parameters, precision and trueness, to determine accuracy. The third parameter, resolution, not much studied, seems essential for an application in dentistry. Objective: The objective of this preliminary study is to create an original method – a Resolution-Trueness- Precision (RTP) protocol to evaluate these three main parameters – resolution trueness and precision – at the same time. Material and Method: A ceramic tip with particular and calibrated dimensions is determined as the reference object and its mesh recorded with a scanning microtomograph, and compared with the one extracted to the IOS. It is the particular geometric shape of the object that will make it possible to simultaneously assess: resolution, trueness and precision. Results: The results have shown a mean resolution of 79.2 μm, a mean for trueness of 17.5 and a mean for precision of 12.3 μm. These values are close to previous results published for this camera. So, the RTP protocol is the first including the three parameters at the same time. Simple, fast and precise, its application can be useful for comparisons between IOSs within research laboratories or test organizations. Finally, this study could be a first step to create a reference kit for practitioners allowing them to control the quality of their IOS over time.
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Alban Desoutter
Gérard Subsol
Kevin Bouchiha
Ikram Benmoumen
Frédéric Cuisinier
Michel Fages
Delphine Carayon

  1. Laboratoire Bioingénierie et Nanosciences, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France
  2. Research-team ICAR, LIRMM, CNRS, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France
  3. Centre de Soins, d’Enseignement et de Recherche Dentaires, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, France
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The article is an attempt at contemporary interpretation of Antonina Kłoskowska’s theory of culture. The Author starts with a brief summary of her concept and follows with his analysis and elaboration on a few interesting issues which are the most interesting in his opinion. They include: national culture and the culture of a national society (i.e. a society, the members of which regard themselves also as members of a national community, an essence of integrative functions of national culture and conciliative functions of artistic heritage.

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Andrzej Szpociński
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Not all institutions of international law of war at sea have stood the test of time. Several of them are no longer current at all; others have been subject to degenerative changes; and there are yet others that, while formally still in existence, even in established law, are vanishing through desuetude. "Days of favour" belong largely to this category. This institution applies to the situation of a ship at the commencement of armed conflict. In general terms, we can define it as a period of grace allotted by a party in an armed conflict to ships of its adversary. It allows these to leave an enemy port after unloading or loading goods, with the aim of enabling these vessels to sail to one of their own ports or to a neutral port, actions that the unexpected outbreak of war had hindered.
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Tadeusz M. Gelewski
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The paper presents the results of the studies on a degree of pollution and sanitary-bacteriological stale of bottom sediments of Wigry Lake in I 998 and 1999. Total Viable Count at 20°C (TYC 20°C) and Total Viable Count at 37°C (TYC 37°C) were used as indicators of pollution, while Total Coli (TC), Faecal Coli (FC), Faecal Streptococcus - Enterococcus (FS) and Clostridium perfringens - as indicators of the sanitary stale. Bottom sediment samples wen: collected from 3 sites situated in the centre of the lake and from 6 sites in the vicinity of the lake shore. Sanely and gravel offshore bottom sediments showed less degree or pollution than muddy bottom sediments collected from the centre or the lake. Higher numbers of anaerobic spore-forming and sulphite reducing bacteria (Clostridium pcrfringens) found at sites 1 and 2 in the vicinity of the mouth of Czarna Hańcza River lo Lake Wigry. At those places a higher bacteriological pol lution of bottom sediments samples was found.
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Ewa Korzeniewska
Anna Gotkowska-Plachta
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Nine phyto-ashes from the biomass combustion of birch (Betula), oak (Quercus), red oak (Quercus rubra), horbeam (Carpinus), pine (Pinus sylvestris), poplar (Populus), maple (Acer), oilseed rape straw (Brassica napus) and wheat straw (Triticum aestivum) were blended with a biogas digestate at 1:1 mass ratio to give nine organic-mineral soil improvers. The concept of the research was to outline an eco-friendly and low cost soil improver for remediating degraded lands. These (i.e. phyto-ashes, improvers and the biogas digestate) were applied (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 t·ha-1) to a soil metallurgically contaminated with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. Of several tested parameters, pH changes revealed that organic-mineral soil improvers may efficiently replace (linear R2>0.90****, P<0.001) phyto-ashes in soil remedial goals. Buffering properties expressed by the cation exchange capacity (CEC) improved progressively: 29, 52, 71, 100% (phyto-ash treatments) and: 18, 37, 44, 73% (improvers treatments) for the rates 5, 10, 20, 40 t·ha-1, respectively as referred to the control CEC. The Dynamic Remediation Efficiency (DRE) indices for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd revealed metal-specific geochemical reactions initiated by phyto-ashes, improvers and biogas digestate. The rates 5.0–10.0 t·ha-1 for phyto-ashes and about 20 t·ha-1 for improvers [1:1, i.e. Phyto-ash:Biogas digestate] are recommended. For biogas digestate, the rates 10–20 t·ha-1 were found more efficient.

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Jean Diatta
Witold Grzebisz
Zbigniew Bzowski
Waldemar Spychalski
Maria Biber
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In the paper presented are definitions of specific indicators of power which characterize the operation of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plant. These quantities have been presented as function of evaporation temperature for selected working fluids of ORC installation. In the paper presented also is the procedure for selection of working fluid with the view of obtaining maximum power. In the procedure of selection of working fluid the mentioned above indicators are of primary importance. In order to obtain maximum power there ought to be selected such working fluids which evaporate close to critical conditions. The value of this indicator increases when evaporation enthalpy decreases and it is known that the latent heat of evaporation decreases with temperature and reaches a value of zero at the critical point.
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Władysław Nowak
Aleksandra Borsukiewicz-Gozdur
Sławomir Wiśniewski
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The aim of the study is to identify the relevant aspects of numerical analysis of impact of projectiles with soft cores into a package composed of thin flexible plies located on the plastic backing. In order to illustrate the problem, normal impact of 7.62 mm TT projectile into an unclamped package comprising 36 plies of Dyneema SB71 supported on the plastic backing was selected. The problem was solved with the use of the finite element method (FEM) with the explicit integration scheme (central difference method) of motion equations in the matrix form. Based on the conducted numerical computations, it was revealed that obtaining the extreme deformations of a projectile soft core and the backing material in Lagrangian description requires employment of adaptive methods. The proposed R-adaptive method performs its role but must be used carefully due to the mass loss which may appear during calculations.

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Andrzej Morka
Piotr Kędzierski
Roman Gieleta

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