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A sediment trap with bamboo materials can be utilized as one alternative of eco-friendly technology to reduce the ero-sion that occurred on agricultural land. This study aims to determine the most efficient form of that sediment trap in the field. Location study is in the Tulungrejo Village, Batu, Indonesia, which has andosol soil type and 35 cases of a landslide in 2013. Three forms of sediment traps were used (square, trapezoidal, and stratified type) with the purpose to find the most effective form. It is obtained that the most effective sediment trap is a stratified form with the 31.91% effectiveness or able to withstand sediment of 25.02 kg, while the adequate number is two pieces with the ability to withstand the most consider-able sediment of (91.70%). Therefore this stratified form of sediment traps is effective in erosion prevention on agriculturalland in the study area. For further development, it is required to test out the variations of the contents in a broader area with a more varied level of the slope.

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Authors and Affiliations

Riyanto Haribowo
Ussy Andawayanti
Rahmah Dara Lufira
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Background: Observing one’s own body has been shown to influence pain perception—a phenomenon called visual analgesia. The effect was originally obtained using a mirror reflection of one’s own hand and later replicated with prosthetic and virtual hands. Most studies show increased pain thresholds during visual analgesia, but the opposite effect can be obtained by inducing ownership illusion over a limb that looks wounded. We tested the hypothesis that a resilient-looking virtual limb would lead to an increased pain threshold.
Methods: Eighty-eight students (Mage = 21.4, SDage = 2.98) participated in a within-group experimental design study (natural hand virtual reality [VR], marble hand VR, and non-VR control). In both VR conditions, a visuo-tactile synchronous stimulation was used to elicit the illusion of embodiment. Pressure pain stimulus was applied to the forearm. Dependent variables were: pressure pain threshold, pain intensity and self-reported embodiment.
Results: There were significant differences between the control condition and the Natural Hand VR (V = 647, p < .0001), and between the control condition and the Marble Hand VR (V = 947.5, p < .005), but not between the Natural Hand and Marble Hand conditions (V = 1428.5, p = .62). Contrary to our predictions, pain threshold was higher in the control condition. Pain intensity differences were not significant.
Conclusions: We obtained a significant effect in the opposite direction than predicted. Such results may mean that the visual analgesia effect is more context-dependent than previously thought. We discuss methodological differences between the paradigm used in this study and paradigms reported in the literature as a possible explanation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Czub
Joanna Piskorz

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Psychologii
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Aerial thermography is performed from a low−cost aerial vehicle, copter type, for the acquisition of data of medium−size areas, such as neighbourhoods, districts or small villages. Thermographic images are registered in a mosaic subsequently used for the generation of a thermographic digital terrain model (DTM). The thermographic DTM can be used with several purposes, from classification of land uses according to their thermal response to the evaluation of the building prints as a function of their energy performance, land and water management. In the particular case of buildings, apart from their individual evaluation and roof inspection, the availability of thermographic information on a DTM allows for the spatial contextualization of the buildings themselves and the general study of the surrounding area for the detection of global effects such as heat islands.

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Authors and Affiliations

S. Lagüela
L. Díaz-Vilariño
D. Roca
H. Lorenzo
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The purpose of the work is to characterise pluvial conditions in central-eastern Poland from the beginning of the 21 st century (2001–2020). The analysis involved seven meteorological stations of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB): Białowieża, Legionowo, Pułtusk, Siedlce, Szepietowo, Terespol and Warsaw. The work contains the analysis of the annual and seasonal atmospheric precipitation pattern (summer, winter, spring and autumn) and its temporal and spatial variation throughout a 20-year period. Moreover, the percentage share of precipitation in each season in the annual sum was calculated. In order to analyse precipitation patterns in the study period, the Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) was applied. The average long-term annual atmospheric precipitation sum ranged from 557 mm at Terespol to 653 mm at Białowieża. The highest seasonal precipitation sum in the studied region was recorded for the summer (218 mm) whereas in spring and autumn, precipitation stayed at a similar level and amounted to 130 and 131 mm, respectively. The lowest precipitation was recorded in winter (109 mm). The highest percentage share of the atmospheric precipitation sum was associated with summer rainfall (from 35 to 38%), whereas the lowest in winter (from 18 to 20%). Comparisons of 2001–2010 and 2011–2020 decades revealed a decline in the share of summer precipitation in the annual sum at most of the stations, and an increase in the share of winter precipitation. The ITA demonstrated that the most significant trends in precipitation change occurred in summer and winter and the directions of the trends were different for each station.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Radzka
Katarzyna Rymuza

  1. University of Siedlce, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, 2 Konarskiego St., 08-110 Siedlce, Poland

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