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This paper presents data on the management of dimension stones in Poland in the period 2011– –2021. The domestic production of rocks suitable for the production of slabs, pitcher and curbs, etc. is estimated and the major varieties of rocks utilized for these purposes are indicated. Data on raw and processed products with regard to imports and exports are presented for crude and roughly worked blocks and slabs, worked dimension stones as well as pitcher, curbs and other road stones. In the first two groups, data is reported separately for:
- marbles, limestones and other carbonate rocks,
- granites,
- sandstones (distinguished as separate category in crude blocks and slabs group),
- other rocks.
Data on the volume of production, imports and exports is utilized for the calculation of the apparent consumption of dimension stone in Poland. The conducted analyses revealed that its volume has been ranging from 1.4 to 1.9 million tons/year in 2013–2021 with the exception of the years 2011–2012 when it reached ca. 2.7 million tons/year. The most important group of rocks utilized in Poland as dimension stones are granites. These originated primarily from domestic deposits but they are also imported from various directions, primarily from the Republic of South Africa and India (crude blocks and slabs), China (worked dimension stones) as well as from Sweden and Norway in 2011–2012 (significant amounts of hydrotechnical stones). A nother significant group of rocks utilized in Poland as dimension stones are sandstones (with a share of imports in total domestic consumption not exceeding 1%) while marbles, limestones and other carbonate rocks are of marginal importance (primarily imported in the form of worked dimension stones from China, the Czech Republic, Italy and Turkey).
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Guzik
Beata Figarska-Warchoł

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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In this work, a novel perspective is proposed to develop schematics solutions for electro-hydraulic positioning actuators. The basis of the design approach has been established, which includes: a set of possible desired properties of actuators; a series of defined typical positioning methods; variants of schematic structures; a quantitative assessment method for specific properties based on influencing factors; the quantitative relationship between the structure and properties of actuators, as well as the method for overall evaluation of the actuator's performance based on the total score. The results obtained can serve as the basis for an effective design approach, which allows for reducing the number of iteration cycles while developing new electro-hydraulic positioning actuator schematic solutions.
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Qiang Li
Oleksandr Uzunov

  1. Department of Fluid Mechanics and Mechatronics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
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Symboliczne dystanse klasowe polegają na kategoryzowaniu zjawisk społecznych: są tym, jak ludzie oceniają i porządkują siebie i innych. Opierając się na danych z badań prowadzonych metodami ilościowymi i jakościowymi próbuję ustalić, w jakiej postaci występują one w społeczeństwie polskim. Wskaźnikami oddziaływania symbolicznych dystansów klasowych na strukturę społeczną są siła zgodności w ocenie prestiżu zawodów i „sprawiedliwych” wynagrodzeń. Z przedstawionej tu analizy wynika, że zjawiska te z niejednakową siłą kształtują hierarchię społeczną. Zgodność między przekonaniami o sprawiedliwych zarobkach jest znacznie silniejsza. Wskazywałoby to na większe przyzwolenie na dystanse kreowane przez sprawiedliwość dystrybucyjną w porównaniu z prestiżem zawodów. Za oddziaływaniem symbolicznych dystansów klasowych na strukturę klasową przemawiają również wypowiedzi respondentów uzyskane metodami jakościowymi.
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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk Domański

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN

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