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Press horoscopes are texts that include prophecies to be interpreted by the reader and adjusted to his or her own individual situation. The structure, vocabulary and syntax of horoscopes are characterized by stereotypy and conventionalism. Therefore, all kinds of linguistic schemata, colloquial expressions, idioms, collocations and proverbs can well be applied. This paper shows the forms and functions of such phrases in German and Polish horoscopes.
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Czesława Schatte
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A previously unexplored 20,000 km2 area comprising the Daryalyk Takyr desert and the lacustrine landscapes of Telikol and Aschykol at the confluence of the Chu, Sarysu and Syr Darya rivers is presented here as object of a threefold geological, archaeological and ethnographic analysis assessing its historical importance. According to paleohydrological reconstructions, synchronous fluvial activity of the three rivers occurred during the Late Pleistocene. In the Holocene, the right branches of the Syr Darya delta were separated from the Chu-Sarysu confluence by alluvial sediments, becoming active only intermittently during undated flood events apparently strong enough to establish an ephemeral lake in the region. Geoarchaeological surveys analyzing surface finds indicate the densest occupation during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age. From medieval to modern times, historical sources attest to the seasonal use of the Telikol region as a pastoral transit between the Syr Darya banks and the steppes of Central Kazakhstan. They are confirmed by ethnographic data about Telikol during its last phase of occupation (1870–1910) illustrating that land use in this area (and, probably, in all semi-desert regions in Kazakhstan) was not governed by property rights but by tribal political compromises between residential and transitory herders, occasionally exposing it to overgrazing.
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Jean-Marc Deom
Renato Sala

  1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, 71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
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The cenospheres are formed during the mineral transformation stage in coal combustion. Their content in fly ashes from the combustion of different types of coals varies over a rather wide range from 0.01 to 35.6 wt.%. The cenospheres has three main elements, silicon, aluminium and iron, the oxides of which account for about 89% of the material. Mineralogical analysis using XRD shows that as-received cenospheres mainly contain mullite and quartz as main mineralogical phases. The size of cenospheres varies between 5 and 500 [...], as the most common dimension is 20-300 [...]. The cenospheres are characterized by a low bulk density (0.2-0.8 g/cm3) and can be easily separated by gravitational methods in the form of a concentrate in aqueous media or collected from a water surface of lagoons intended for storage of ash and slag waste. The unique properties of these hollow microspheres make them amenable for wide applications. For example the cenospheres can be used to produce various lightweight construction products, including lightweight cements and aggregates in lightweight concrete.

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Elżbieta Haustein
Bernard Quant

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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The paper presented here is an attempt to highlight the importance of Andrzej Walicki’s works for the Polish expertise on Dostoevsky. His essay: Dostoevsky and the idea of freedom (1959) was the first fully scientific attempt in Poland to interpret Dostoevsky’s thoughts. Numerous Polish articles and essays devoted to Dostoevsky that preceded Walicki’s paper were not deliberately academic, and substantially departed from the results achieved by Russian researchers. Walicki interprets Dostoevsky as a philosopher that presents his characters as victims of ‘the dialectic of willfulness’: suicides, murderers, supporters of tyranny. Walicki also notices the efforts by the Russian writer to develop some positive ideas. Dostoevsky focused on the faith of the Russian people who had preserved ‘the true Christian element’. The author defines this stance as ‘conservative utopia’.
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Tadeusz Sucharski

  1. Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, ul. Arciszewskiego 22A, 76‑200 Słupsk
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Eight coins (seven medieval and one modern) were found during archaeological rescue excavation on the Main Market Square in Kalisz in 2012. Four coins (including one fragment) are hohlpfennigs, probably all of them are of Polish origin (from Greater Poland?) and date from the thirteenth-fourteenth century. The next three are: a halved penny, perhaps from the end of the thirteenth century, West Pomeranian penny and, probably, a Silesian heller from the fourteenth-fifteenth century. The modern coin is a heavily worn copper shilling by John Casimir (1648–1668).

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Adam Kędzierski
Tadeusz Szczurek

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