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The publication presents a new shooting technique with reduced pressure in venting system for manufacturing foundry cores using inorganic sand mixture with Cordis binder. Traditional technologies for producing casting cores using blowing methods, despite their undeniable advantages, including the ability to produce cores in series, also come with some disadvantages. The primary drawbacks of the process involve uneven compaction structure of the cores, with denser areas primarily located under the blow holes, and under-shooting defects, which often occur in regions away from the blow hole or in increased core cross-sectional areas. In an effort to improve core quality, a concept was developed that involves incorporating a reduced pressure in the core box venting system to support the basic overpressure process. The solutions proposed in the publication with a vacuum method of filling the cavities of multi-chamber core boxes solve a number of technical problems occurring in conventional blowing technologies. It eliminates difficulties associated with evacuating the sand from the chamber to the shooting head and into technological cavity and increases the uniform distribution and initial degree of compacting of grains in the cavity. The additive role of this “underpressure” support is to enhance corebox venting by eliminating 'air cushions' in crevices and structural elements that obstruct the flow of evacuated air. The publication presents the results of studies on core manufacturing using blowing methods conducted in three variants: classic overpressure, utilizing the core box filling phenomenon by reducing pressure, and an integrated approach combining both these methods.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Skrzyński
R. Dańko
G. Dajczer

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Poland
  2. KPR PRODLEW-KRAKÓW Spółka z o.o., Alfreda Dauna 78, 30-629 Krakow, Poland

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