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The prediction of PM2.5 is important for environmental forecasting and air pollution control. In this study, four machine learning methods, ground-based LiDAR data and meteorological data were used to predict the ground-level PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing. Among the four methods, the random forest (RF) method was the most effective in predicting ground-level PM2.5 concentrations. Compared with BP neural network, support vector machine (SVM), and various linear fitting methods, the accuracy of the RF method was superior by 10%. The method can describe the spatial and temporal variation in PM2.5 concentrations under different meteorological conditions, with low root mean square error (RMSE) and mean square deviation (MD), and the consistency index (IA) reached 99.69%. Under different weather conditions, the hourly variation in PM2.5 concentrations has a good descriptive ability. In this paper, we analyzed the weights of input variables in the RF method, constructed a pollution case to correspond to the relationship between input variables and PM2.5, and analyzed the sources of pollutants via HYSPLIT backward trajectory. This method can study the interaction between PM2.5 and air pollution variables, and provide new ideas for preventing and forecasting air pollution.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhiyuan Fang
1 2 3
Hao Yang
1 2 3
Cheng Li
1 2 3
Liangliang Cheng
1 2 3
Ming Zhao
1 2
Chenbo Xie
1 2

  1. Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Optics, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
  2. Science Island Branch of Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026, China
  3. Advanced Laser Technology Laboratory of Anhui Province, Hefei 230037, Chin


This study attempts to find a fuzzy logic system for assessing the quality of water in water treatment plants (WTPs) providing water for irrigation purposes in the Basrah Governorate (South of Iraq). Each month, samples are taken in each of six major WTPs to measure electrical conductivity ( EC), and the content of sodium, magnesium and calcium. The calculated value which is the sodium adsorption ratio ( SAR) is plotted with EC on the Richard diagram. SAR and EC values are combined together in a fuzzy inference system (FIS) to find out a quality number called the fuzzy irrigation water quality index number ( FIWQI) which ranges from zero to one. The higher the value of the index, the better water quality. The Richard diagram, which helps to classify irrigation water, is used to adjust FIS components. Results show that the FIWQI for all WTPs changes depending on location and season. It ranges between 0.114–0.170, 0.120–0.190, 0.114–0.170, 0.114–0.202, 0.118–0.500 and 0.46–0.500 for Al-Bradhaia 1, Al-Jubaila 1, Shatt Al-Arab, Garmmah 1, Al-Rebat, and Old Shauaibah WTPs, respectively. The results indicate that WTPs effluent drawn from the Shatt Al-Arab River has poor water quality for irrigation purposes, except for an Old Shauaibah which receives water from another source called a sweet water canal. FIS results are compared with values obtained from the Richard diagram and 96% degree of compatibility between the two methods is attained. This indicates that FIS is an acceptable method for water quality classification.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ahmed N.A. Hamdan
Zainb A.A. Al Saad
Saad Abu-Alhail

  1. University of Basrah, Engineering College, Civil Engineering Department, Basrah 61004, Iraq

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