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The article discusses the book Roizman. The Ural Robin Hood by Valery Panyushkin (2014). The author of the article points out that the novel, which belongs to a non-fiction literature, contains typical features of a reportage (i.e. the category of a participant and the category of a witness). This book also seems to be taking qualities of a narrative prose. The writer uses virtual reported speech form or presents reality from the perspective of his characters’ awareness. Such a narrative method does not lead Panyushkin to blur the boundary between referentiality and fi ctionality in his book but inclines cognitive skepticism. Neither does it neglect the “truth” of facts, nor does it interpret them, but it indicates various ways of interpreting certain events or phenomena.

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Grzegorz Czerwiński
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Pathways of PCDTs and PCTAs in the environment are discussed. Data on levels of these compounds in various pan of the environment and their possible sources are presented. Finally, the data on biological effects of PCDTs and PCT As based on some preliminary toxicological investigations are given.
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Jacek Czerwiński
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Polychlorinatcd dibenzodioxins and dibcnzofurans (PCDD/Fs) arc present in the air either adsorbed on particulate matter or as vapor (minor part). They arc known to be effective carcinogenic and mutagenie agents. In this study dust samples from Lublin were collected for twelve months and analyzed for PCDD/Fs content. For the analysis of these samples classical extraction with a Soxhlet apparatus, double step clean-up based on SEC and charge-transfer interactions chromatography, and final analysis with GC-MS were applied.
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Aneta Duda
Jacek Czerwiński
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Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans are present in the air either adsorbed on particulate matter or as vapor (minor part). They are most known carcinogens and mutagens. In this study dust samples from Lublin were being collected for 12 months and analyzed for the PCDD/Fs content. For the analysis of these samples classical extraction with Soxhlet apparatus, double step clean-up based on SEC and charge-transfer interactions chromatography, and finally analysis with GC-MS were applied. Results of the determinations were compared with results obtained by other authors.
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Aneta Duda
Jacek Czerwiński
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Mesoscale flows of liquid are of great importance for various nano- and biotechnology applications. Continuum model do not properly capture the physical phenomena related to the diffusion effects, such as Brownian motion. Molecular approach on the other hand, is computationally too expensive to provide information relevant for engineering applications. Hence, the need for a mesoscale approach is apparent. In recent years many mesoscale models have been developed, particularly to study flows of gas. However, mesoscale behaviour of liquid substantially differs from that of gas. This paper presents a numerical study of micro-liquids phenomena by a Voronoi Dissipative Particle Dynamics method. The method has its origin from the material science field and is one of very few numerical techniques which can describe correctly molecular diffusion processes in mesoscale liquids. This paper proves that correct prediction of molecular diffusion effects plays predominant role on the correct prediction of behaviour of immersed structures in the mesoscopic flow.

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J. Czerwińska
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Heroinas et heroas, quos mala fortuna in tragoediis Graecis persequitur, aliae personae scenicae commiserantur, aliae autem spernunt et irrident. Narratur hic, quomodo tales animi passiones quarundam tragoediarum actionem afficiant.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Czerwińska
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The paper concerns the problem of state assignment for finite state machines (FSM), targeting at PAL-based CPLDs implementations. Presented in the paper approach is dedicated to state encoding of fast automata. The main idea is to determine the number of logic levels of the transition function before the state encoding process, and keep the constraints during the process. The number of implicants of every single transition function must be known while assigning states, so elements of two level minimization based on Primary and Secondary Merging Conditions are implemented in the algorithm. The method is based on code length extraction if necessary. In one of the most basic stages of the logic synthesis of sequential devices, the elements referring to constraints of PAL-based CPLDs are taken into account.

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R. Czerwiński
D. Kania
J. Kulisz
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The article attempts to consider issues related to the presence of various language varieties in Croatian literature – general/standard (native and foreign), regional (dialects, regiolects), social (sociolects). Focusing primarily on artistic narrative prose, the author tries to show how the heritage of centuries‑old multilingualism in the culture of Croatia translated into various stylistic phenomena, how it evolves and what consequences it may have not only for the language itself, but also for cultural phenomena. Thanks to this approach, an attempt is made to highlight the circumstances related to the choice of the Shtokavian dialect as the literary language in the 19th century.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Czerwiński

  1. Institute of Slavonic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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A famous Russian folk song, proverbs and sayings about a mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law are the key elements of the analysis of the relations between a son‑in‑law (a younger member of the male family) and a mother‑in‑law (an older member of the female family). This analysis is also based on the etymological data and the author tries to answer the question: what is the hidden relation between the two families the members of whom are married? Many papers have been written on that matter. This article describes this relation as a gradual process of building the indirect connection between the mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law. This is a symmetric/asymmetric relations which only seems to be mutually linked and tied. The emerged and shaped relation attitude direction – from mother‑in‑law to son‑in‑law – is presented here as the act of attracting and repelling. By means of fulfilment and satisfaction it implies the necessity of the adaption but not subordination as well as the hidden favour of the unlimited reproductive power. On the other hand i.e. the direction from the son‑in‑law to mother‑in‑law, the attitude is completely different which means the partial rivalry and repelling attraction. The daughter (from the mother‑in‑law side) and the fiancée/wife (from the son‑in‑law side) is completely out of these relations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The lich‑ root as well as its marginal semantic lines are described here. The description is based upon folk and mythological images and also upon etymologic data, including the meaning of this root and its derivatives in Slavonic languages (chiefly in Russian and Ruthenian). The semantics is labelled as excess (superfluity), insufficiency (lack), harmfulness (damage), dash (Dutch courage) as well as being presented with the semantic signs and forms reflected in words. Presented is the possible semantic mechanism for the development and transition from the initial meanings to newer ones. We explain the logic of the association root in question with the old images of lot and moderation. Future research prospects for the lich‑ root as well as its semantic and morphological derivation are shown. This includes not only literary variants but equally dialectal and regional ones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The well-known Russian door-riddle is the base for an arising of the sense of modelling meaning which is a part of this riddle. The components of these riddles are to describe the ethnocultural senses based upon five foundations. These foundations are reflected in: a) numbers and their mutual relations (from 8 to 1 while guessing), b) the door geometry which is reflected in the riddle, c) the static and dynamic positions at the door ( стоять/stay, лежать/lay, ходить/walk, водить/move etc.), d) the predicates that refer to the door and that are manifested by the door, e) the directions of the movement mapped out by the door and being the result of the predicates. The analysis based on these parameters helps the author to draw conclusions on the conceptological and linguistic-cultural marking of traditional folk texts (the riddle refers to them) and the images bound to these texts. These conclusions also refer to the belle-lettres. These images being parts of these texts are transferred via constant/loose word relations of an evaluative character retained in views and via the contextual background.
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Apresyan V.Yu., Rakhilina, E.V., Dve storony fasadnosti: dveri i okna, «Trudy Instituta russkogo yazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova» 2020, № 24.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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This paper is an attempt to devise a conceptual paradigm for the semantic relations in the meaning of words in various Slavonic languages and in some of their dialects. The source material are the data contained in The Etymological Dictionary of the Slavonic Languages. The Pre‐Slavonic Lexical Source – 20<sup>th</sup> edition by O.N. Trubachov, Moscow: Nauka, 1994. These data are the starting point to present the two basic features in the form of the meaning dyad of the common root mьrz‐ > * morz‐. The first element of this dyad assumes the meaning of ‘cold, cool, frost’ as the outer conditions of its weather, nature character (the A feature) while the second element assumes the disgust, rejection as the relation (the B feature). Both these features and their mutual relations are described here with regard to the division of their levels and sublevels of meaning as well as with regard to the various shades of these meanings in creating a system. This system is the base of the nomination correlation presented in the paper. Gradually the signs arise, and they take part in the creation of the projections mentioned in the paper’s title. These signs refer to subject, object, object‐person, object‐thing, space, action, feature‐properties (attributive), features‐quality (characteristics) observed outside and felt inside.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The landfill gas (LFG), produced during decomposition of the organic fraction of waste is a major source of air pollutants. It consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, but also contains additional gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and a large number of trace components. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, terpenes and siloxanes belong to this group. This work presents the results of field studies concerning the concentration of over fifty non-methane organic compounds in municipal solid waste landfill gas. The sites examined were located in the Middle East macroregion of Poland. The landfills were different in the respect to size, morphology, and age of stored waste. The results reveal that the highest concentrations of the majority of the examined compounds were observed in gas released from the largest landfill at which the waste was not pre-treated prior to deposition. Concentrations often exceeded those found in the literature data. Deposition of waste after separation of biofraction and recyclable materials significantly decreased concentrations of the majority of NMOCs in the LFG.
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Małgorzata Pawłowska
Jacek Czerwiński
Witold Stępniewski
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The aim of the paper is to present the implementation of a PLC designed in the form of a System-on-a-Chip. The presented PLC is compatible with the IEC61131‒3 standard. More precisely, the Instruction List language is the native language of the designed CPU, so there is no need for multiple language transformations. In the proposed solution each instruction of the CPU program written in Instruction List is directly translated to machine code. The designed CPU is capable of performing logic operations up to 32-bit Boolean data types. However, the developed CPU is very flexible due to its architecture: data memory can be addressed as bit/byte/word/dword. Moreover, diverse blocks such as timers, counters, and hardware acceleration blocks, can be connected to the CPU by means of an APB AMBA bus. The designed PLC has been implemented in an FPGA device and can be used in cyber-physical systems and Industry 4.0.

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P. Mazur
R. Czerwinski
M. Chmiel
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The aim of this paper is to determine the conceptual system of the Silesian mythological beliefs that is reflected in the names of demonic figures. These names are not only typical for the region of Silesia but they often refer to other parts of Poland (close or further to/from Silesia). The paper deals with the names of the figures and with their meanings. These meanings are the starting point to determine the features which are helpful for describing figures (and the set of their characteristic features) and for the presentation of the whole conceptual system. The fundamental elements of this system are the four basic categories – spatial locations, outward appearance, functional features (typical actions and roles) and harmfulness/harmlessness to a man. All the features of the demonic figures are presented here according to the levels being the manifestations and projections of these four basic categories.
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Алексеев, А.В. 2019. Ускользающий «топос»: К вопросу о содержании понятия и пределах его применимости. In М.В. Ильин (ed.), Метод: Московский ежегодник трудов из обществоведческих дисциплин, вып. 9: Методологические аспекты трансдисциплинарного трансфера знаний, 98-113. Москва: [б.и.].
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

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