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It was long believed that RNA was a molecule specialized in transmitting information from DNA to proteins. However, in recent years scientists have been discovering hitherto unknown complexities of RNA.
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Witold Filipowicz
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We talk to Prof. Stanisław Filipowicz, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, about the significance of truth, the role of fiction, the consequences of living in a culture of excess, and the crisis of democracy.

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Stanisław Filipowicz
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Will intellectual dignity and the ideal of knowledge ever lose their importance as values?
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz

  1. Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw
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Długo sądzono, że RNA to cząsteczka wyspecjalizowana w przenoszeniu informacji z DNA na białko. Stosunkowo niedawno naukowcy odkryli, jak bardzo złożony jest świat RNA
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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Filipowicz
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There are 40 coal mines in Poland now. One of them (coal mine “Bogdanka”) is situated in Lublin Coal Basin, other are localised in Silesia and Małopolska regions. Coal mining is a source of large amounts of wastes. Mean annual production of wastes in only Lublin Coal Basin exceeds 2 million Mg, 65% of which is disposed on a heap. The rest is used to restore opencast excavations, to construct and repair local roads and to produce building materials. It seems that large amount of these wastes could be used to construct or modernize flood embankments and dykes. Using mine wastes as building materials requires the knowledge of their geotechnical parameters. A characteristic feature of mine wastes is their gradual weathering which affects geotechnical parameters largely determined by their mineral and petrographic composition.

This paper describes analyses of geotechnical parameters of mine wastes from Lublin Coal Basin (heap near coal mine “Bogdanka”) of various storage times and of samples collected after 10 years of exploitation of a dyke between ponds made of these wastes at the break of 1993 and 1994. Detailed analyses involved: grain size distribution, natural and optimum moisture content, maximum dry den-sity, shear strength and coefficient of permeability. Obtained results were compared with literature data pertaining to mine wastes from Upper Silesian Coal Basin and from other European coal basins.

Performed studies showed that coal mining wastes produced in Lublin Coal Basin significantly differed in the grain size distribution from wastes originating from Upper Silesian Coal Basin and that weathering proceeded in a different way in wastes produced in both sites.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Filipowicz
Magdalena Borys
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The implementation of micro scale combined heat and power systems is one of the ways to improve the energy security of consumers. In fact, there are many available large and medium scale cogeneration units, which operate according to the Rankine Cycle. Due to European Union demands in the field of using renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency result in the importance of additionally developing systems dedicated for use in residential buildings, farms, schools and other facilities. This paper shows the concept of introducing thermoelectric generators into typical wood stoves: steel plate wood stoves and accumulative wood stoves. Electricity generated in thermoelectric generators (there were studies on both three market available units and a prototypical unit developed by the authors) may be firstly consumed by the system (to power controller, actuators, fans, pumps, etc.). Additional power (if available) may be stored in batteries and then used to power home appliances (light, small electronics and others). It should be noted that commercially available thermoelectric generators are not matched for domestic heating devices – the main problems are connected with an insufficient heat flux transmitted from the stove to the hot side of the generator (caused e.g. by the non -homogeneous temperature distribution of the surface and bad contact between the stove and the generator) and inefficient cooling. To ensure the high efficiency of micro cogeneration systems, developing a dedicated construction both of the generator and the heat source is necessary.

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Krzysztof Sornek
Mariusz Filipowicz
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Straw-fired batch boilers, due to their relatively simple structure and low operating costs, are an excellent source of heat for a wide range of applications. A concept prototype of a cogeneration system with a straw-fired batch boiler was developed. The basic assumptions were based on the principles of the Rankine Cycle and the Organic Rankine Cycle systems with certain design modifications. Using the prototype design of a system that collects high-temperature heat from the boiler, studies were performed. The studies involved an analysis of the flue gas temperature distribution in the area of the oil exchanger, a comparison of the instantaneous power of the boiler’s water and oil circuits for different modes of operation, as well as an analysis of the flue gas. In the proposed system configuration where the electricity production supplements heat generation, the power in the oil circuit may be maintained at a constant level of approx. 20-30 kW. This is possible provided that an automatic fuel supply system is applied. Assuming that the efficiency of the electricity generation system is not less than 10%, it will be possible to generate 2-3 kW of electricity. This value will be sufficient, for an on-site operation of the boiler.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Sornek
Mariusz Filipowicz
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This article describes queueing systems and queueing networks which are successfully used for performance analysis of different systems such as computer, communications, transportation networks and manufacturing. It incorporates classical Markovian systems with exponential service times and a Poisson arrival process, and queueing systems with individual service. Oscillating queueing systems and queueing systems with Cox and Weibull service time distribution as examples of non-Markovian systems are studied. Jackson's, Kelly's and BCMP networks are also briefly characterized. The model of Fork-Join systems applied to parallel processing analysis and the FES approximation making possible of Fork-Join analysis is also presented. Various types of blocking representing the systems with limited resources are briefly described. In addition, examples of queueing theory applications are given. The application of closed BCMP networks in the health care area and performance evaluation of the information system is presented. In recent years the application of queueing systems and queueing networks to modelling of human performance arouses researchers' interest. Hence, in this paper an architecture called the Queueing Network-Model Human Processor is presented.

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Authors and Affiliations

B. Filipowicz
J. Kwiecień

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
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The article confronts key notions framing our understanding of modernity, such as rationality, knowledge, freedom and democracy, opening the space of a critical interpretation undermining the superficial take on modernity as an embodiment of integrity, putting together the noble principles of knowledge and liberty. Drawing on the thought of Max Weber, exploring the symbolism of his metaphor of “iron cage of rationality”, the article emphasizes a paradoxical sense of the experience of modernity. In concluding statements it defies and calls into question a standard reading of democracy, viewed as an embodiment of freedom and rational self-definition.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
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The article, drawing on the tradition of Frankfurt School, brings to the focus a great paradox of the Enlightenment – a hidden affinity of rationality and mythology. Noticing the phenomenon of great enthusiasm, underlying the message of the Enlightenment, it tries to pin down the starting point of a new scientistic eschatology – bringing to life a mirage of unending prosperity and unlimited profusion, following the advances of science. The idea of accumulation of knowledge is approached as a pivot of a new mythology. At the same time, putting light on the notion of “cognition industry”, the article offers critical insights tracing an inevitable erosion of high-minded dreams and expectations. Cognition industry is studied as a machinery turning up-side down the hopes of the Enlightenment – protecting the interests of instrumental rationality, and replacing the ideal of getting at the truth with the mechanism putting in motion the “production” of truth, operating in a domain of narrowly calibrated utility.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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O znaczeniu prawdy, roli fikcji i skutkach życia w kulturze nadmiaru oraz o kryzysie demokracji mówi prof. dr hab. Stanisław Filipowicz, wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
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Czy godność myślenia i idea poznania są wartościami, które nigdy nie utracą swojej wagi?
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz

  1. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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