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In this text, I argue that sociology can only really understand the social impact of marketing by theorizing it as a powerful system of practices legitimized by a comprehensive cultural concept. In the first section, I discuss the specific time and place of the birth of marketing. In the second part, I discuss the essence of that truly Copernican revolution (Keith 1960). In the third section, I present the ‘need-related’ industry that emerged in the frame of the founding idea. Finally, I discuss a basic marketing tool: segmentation. Selecting the target group for a branded offer is one of the key marketing commandments and reaching that group is the key marketing task. Hence, marketing engages in (re) creating and bringing to light target groups, which it then supports, talks with, and listens to. This means that marketing has taken the role of advocating and mediating groups’ existence (Latour 2005), engaging in this task over one trillion US dollars annually.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Giza

  1. Wydział Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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W artykule podejmuję problem podwójnego zerwania więzi między uczestnikami życia społecznego a „społeczeństwem” jako przedmiotem badań socjologii. Uruchomiony w ten sposób proces narastania przepaści między potoczną samowiedzą społeczną a wiedzą naukową spełnia definicyjne cechy „alienacji”, rozumianej zgodnie z tradycją marksowską jako proces, w którym podmiot traci kontrolę nad wytworami swojej działalności i/lub elementami własnej podmiotowości, które jawią mu się jako zewnętrzne i obce. W artykule chcę argumentować na rzecz tezy, że alienacja wiedzy jest główną przyczyną coraz bardziej widocznego kryzysu społecznego, wyrażającego się spadkiem poparcia dla demokracji, wzrostem popularności partii prawicowych, ruchami antynaukowymi czy nasilaniem się populizmu.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Giza

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Higher education system in Poland has undergone in the years 1989–2020 the process of profound changes. The logic and the philosophy of the reforms of the Polish HEI have stayed in the broad frame of New Public Management, thus being convergent with the public policies addressed to academic institutions in US and Europe (Ferlie, Musselin, Andresani 2008). The circumstances of implementing the NPM driven reforms were, however, very specific in Poland: on the one hand, the modernization of the HE institutions took place in the context of the profound, wholistic systemic transformation. On the other, Polish academia entered the new era with the resources, habits and traditions that had been shaped by the past experiences. The paper is the case study of the Polish HEI after 1989. I aim to identify the processes and mechanisms that have been put into motion by the solutions and regulations adopted by the public authorities – privatization, performance based funding and decentralization in the first place. In the frame of NPM, public authorities supersede planning by steering via setting the boundary conditions and payoffs matrix in such a way as to encourage – or make rational – to move in a certain, desired direction. I argue this kind of steering resulted in many negative externalities, including instrumentalization of the HEI missions and erosion of the academic ethos.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Giza

  1. Wydział Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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